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“Trans Minors Protected from Parents Under Washington Law,” the Associated Press headlined its story. A short time later the story had officially been “withdrawn” by the AP.
Withdrawing the story however didn’t change the facts.
Washington Senate Bill 5599, titled, “Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services”, allows shelters where a child runaway shows up not to notify his or her parents. While normally, unless a child were suffering “abuse or neglect”, the shelter would be obligated to inform the parents between 24 and 72 hours after arrival. The new law adds minors getting abortions and transgender treatments as “compelling reasons” not to notify their parents.
Once a child is listed as transgender, the parents are automatically treated as abusers.
Instead of contacting a child’s parents, the system will contact Washington’s child services department essentially claiming automatic state custody of any children classified as transgender. This measure follows on the heels of school policies where children are encouraged to imagine they’re another gender without telling their parents and shelter systems in the state that have refused to disclose information about minors to their families.
Laws like this not only violate family bonds for political reasons on the level of some of the worst totalitarian regimes in the world, they’re a bonanza to actual abusers who use social media to lure teenagers into running away. Senate Bill 5599 makes Washington a magnet for teenage runaways and sexual predators. That’s not surprising in a state where Seattle Mayor Ed Murray only resigned after being accused of sexually abusing five teenage boys.
Equal Rights Washington, one of the pressure groups behind the transgender child kidnapping bill, had been one of Murray’s biggest backers. After five men came forward to accuse the gay rights advocate of sexually assaulting them, Monisha Harrell, ERW’s chairwoman and a niece of the current Seattle mayor, expressed “sadness for the loss of a leader who has put himself on the front line of many of these causes that have been so important to us.”
There was no mention of any sadness for the young men her ally had assaulted, including Delvonn Heckard, a black man who had become addicted to drugs as a teenager when Murray was exploiting him, who was found dead a year after Murray’s resignation.
Even with five accusers, the ERW’s Monisha suggested that Muiray could win a write-in election because, “there might be people who will support him because they feel he was wronged, and that it will feel like righting a wrong.”
Equal Rights Washington and its transgender child kidnapping bill are not concerned with protecting children, just enabling their abusers, the way they did with Ed Murray.
The correct name for Senate Bill 5599 ought to be the Ed Murray Child Abduction Bill because that is the primary function that it serves. Washington State was not only the stalking ground for Ed Murray, it’s been the epicenter of some of the most aggressive child kidnapping measures.
Children can begin receiving “gender-affirming care” and admit themselves without parental consent in Washington beginning at the age of 13. Health insurance companies are not allowed to tell their parents about any medical procedures involving “gender affirming care”.
The same “shelter” program being empowered by the Ed Murray Child Abduction Bill already allows thirteen-year olds with stable loving families to check themselves into shelters.
And those parents who try to fight the mutilation of their children face serious consequences.
One parent, told that if he did not consent to transgender child mutilation would lose custody of his son to the state, took him and fled Washington. And he was far from the only one.
Through this bill and a previous one from last year, Washington’s social services system is effectively able to take custody and make medical decisions on behalf of a minor without parental consent. The system is able to bypass even the facade of custody hearings and accusations of abuse aimed at the parents for children that attract the political predators.
Gov. Inslee and Democrats have claimed that this is about dealing with a homeless crisis, but Washington Senate Bill 5599 specifically classifies Democrat policy priorities, abortion and transgender sexual mutilation, as the “protected health care services” they’re exempting.
Washington’s transgender child kidnapping bill follows in the footsteps of California’s Senate Bill 107. SB 107 was promoted by State Senator Scott Weiner, who had previously made national headlines for empowering judges to keep those guilty of “illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age” off the sex offender registry.
None of this sexually abusive behavior is too surprising in a state that still venerates Harvey Milk: a California Democrat who supported Jim Jones and lured teenage runaways.
As the Alliance Defending Freedom argued, “SB 107 violates parental rights protected by the U.S. Constitution by giving California courts the ability to strip parents who reside in another state of their parental rights if their child travels to California to obtain gender transition procedures—including harmful puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries. It also denies parents the right to have access to their child’s medical information.”
Despite SB 107’s unconstitutional nature, 19 other Democrat states have introduced similar “transgender sanctuary bills”. Similar to sanctuary states for illegal aliens, child grooming and mutilation advocates hope to turn blue states into areas outside federal law. Much as sanctuary states for illegal aliens have led to a sizable death toll from crime, mass shootings and drunk driving, turning blue states into magnets for child grooming and sexual mutilation will cost lives.
While some trade conspiracy theories about underground networks, Democrats, backed by major donors, are putting into place a child kidnapping network encompassing half the country.
