Biden’s hijacking of the 4th of July into a “Day of Resilience” would be bad enough if the party of lockdowns hadn’t mismanaged the whole disaster locally, exploiting it to rig elections and wreck the economy, before getting into office and doing a victory dance over vaccines generated by the Trump administration.
The 4th reopening though has been ignored by most people.
Very few Americans were in lockdown mode long before the summer of 2021. The number who still are is vanishingly small. No one was waiting for Biden to sign off on their summer. And polls show that Americans are increasingly worried more about violent crime than COVID.
The hijacking is not only obscene, it’s a political misfire by the same party that, not all that long ago, was accusing people of being murderers for going to the beach.
While Biden is touting a reopening that already happened, the crucial part of the blockage is still coming from teachers’ unions who are back to issuing insane demands, like insisting that all schoolchildren be vaccinated or wear masks.
The education unions were a huge part of the economic disaster that hit working-class families. And they were part of the reason why President Trump performed better with minorities in 2020 than he had in 2016.
Biden is unable and unwilling to try to rein in the union of four hundred thousand thieves who will go on trying to take public education hostage. And without being able to assure parents that their children will be back in school for another year, his reopening routine is especially phony.
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