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I was watching MSNBC the other day – I know, but it is fun to look into a parallel universe where progressive ideals appeal to the vast majority of Americans, it makes me appreciate reality all the more – and I had to check my phone to make sure I had the right year. You wouldn’t know it was 2024 if you’d just gone by the rhetoric belching its way over the airwaves. Donald Trump is a Russian stooge – a tool of Putin – who is only interested in…well, you know the rest of that song. In fact, you know the rest of all the songs, as the political left has morphed into a cover band playing all their hits that were never really hits in the first place. They learned nothing from the election.
As the father of two kids, one thing you hope they do from all the mistakes they make, and they make a lot of mistakes, is learn from them. Democrats aren’t learning from anything, and it is glorious.
With the exception of who the President is going to be on the 20th and who controls the Senate, nothing has changed in their world. They still insist they are popular – a majority, in fact – in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. It’s simultaneously hilarious and horrifying.
It’s hilarious because watching adults try to convince themselves that they’re popular is very amusing. It’s horrifying because the denialism is dangerous. Not for Republicans, for the country.
As Joe Biden readies to retire, he is a destructive force and the 20th of January cannot come fast enough. I shudder to think of the damage he can and will do between now and then to the nation and the world. He will do all he can to make it happen. Prepare yourself for a list of pardons unlike anything before seen in American history. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he pardoned Ghislaine Maxwell at this point, as I can only imagine the dirt he has on Biden’s friends and fellow Democrats.
An outgoing President with no F’s left to give is a gigantic danger, an entire half of the political establishment with a denialist attitude is…well, we don’t know.
Democrats have a history of pretending what is actually is not, and vice versa, so that’s nothing new. But as they’ve moved closer and closer to their radical fringe, their denialism is inspiring more and more attacks. Remember James Hodgkinson? Remember the trans school shooter in Nashville? Democrats hope you don’t, but not all of MSNBC’s ratings dip can be attributed to people turning it off, some viewers have died.
A Democrat with nothing to lose, full of self-righteousness and dripping with smug, can either be a great laugh or a violent thug. Most are harmless, but it doesn’t take more than one to do something awful.
As if hoping to push someone over the “Hodgkinson Line,” Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy said Kash Patel, nominated by Trump to be the next FBI Director, “is being put into the FBI literally to destroy the rule of law; to enable Trump’s dream to put his political opponents in jail.” What would an unstable person read into that? How much prodding would a mentally disturbed person need to be nudged over the edge? Or, how much more prodding, I should say.
Murphy then went on to add that Robert Kennedy Jr. “wants to ban pharmaceutical advertising, that’s nice. He also wants to kill our kids by withdrawing vaccines from our schools and taking fluoride out of our drinking water.”
What would you do to someone you honestly believed was trying to kill your kids, or just kids in general? And you’re not mentally unstable enough to subscribe to the belief that someone like Chris Murphy, who just a year and a half ago decried “demagogues and provocateurs” who “lead with messages of hate and division,” but some people out there are. What will they conceive of in order to “fight back” or prevent this awful fate?
Cabinet Secretaries and FBI Directors get security details, but they aren’t that large. Normal people do not. People who put Trump lawn signs in front of their houses do not.
Maybe Democrats did learn something from the election: that they need to dial the crazy up to 11. Or maybe they’ll just do it anyway because they’re just evil enough not to care about the consequences of what they’re doing – agenda über alles, in its original German on purpose. I just hope it all falls on deaf ears.
I remember when I worried that the September 11th attacks may not have been loud enough for the west coast to understand the theat.
Now I fear the eastern seaboard is not only indifferent to what just happened in Los Angeles, they’re aligning it with Saint Luigi’s halo.
That “evil nuclear weapon” that the US dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 flattened 4 and a half square miles.
Newsome and his Pantry waste network have just flattened 64 square miles of the most beautiful California-dream-like neighborhoods.
That’s SIXTEEN “Little Boys”….
And now, foreign enemies and investors will own the zone… without ever having to fire a shot.
Maybe I’m just too old and pissed-off to think clearly this morning.
Who left that chair and the American flag in the rally area? Forget the trash….normal Democrat litter.
Democrats are all actors they believe without them in the next big hit movie Hollywood would collapse.
They are giants in their own minds.
Democrats did exactly what they said they would do. It’s the republicans who have lied repeatedly, did absolutely nothing to even slow their agenda while working covertly with them to undermine the nation. Republicans are the cancer. Not the ones in office but the ones sitting at home clueless beyond any comprehension. It’s utterly shameful
If that were really the case, the election results would have been different.
The RINO’s may have lost their vision, instead looking out for their own
interests at the expense of the country, but the American people are illuminated with common sense and the new team entering the White House and Congress gave a mandate and WE’RE WATCHING!!
The Democrats learned nothing? No, it’s the feckless Republicans who have learned nothing. Democrats are not the problem the Republicans are. The Democrats have done exactly what they said they were going to do. The Republicans are the ones who have done nothing for nearly 20 years other than virtue signal opposition. How many “investigations” is Jim Jordan up to now? How many have produced ANY results? I will answer that for you, ZERO! He couldn’t get anything on Hunter Biden while there was videos of him circulating around the internet of him sleeping with underage girls? That’s because the republicans are so stupid they just go back into apathy mode every time their phony representatives virtue signal opposition.
Perhaps the dems would be your preference to run the country? Pubs do nothing yes agree they can snatch victory form the jaws of defeat all the time. But I still do not wish to live under communsts. Ah but each his own ya know.
I don’t trust Republicans. But I distrust Dems a lot more. As a well known LA radio host often said, “If you choose to vote for the lesser of two evils, you get the evil of two lessers.”
Fortunately Trump is not a career politician locked into party ideology. It’s the main reason why he’s been vilified by the establishment. He refuses to dance to their tune.
Ooooo! Douggy Doo Doo’s mad now. He didn’t get his way and he’s going to take his marbles and go away.
So long Douggy Doo Doo.
I’m taking bets on whether you actually go away. My bet is you will be here a while longer, whining and complaining about the conservatives.
BTW…..we won. You lost. Sucks to be you. Hey, Keep racking up those down votes, tough guy.
OK so why does this site say that you have 5000 characters to respond then will not let you post something that is 4500 characters? Is it a lack of understanding of math or is is incompetence. You put these articles up and invite responses then waste people’s time inviting them to write a response and then refusing to allow it to be published. The response I was finally able to submit had to be cut in half. please clean up your shit stain of a discussion area. If you aren’t going to let people use the 5000 character then fucking remove that guideline. Until then I’m adding this site to my firewall to block it from my computer. I’m not going to have my time wasted.
Another example of how it’s republicans that never seem to learn anything. EVER. You also need to add a contact email to your broken down organization.
Good bye Doug. Don’t let the firewall hit you in the ass on the way out, but I’m betting you won’t really go away.
Neither did the corrupt and complicit media.
“Maybe Democrats did learn something from the election: that they need to dial the crazy up to 11.” Uh … don’t look now but I think it’s pretty much always been dialed up to 11.
Looking at the picture reminds me of every leftist gathering I’ve ever seen. Everything is trashed. Everything leftists touch is trashed. They want to push their agendas on everyone but can’t clean up after themselves so someone else has to clean up their mess.
Commies don’t change. They regroup.
Some people object to being called “retards.” They insist, instead, on being called “Democrats.”