The network operates under the guise of “protecting” children from their parents. But that is how child groomers always operate. They claim that they understand teenagers when their parents don’t. They insinuate themselves into their confidence, win their trust and then manipulate them.
But what had been the practice of a handful of deviant men is now the government policy of entire states implemented by massive social services networks, clinicians and therapists.
As the rates of teenage depression and suicides increase, the Democrats are rushing to take advantage of troubled teens, manipulating them into joining its political cults and servicing its top political figures. Now that the politicians and bureaucrats are promising to protect children from their parents, who will protect the children, parents and families from the Democrats?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel, quite brilliant, yet rock solid.
Trust the government to protect the kids. I tried to warn some liberal relatives some years and got cut off for several years, Fortunately the kids show no signs of transgender inclinations.
Mo de Profit says
Pedophiles have always infiltrated the system to gain access to children and I believe that this is what is happening here, not only in Washington either. The Welsh government has effectively removed all parental rights from children when they are in school.
There’s a bigger agenda going on, what better way to stop reproduction than convincing children that they are homosexual and it’s not hard to confuse a child.
Daniel Greenfield says
Pedophiles, like most predators, adapt and they’re now part of an entire sexual identity politics movement whose demands and views dovetail with their own.
This isn’t the first time either. European Green parties, especially in Germany, were at times outright taken over by pedophiles who used them to commit horrific crimes against children as a matter of policy.
Jeff Bargholz says
Some family members are clueless assholes, aren’t they? You can’t tell them anything sensible. I love my mother but she’s a diehard Dirtbagocrat.
WTF? Look at the state America is in under Dirtbagocrat rule since we lost Trump.
Banastre Tarleton says
So called LGBTQ and ”Trans-rights” is the single issue that’s the final straw that conservative peoples are unwilling to compromise on (nor should they)
It is to the 21st C what Slavery was to the 19th C , insomuch, it’s the spark that unravels the Union and creates a second civil war
Any sensible person who understands history can now see this coming and it’s all the fault of the Democratic Party who allowed their radicals to take over
Not only have they stolen an election and surely will do so again in 2024, regardless if Trump runs again , they have politicised the DOJ and have dismantled the US border with Mexico and have invited a migrant invasion . When Obama said back in 2008 that he was going to ”transform America” he REALLY MEANT IT !
Karole says
Except this particular evil against children is happening around the globe. It is not a democrat issue. It is an evil issue.
Lightbringer says
I agree that this is akin to the slavery issue, except that free children are being kidnapped by states and then enslaved, held incommunicado, and mutilated. But while the parallels are obvious and the Democratic party is again to blame, one obvious question comes up: If it comes to a second civil war, who will fire the first shot? It had better not be the Republicans or the governors and militias of one of the free states.
Banastre Tarleton says
It doesn’t matter who fired the first shot
mj says
First there was The Joy of Cooking; then there was The Joy of Sex; and now –
The Joy of Making Laws.
Published by sinister press, this is the definitive guide that instructs politicians how to abuse their constituents and pretend to be psychology and morality experts and arbiters, and, to make laws that will not actually resolve or stabilize an issue, but instead, will create more societally destructive issues. And the pay’s good and fills the coffers of the wokers/wokists/wokians/wokesters.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The instruction manual used by Democrat politicians in Sacramento 🙂
Cat says
And the therapists…. Again – training programs for mental health professionals promote critical race theory advocacy and “ gender affirmation” ( when does that become a grooming of sorts?) not only in session but AS the only point of any mental health session. So, advocacy instead of treatment. “You’re anxious?” “ It’s your white supremacy”.
A few mental health organizations and some discussion -almost entirely in the UK & Europe – are pushing back. But the big national US orgs support CRT, trans and all the rest vigorously.
US is behind UK & Europe.
Daniel Greenfield says
Yes, everything is medicalized and then politicised, so that people are encouraged to turn their personal emotional problems into political ones, while turning politics into an emotional problem.
Dan Foster says
Define Critical Race Theory in your own words.
Intrepid says
How about you let Ibram X Kendi define it for you. I know you are trying to say that it really doesn’t exist.
Jeff Bargholz says
Define dick sucking in your own words. Is it tasty?
Lightbringer says
The US is an object of ridicule and disgust to the rest of the world; the UK, Europe, the Visegrad countries, the BRICS countries, all of Africa, and the Muslims. (Did I leave anyone out? The penguins of Antartica maybe?) How could any of them not turn their noses up at us? What on Earth do these freaks running the US think they are accomplishing? Do they think that their cultural imperialism is winning the hearts and minds of the “less enlightened” world? Maybe it’s Klaus Schwab’s influence in compromising American leaders to a greater extent that others, or maybe it’s plain old American arrogance in assuming that we’re wiser than others, but whatever it is it has to stop. This country, most of whose people do not support these agendas, has become a laughingstock.
