What happens when the guy in the White House is out to lunch? The lefties grab power and some Democrat moderates grab it back. There’s no way to settle the fight and there’s no one in charge. Meanwhile the media tries to explain why Biden is out to lunch.
“President Biden has kept a public distance from Hill fights that’ll help define his legacy, based on confidence that Dems will ultimately be with him despite bucking and bellyaching.”
1. He’s kept his public distance because he’s sure he’ll win
2. He’s kept his public distance because he has no influence, no one on the Hill cares what he has to say, and he’s out to lunch.
Pick one.
The extended fight just spotlights the power vacuum. When the White House is extraordinarily weak and unfocused, the party factions fight for power. The AOC crowd stepped up its aggression because there was nothing holding it back. Moderates fought back and there’s no one to referee the fight. Pelosi is on her way out and is a captive of lefty donors. Schumer is terrified of an AOC primary challenge. Neither of them are serious party leaders because they’re weak. And Biden is the weakest player of them all.
Biden isn’t keeping a “public distance”. He’s unable to play the game because his handlers won’t let him. And they won’t let him because he has poor self-control and worse judgement. But even if they did, no one has any reason to take Biden seriously. The guy who lets his people decide when he can answer questions and who appears worse for the wear every month is in no shape to be a power broker.
It’s not just America’s enemies who are exploiting the Biden power vacuum. Biden’s own party is being torn apart by the black hole of his uselessness.
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