Since the disastrous (for the Democrats) elections and the even more disastrous poll numbers, the Biden administration and the party should be rethinking things.
One of the great strengths of the Left is its flexibility. Like a virus, it adapts, infiltrates, changes its stripes, makes its message sound new, exploits existing events, and takes over. But with its conviction (much like that of their Islamic allies) that victory means the end of history, it keeps failing to realize that its grand new schemes are built on a house of cards.
One of the many lessons of Virginia is that the cards are shifting.
Democrats lost the culture wars, but they also got pinned down on the economy. They were drubbed in rural areas and with non-college educated whites, but they also lost independents in the suburbs. And two issues that worked so well for Democrats last year — the coronavirus and Donald Trump — no longer resonated as much with voters.
Democrats haven’t lost the culture wars, that’s media messaging. The Dems initiated and kept the culture wars going. And they overreached. Had they not overreached, Republicans, who aren’t any good at this kind of fight, would have made little headway there.
The Democrats had bet hard on Orange Man Bad and COVID-19. It was a good enough bet in 2020. A really good bet. But assuming that what was a good bet in 2020 would still be a good bet in 2021 is a typical end of history fallacy.
When lefties identify a winning strategy, they begin treating it as a permanent phenomenon and then building everything around a Year Zero and End of History analysis. Whether it’s demographic replacement, generational change, changing sexual mores, changing gender roles, the assumption is that the transformation will user in a new phase in history that they will control. And while all of these areas have provided the Left with advantages, they’ve all had pros and cons that have undermined them in unexpected ways, most recently with Latino voters.
History doesn’t actually end. And changing the board isn’t the same as controlling the game.
The Democrats are facing the reality that history didn’t end in 2020 and what worked last year may no longer work this year, let alone in 2022 and 2024.
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