Kasandra says
Weren’t people listening when Biden recently declared,
“There is no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.” Guess laws like those in Washington state and California, and elsewhere, are what he had in mind. The Democratic Party is simply depraved.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, straight from Lenin.
THX 1138 says
Straight from God, straight from monotheism. According to that claim we are all God’s children, his creation, and his property. No child, or adult, is free to belong to himself, to be his own property, free to follow his own reasoning mind. He is only free to obey or disobey God’s authority and ownership over him, but if he disobeys it’s off to eternal punishment in eternal Hell, a supernatural Gulag.
Marx and Lenin took religion, rehashed it, repackaged it, dressed it up in secular wrapping, pretended it wasn’t religion, and sold it as anti-religion.
The only difference between socialism and a theocracy is that socialism pretends it’s not a theocracy.
Intrepid says
Last I checked Conservative Christians are uniformly against pedophelia.
I cannot speak to to woke Christians as I consider them not be Christians.
But as usual you never miss an opportunity to go to your little religion bashing and Christian bashing safe space.
“He is only free to obey or disobey God’s authority and ownership over him, but if he disobeys it’s off to eternal punishment in eternal Hell, a supernatural Gulag.”
You never miss an opportunity to conflate Christianity with Marxism. You never have really understood the path to Heaven so you just make it up, changing it as needed to suit your current neurosis. In your world a Marxist Christian inspired theocracy is just a few weeks away.
That is some Leftist spin on your part.
Steve B says
The only difference between randism and a theocracy is that randism pretends it’s not a theocracy.
Mark Dunn says
“Only free to obey God” that is predestination or Calvinism, and although it is a mainstream Reformation doctrine that doesn’t mean it is correct, or that there are no respectable opposing views. The Eastern Orthodox church has always been opposed to any sort of fatalistic doctrine. We are all made, in the image of God, but are only the children of God by free will by choice.
icydeadpeople says
Wrong. The Bible teaches that man is rotten to the core, “As it is written… There is none that seek after God. They are all gone out of the way… there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”
Every last human being is a wicked, unrighteous, rebellious, hateful mean sinner, without any exception. Cute children, dignified old people, rich people, poor people, sophisticated intellectuals, common people, gifted artists, athletes, people limited by handicaps, people with a proud heritage, you and me, no matter who we
care to name, all are evil. Without God’s intervention, people continue to grow more and more wicked, bearing the bitter fruit of their wicked heart. People not only sin, but also according to these verses, people are sinners, right down to their very core.
From the words “They are all gone out of the way” we learn that men try to avoid continuing along the path of God’s choosing and they have no “free will” to choose otherwise. All humans willfully love sin and hate God from birth have no ability to do anything about it and have no interest otherwise, yet deep down they know that the jaws of hell are yawning open for them.
arnold ahlert says
What’s the difference between Nazis and progressives? Nazis surgically mutilated prisoners. Progressive are willing to mutilate AND chemically castrate their own children, and now in Washington, YOUR children as well, with the full power of government behind them.
Trials were held in Nuremberg, Germany to find justice for the victims of Nazism. Would that America be similarly inclined at some point.
Ugly Sid says
A tremendous quantity of lysergic acid compounds were consumed by the grandparents of today’s decision makers.
It shows.
Daniel Greenfield says
A Brave New World indeed.
Jeff Bargholz says
LSD? I used that when I was young. I liked it. You couldn’t go out in public when you were on that stuff, though. It made you act very weird.
Mark Dunn says
Hear O America the lord thy god is sexual perversion, and thou speak of it when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up, and thou shall teach it diligently to thy children.
Alternaar says
Modern day “comprachicos”- as in Victor Hugo’s “The Man Who Laughs”
Alternaar says
Modern day “comprachicos” – as in Victor Hugo’s “The Man Who Lasughs”
Matt Tarango says
I wonder where THX 1138 is on this? Right up his alley.
Ugly Sid says
He’s furiously flipping through his stack of 5 X 8 cards, muttering to himself, at this moment.
Lightbringer says
Ayn Rand was a great devotee of Victor Hugo and she wrote a little bit about “comprachicos”. So THX must be on board with it.
Spurwing Plover says
I am dure Hurler, Stalin Castro and Mao would support this 100% Its part of the Globalists Plans
KenPF says
Straight from Lenin … or Obama?? This goes back a lot further than that. Taking children from their parents was a common feature of conquest going back to ancient times. It is also a feature of modern communism, especially Chinese Communism. Read:
Deuteronomy 28:
32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand.
