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It’s really odd watching Democrats talk about “rights” and which ones they care about. Caring about only some rights while trying to eliminate others is also bizarre. As is the idea that rights come from government, as Democrats insist, because if you believe that there is literally no intellectually honest argument against a government taking rights away, too, like abortion. They are, however, universally in favor of freedom of speech…but only for them. And they hate anyone who dares support that freedom for people Democrats disapprove of.
When it comes to the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution, for that matter, it is unambiguous – the government’s power is non-existent. The “Congress shall make no law” part puts it in obvious terms, but the willfully ignorant or the willfully indifferent isn’t about to let something like your rights stand in the way of their getting power.
Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was big news at the time, but its importance was not yet known. All we knew was that the old regime of “You can’t say that” or “You’re not allowed to use that gender when talking about that person” was probably over. What we could not have known was just how committed Musk truly was to freedom of speech.
Everyone talks a good game – history is full of big talkers who delivered, but it’s littered with big talkers who didn’t. No one who fought Muhammad Ali went into it talking about how they really just hoped to last a couple of rounds and get in a couple of decent shots; they were going to win, too.
Musk could have easily been all talk; it probably would’ve been cheaper, too. Being the wealthiest man in the world indeed helped, but having all that money does not instill principles or make fighting for them any more interesting or less boring sometimes.
And while billions make the impact a little lighter – seeking refuge on a luxury yacht has to remove some “sting,” doesn’t it? – the constant barrage of attacks and lies, not to mention the death threats, would bother anybody and cause some to say it’s simply not worth it.
Not Musk, thankfully.
With that in mind, and the fact that politicians and political originations attacking private citizens is not only are but very odd, the fact that so many Democrats are burning calories attacking Elon Musk tells you how terrified the left in this country is of us being able to speak our minds online without their ability to veto what we have to say.
Name the “progressive” Democrat, and you can find something stupid and negative they’ve said about Elon. The man is not perfect, but he is the personification of the American Dream. His existence undercuts the Left’s belief that the country is unfair and rigged, at least against anyone who isn’t born rich.
Ironically, Democrats like Barack Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, etc., have made this argument even though their own life stories show how false the left’s narrative is. In addition, they spent a lot of time complaining about billionaires at their convention, even though they have billionaires funding things everywhere, including the state. JB Pritzker, Oprah, Alex Soros, etc., were all over the DNC, like Biden at a shampoo contest, with Oprah being the only self-made one. Maybe inherited wealth makes people stupid?
They complain about self-made Elon Musk because they don’t like you speaking.
Then Bernie Sanders, who used to rail against millionaires until he became one, has his “Our Revolution” Gestapo fundraising off attacks on Musk.
Their fundraising email opens, “Elon Musk is raking in billions in government contracts—then funneling money straight into his personal MAGA super-PAC set up to help hand Donald Trump back the presidency. We have to stop our taxpayer dollars from bankrolling Musk’s far-right takeover of our democracy. Will you add your name to our petition calling on DoD to review Musk’s federal contracts?”
Do you remember a major political party attacking a private citizen like that?
It continues, “Musk is now the Department of Defense’s BIGGEST contractor through companies like SpaceX – and his terrifying hold on our intelligence and military agencies is growing as quickly as his billions. Earlier this year, news reports revealed that SpaceX signed a new classified contract to build a spy satellite network for the U.S. government.”
Isn’t the real lesson that government sucks at doing things? Is the private sector much better than even the semi-private sector like Boeing? One side trapped two astronauts in space, and the other is now tasked with the rescue mission, and Democrats oppose the side being asked for help. Kinda tells you something, doesn’t it?
They say, “As the profits roll in, Musk’s hold on our democracy grows. Our taxpayer dollars are funding the far-right super PAC he launched to help Trump win. And he’s using his $44 billion purchase of Twitter to spread MAGA lies and disinformation on everything from the voting machines to conspiracy theories about child sex trafficking. It’s a long time since we reined Musk in.”
That last bit is Naziriffic, isn’t it?
It also gives away their whole game: they want to shut YOU up. Elon Musk isn’t trying to make you speak; he’s offering a megaphone for anyone who wants to use it. Democrats want to control who can use it. Disagree with them, displease them, and you are garbage. Empower the great unwashed, and you must be destroyed.
At the turn of the last century, the progressive movement sought to control the lives of everyone in the country – going so far as to forcibly sterilize “undesirable” people who were either poor, uneducated, disabled, or otherwise deemed unworthy of having the ability to reproduce “for the good of humanity.” Are they doing anything different now?
Democrats invented segregation, and they’re bringing it back. It used to be out of hatred, but now it’s out of “celebrating diversity.” They sought to sterilize people they didn’t like; now, they seek to do it to those they do, calling it “gender-affirming care.” Progressive hero, racist, and Democratic Party standard bearer Woodrow Wilson passed laws outlawing dissenting speech in 1917 and 1918; now Democrats are doing the same thing, only this time through pressure on the private sector.
Unlike Facebook, YouTube (Google), etc., Elon Musk isn’t playing along or bowing. Those other companies are progressive leftist companies, but they’re also publicly traded and have to do what they think will be best for shareholders. Pissing off the Democratic Party, knowing they will bring the full force of the government down on you when they’re in power, is not a great pathway to a successful future.
Elon Musk owning Twitter means he has no shareholder pressure or fiduciary duty. He can tell the feds to go to hell. And he has. Thank God for that.
Some Liberal Celebrity claimed that Democrat meant OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE just shows what little Liberal Sawdust for Brains Dope and Booze Liberal screwballs know
Does he? Does he really? I’m not a Democrat, but I’ve been censored, shadow banned and have had to start all over again with a new account, because I’ve said some true things about Islam and other topics. Meanwhile, vile antisemites saying vile antisemitic things are allowed carte blanche on the platform, as are many terrorists, who even use it to make their plans. I even got warned about posts I did educating the ignorant about Jews vs. our enemies. There’s been many a time I’ve reported posts and pages for their vile antisemitic and racist content, only to be told they “do not violate” X’s “community standards,” of which there seems to be at least two tiers with no consistency in what or who is managed. It is a bit freer than Twitter but not by all that much. My friend there was also permanently suspended for speaking truth about Islam and its extremists. So, yeah, there’s that.
You too?
… 😉 °°°
Derek, you got it right; governments should be representing the people and the people should be running things. Look at what the system has come to now: 457 Federal agencies which are nowhere in the US Constitution, except for a few amendments which should be repealed. And they are armed as they float around gun control.
I have no social media accounts at all. They are political snake pits I want no part of.
The double standard is breathtaking. It’s perfectly OK for Zuckerberg to spend $400 Million for ‘voter integrity’ issues in the 2020 campaign, but if Musk kicks in 10% of that amount it’s a crime against humanity. Perhaps it’s time to call the Dems what they actually are…enemy combatants.
Being allowed to speak…, very interesting.
He allows who to speak exactly? I have been permanently banned on x for criticizing Muhammed. Elon Musk has eradicated free speech there. He runs x like a dictator.
I saw a quote from that famous gourmet, Idi Amin, “I can guarantee you FREEDOM of SPEECH. BUT, I cannot guarantee you FREEDOM AFTER YOU SPEAK”!! Sort of the secret motto of the DEMOcrats!
“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” —David Horowitz