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I’ve said this before, so forgive me for repeating myself, but some things bear repeating. Every Saturday morning, I am on WABC radio in New York with James Golden, AKA Bo Snerdley from the Rush Limbaugh Show, from 7-8 a.m. He’s a good friend, and we always have fun. I made a point about the left and Adolf Hitler that I’d made before, just not to James, and he insisted I write about it. Who am I to argue with a legend, especially when that legend put you on the correct radar to eventually become the last new guest host for Radio’s Greatest of All Time, Rush Limbaugh? So when Bo says something, I listen.
Since the year 2000 (and possibly before, but definitely after), Democrats have been engaged in the despicable game of calling everyone they view as a threat or obstacle to their agenda “Hitler,” “Hitler-like,” “Worse than Hitler,” etc., etc. They do this because it’s easy, without concern that it’s insulting to Hitler’s victims or a complete lie, a bastardization of history. What is that last part about? Well, I’ll explain.
Hitler was a fascist, obviously, and a totalitarian. Somewhere along the line, these characteristics have become ascribed to the political right, or as they love to say nowadays, “The extreme right.” But it’s not true, not even close. There is no such thing as a “right-wing strongman.” Simply put, every single dictator is of the left. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim, Amin, and everyone else you can think of are people of the political left, plain and simple.
I know this cuts against everything you’ve heard in the media, and if you’re under 40, it probably goes against everything you were taught in school. But, to put it mildly, you were lied to.
First off, socialism, fascism, and communism are all very similar – they advocate different ways for the government to grow and “give” people things. Communists provided people with everything they deemed the people needed, for example, and everyone had to “contribute” by working for essentially slave wages. There was a thin veil of economic transactions, but the government all ultimately controlled them. Fascism and socialism are the same way, just slightly different methodologies.
They also all have tens of millions of dead bodies in their wake – the elimination of opposition is a cornerstone of all of them. Those who weren’t killed were imprisoned because why not? They had to go, but some people would cause more problems as dead martyrs than living but inaccessible ones.
Yes, these groups fought amongst each other, but really only for control. They all believed themselves to be the true heirs to Marx and wanted to be the ones to lead the people to Utopia. The irony of them killing each other over this was utterly lost on them.
So, now we get to the real point at which the argument is made about how all of these evil ideologies are of the left, and it’s pretty simple.
Progressive is the left, conservative is the right, OK? Progressives want a bigger government that does more, and with a bigger government doing more individual liberty necessarily shrinks. Conservatives want smaller government, limited by the Constitution, and more individual liberty. It stands to reason that the further you go down the progressive direction, the bigger and stronger the government gets, just the opposite for the conservative side.
The natural end of the road for progressives is absolute power, a totalitarian regime imposing its will on the people, whether they like it or not. It’s a disaster, always, and the average person suffers greatly, but they suffer equally. It’s equity on display. Of course, that suffering never makes it to the top – as Soviet citizens starved, Stalin and his pals were fat. While North Koreans ate dirt, every leader in the Kim family was obese. It holds for almost all of them.
Now, the logical end for the conservative side of the horizon is anarchy. The further you go down the right, the smaller the government becomes and the more personal liberty there is. The end of that is no government at all, the opposite of the left.
But to hear the Democrat/MSNBC brain trust tell it, as you work your way down the right side, as government power shrinks, there is a magical point at which it somehow spikes back up to be all-powerful, and that’s where Hitler and every other of these monsters somehow lived. It doesn’t make any sense, but they also know people have been conditioned by a horrible left-wing public education system not to understand politics or history and to believe what they hear from “journalists” on TV, so it sticks. It only sticks with stupid people, but there are enough of them to fuel a movement.
When you point out that the Nazis were literally the “National Socialist German Workers Party,” they don’t get how nothing about that is conservative. That they advocated for a great many of the policies Democrats did and do doesn’t matter either. The concepts of “equity” (meaning the same outcome, not the same opportunity – finish line vs. level playing field) and critical race theory being used as means of division and control are lost on them. They simply obey.
The left, everywhere it exists in the world, demands obedience; they insist on conformity of thought. You wear whatever you want, screw whoever you want, but you’d better think only what is acceptable or else. It is the new slavery, and people don’t even realize it.
The public is too busy being told war is peace, crime is harmony, men are women, and more. That so many people swallow this insanity unquestioningly is a testament to just how far those cancerous ideologies have metastasized into our culture and how deeply we have to cut them out.
That fight starts by acknowledging the reality that Hitler and every other of history’s greatest monsters in the modern world were wholly and firmly on the left. Once you open yourself up to that, you see what Joe Biden and this current crop of Democrats are attempting to do (not just to Donald Trump but to everyone who stands in their way – how many times has Ron DeSantis been called Hitler already or Tim Scott an Uncle Tom?) in a completely different, but accurate light.
Prior to Hilter and Stalin invading Poland, the Nasi & Democrat party were passing love-notes under the desk (especially involving eugenics).
The Nazi party was new & got ideas from the Democrat party.
Until Hilter invaded Russia, the two forms of socialism were cooperating together. (Soviet propaganda was forbidden to describe Nazis as fascists, etc)
As Hilter became the most hated man on earth, Democrat leadership found their previous exchanges with the Nazis embarrassing, so they cast the left-wing Nazis as “far right”.
A compliant press & academia helped ’em pull it off.
At the time of the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact, virtually all American newspaper and radio pundits said they saw it coming, that the socialist, totalitarian states had everything in common,and few or no shared interests with the western democracies. It was only when one of the scorpions in the bottle attacked the other that there was a rearrangement of alliances.
