Saying the quiet part out loud.
Democrats keep arguing that they’re making some sort of larger pitch about elections for the sake of democracy, not just their party, even though they very obviously equate the two. And now House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn actually came out and said it clear as day.
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said in an interview that he is worried about losing the House in 2022 and “losing this democracy,” saying that is the reason why he is pushing so much for Democrats’ voting rights legislation.
“I’m worried about losing the House. I’m worried about losing this democracy. That’s why I’m fighting as hard as I can for this voting rights bill, because we are teetering on the edge of losing this democracy,” Clyburn told Greta Van Susteren in an interview to be aired on Sunday.
“I’m worried about losing the House. I’m worried about losing this democracy.
Does it get more blatant than this?
When Democrats win, democracy wins. When Democrats lose, democracy loses. Every time Democrats talk about democracy being threatened, they mean their party, their movement, and their power.
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