It’s what happens when an unqualified egomaniac with definite paranoid tendencies sets up shop as an executive while reflexively shutting everyone else out and trying to govern unilaterally accompanied only by a coterie of campaign volunteers who tell him he’s always right.
And then before you know it, his own party has lost Congress and its surviving Senators have to find out his plans from his propaganda cable news network.
“I actually had a senator–and it happens quite a few times where senators will call us saying, what are you hearing over at the White House? What are they thinking on this bill?” Scarborough said. “I’ll go, are you kidding me?”
“I’ve had those conversations…” Todd said.
The distance between the president and senior Democratic leaders on the Hill is not a recent development, Scarborough said.
“One of the things that we’ve all heard from so many people–and it wasn’t like six years in–it was like two months in from the most senior Democrats–senators, on the Hill–‘He never calls; he never talks to us,’” Scarborough said.
Why would he? Obama decided that he was made emperor. He doesn’t want to waste his time talking to a bunch of sellout senators who challenge his authority. He just uses his phone and pen to command his army of bureaucrats to oppress the peasants.
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