41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity.
49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young.
Lightbringer says
A chilling Biblical prediction of what happens when a nation forgets its duty and gratitude toward G0d. And it’s supposedly our OWN country that is doing this to us!
K.F. Smith says
The Pedophile Party doubles down.
The Marxists, of course, have their own reason for doing this. Same end goal as everything else they do. They believe in little of what they preach.
The rest of the ignorant class; these are the ones I fear the most.
I disagree that ignorance is a lack of education. It’s a lack of wisdom.
Ignorance is the capital crime behind the collapse of our society..
I know people with little education who have greater wisdom than doctors and lawyers hiding in their gated communities with “Hate Has No Home Here” signs. Dangerous people.
Gamaliel says
America is becoming like China, a country that separates Tibetan children from their parents and puts them into boarding schools where they indoctrinate them into becoming Communist Chinese. If China conquers Taiwan expect the same. Why is this happening here?
Lightbringer says
It was done here commonly to Indian children, with or without their parents’ consent. The children at the schools were punished for speaking their native languages and, by the time they were sent home, could not communicate with anybody. A similar tactic was used for the Russification of Jewish children under the czars; they were either sent to the infamous Crown Schools, similar to the US Indian schools, or drafted into the military at a very tender age and kept for twenty or thirty years.
Jeff Bargholz says
There’s a TV series called 1923 with Harrison Ford and Hellen Mirren that shows that abuse of Indian girls. I thought it was crap but it disturbs me to know it was true.
The’s no limit to the cruelty of humanity.
Anne-Marie says
Governments and law makers are conspiring to raise a generation of confused, depressed, suicidal, weak and sexually dysfunctional (and sterile) human beings. The purpose is clear. They will be not be equipped to defend themselves; they will have lost all ability to think critically; they will listen to any psychopath who promises “salvation” from their plight (more surgeries to fix the botched and useless surgeries?); country, religion, family values and a balanced, sane mind will have lost all their meaning and sadly usefulness.
Meanwhile, our enemies are ramping up their defense capabilities, training strong, disciplined armies with one purpose in mind: overtake and/or annihilate the the crazies of the West, all the while laughing at how stupid we have become. We will have become such an easy target by then.
We live in a sick, depraved world indeed in which the voices of reason are being unheard, silenced and disposed of. In my sixties now, I am glad I won’t be around to witness the total collapse of our civilization.
Mark Dunn says
Yammering on, and boring the crap out of everyone about your latest surgery, use to be an old people thing. Next teenagers will be their grandparents. Get off their lawn, oh wait, they will own nothing, and be happy.
WhiteHunter says
We should start with a Federal statute (within Title 18, perhaps? I’m not sure where in the U.S. Code, as well as in RICO) extending the Statute of Limitations to, say, at least 20 years after the crime, allowing victims to sue (for, let’s say, up to $100 million) any “social worker,” agency, pharmacy or pharmacist, MD, surgeon, nurse, psychiatrist, or hospital that induced, encouraged, pressured or urged, or assisted a minor to undergo “puberty-blocking” drugs, psychological pressure, or sex-change surgery.
Such a law would have a reasonable chance of passing the House, although much less in today’s Democrat/RINO Senate. And Biden would surely veto it. Then it becomes a club with which to beat all of the “Nays” over the head with, relentlessly, in the next election.
There are countless cases of people who submitted to this mutilation as vulnerable, impressionable adolescents and teenagers but who now, as mentally and physically mature adults years after submitting to this “care,” are devastatingly remorseful about that tragic, life-damaging decision.
Put the stark fear of total bankruptcy, and prison, in the minds of those who “provide” it, and I’ll bet it’d put a crimp in the thrill of their arousal before they do it again to another young victim.
Geoff says
“”He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
Adolf Hitler
TRex says
How much more totalitarian can you get? Kidnapping is now legalized in States run by immoral wimps and perverts who despise the traditional family structure. What kind of reasoning is being used to determine parents who wish to protect their children from this insanity are criminals? The phrases of the day is; You will own nothing and be happy. Including your children. It is so sad to see what has taken civilization thousands of years to create be destroyed by a handful of Marxist malcontents elevated to the seats of power. Equally as sad are the numbers of dullards willing to sacrifice the best way of life this planet has ever seen to an ideology that, in the long run, will categorize, corral and manipulate them like beasts of burden.
L says
The fact that these bills passed and the peeps aren’t only not routing but actually applauding it, is just more evidence that mental illness is rampant across this country. Why don’t parents care about their kids anymore? Why even have them if you want the state to raise them anyway, it makes no sense.
And apparently pedophilia is a lot more common than I thought. This is some sick, disturbing stuff.