BTW Derek mentions rather casually that we are constantly being told that men are women, and expected to take it as truth. I believe this propagandizing is at the heart of the internal campaign to destroy the USA. If ordinary citizens can be made to accept such a blatant lie, even to mouth it themselves, then which untruth is a step too far for them? The answer is none. The fight against normalizing transsexualism is a hill to die on.
I remember a political cartoon that depicted Stalin & Hitler walking together, each hiding a revolver behind their backs. (It came out after they entered the pact together.)
That factoid proves your point.
The political spectrum starts at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and moves left from there.
I discovered that Nazi was short for National Socialist only a few years ago. Once I learned that everything suddenly clicked into place. I now tell everyone that mentions right wing Nazis what it stands for and can only hope that they also see the truth.
Great article thanks.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP = NAZI for sort
The Democrats always tend to ignore the U.S. Constitution until it suited their needs like with the 25th Amendment about Impeachment now its real time to bring up Impeachment of Biden and Harris and their entire cabinet
All modern despots use the described structure, of course: a beautiful promise/dream for the masses at some point in the future, while concentrating power into the hands of a few in the present – permanently if possible.
Meanwhile they create crisis with food, fuel or pandemics (NWO perhaps?) so that the public will give up their immediate freedoms for a promised improvement – but the latter never comes. Sound familiar? This is the only viable approach now to get full control, with the numbers of people now in modern countries, and the Marxists have perfected their version of it beyond all others. The twisting of good words and terms to mean bad things is another specialty – “Liberal” and even “Democracy” are great examples – they are the opposite. Identify, label, and hammer any opposition as demons doing exactly what they are really doing, is another.
These are all part of the neurolinguistic techniques, once control over media is also achieved, augmented by the use of Hammer and Scorecard vote switching created by DM for the Agency in the imminently hackable voting machines (Dominion, owned by a Chinese since before 2020 elections anyone?) that are still being used in 31 States here with McConnell’s protection, that creates the creeping octopus of control we are being slowly strangled with here in America.
The pretense that our dictators were “Right” when actually they were clearly and blatantly “Left” is one of the many clever deceits of our dear Marxists. Can someone explain why the sleepy Republicans allowed themselves to become Red, when Americans associated Red China with Communism, when the Dems were Red in our childhood? We were all Dems back then – JFK would not recognize what they are now. Republicans are naturally Blue, but also clumsy playing the game of power, except in corporate boards. Real power is ultimately political and with those who control the barrel of the guns, as Mao reminded us – Establishment Republicans still want to play by Marquis de Queensbury rules with boxing gloves, while the now Marxist trained Dems are using Alinsky and AR-15’s.
Can someone get serious about cleaning up the crooked ballot manipulation now pervasive?. It is already late for 2024, which might be our last semi-free election. – A disgusted 3 tour Combat Vet
you can actually quote Hitler and Mussolini’s policies to demonrats and they will agree, until you tell them who actually said it.
As the world argues that men can be women… the world also argues that communism is the threat… <<< Wrong!!!
Fascism is the threat… and the world will be led by fascism… Islamofascism. With Ten Kings/Leaders of the world being given authority and paying homage to the Antichrist Caliph/Mahdi…
Communism is dead…
This should help – a picture is worth a thousand words:
Jonah Goldberg spelled this out in his book:
Actually Glenn Beck did on one of his early white board monologues.
In America, the “Right” consists of those who place Individual Liberty as their first principle. It consists of Liberals, Conservatives, and Libertarians. These are all “Classical Liberals” who believe in the rule of law, political equality (one person, one vote) and in protecting the ultimate minority … the individual with the individual’s right to life, liberty, and property, among other things. Until somewhat recently in our history, this was all that existed in America, each element advocating for how best to achieve the goals of civil society within an agreed upon framework, the Constitution. The Left, a collectivist, utopian grouping, has invaded America. They consist of all the authoritarian “isms:” Fascism, Socialism, Communism, National Socialism, Marxism, Jacobin, Bolshevik, Maoism, Fabian Socialism, Democratic Socialism, and collectivist groups of all stripes, such as white supremacists. They believe in ends justifying the means. Their values are antithetical to America and will do anything to win. There is no means of compromise between the American right and left. We have irreconcilable differences.
Hitler was bad there’s no doubt’s but Mao was far worse and Stalin as well whom FDR called Uncle Joe the facts are hat Mao was bigger Mass Murderer and braindead liberals suck up to him Castro and Che were Americas Worse Enemies and Meanwhile Liberal pinheads with sawdust for Brains Gush all over about Che and wear Che T-Shirts if they knew about him and Castros plans to Bomb Macys Store during the Holidays back then they would burn the T-Shirts
Hitler was the single worst individual in modern times, not because he murdered the most people, he did not, but because had he won the war he would have eliminated every Jew in the world and erased all evidence of the existence of Judaism. Like-minded monsters still exist today, they are the cowards who proudly display swastikas and call for the genocide of the Jewish people. So Hitler’s legacy lives on, along with that of his colleague in crime, Haman. May savages such as those two reprobates and their ilk be remembered, if only to serve as an example of what civilized people do not do.
He was also a Vegan
The concept of Socialism can be traced back as far as Plato (Republic 360 BC) and probably goes much further back than that.
The problem goes back to the origins of the modern usage of “right” and “left” in regards to politics. During the French Revolution, the supporters of King Louis XVI sat to his right, and his opponents sat to his left in the National Assembly. Those “Leftists” were basically identical to today’s left, but the “Right” from that time were not similar to what has been called the “right” in America, i.e., the supporters of the principles of Jefferson and Madison, and this opens the door to endless confusion, to the delight of the leftist manipulators. The best thing (if possible) would be to abandon these useless labels altogether and address the specific issues.
Once of the first rules of Dictators is to Disarm the People then they can be rounded up into Concentration Camps/Gulags