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After tossing Jewish voters overboard to accommodate the Hamas supporters of Dearborn, Michigan, the Democrats are starting to get nervous about the choice they made.
Despite the rollout of the campaign, beginning with Senator Schumer’s floor speech blasting Israel, and various liberal Jewish surrogates, including Rep. Jerry Nadler, vocally opposing the campaign against Hamas, the Democrats did not manage to sell Jews on Biden’s betrayal.
Biden’s declaration that he would stop providing military support to Israel if it continued to pursue Hamas into Rafah touched off a major backlash from donors, like Haim Saban, from celebrities, like Michael Rappaport, who has said he could vote for Trump, and ordinary Jews.
While there’s no accurate polling of Jewish voters because there are too few Jews in much of the country to be captured by conventional polls and polls specifically surveying Jews are usually run by leftist groups, Democrats have suddenly begun to sweat the Jewish vote.
And that speaks volumes.
The Jewish Democratic Council of America, which usually complacently assumes that Republicans are not actual competition, has been sending out a series of panicked emails the latest of which is headlined, “How to Persuade Your Friends that Trump is Not the Answer”.
It concludes with, “Our work to ensure the Jewish electorate supports Joe Biden and Democrats has never been more important.”
It doesn’t take much to read between the lines and smell the fear.
A story at the militantly anti-Trump site The Bulwark described Biden’s betrayal as “an inflection point” in the presidential race that sent Jewish donors to Trump. And even those who aren’t backing Trump increasingly aren’t backing Biden.
“The conversations I’ve had with donors is that they want to stop donating to Biden or Democrats,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz related. “They’re not talking about turning on the spigot for Trump, it’s turning off the spigot for us. Some are billionaires. Some are millionaires. And a few have told me they’re not contributing to Trump but they might vote for him. The question is whether this is irreparable. I hope not. The next several months will determine that.”
After Biden’s refusal to help Israel defeat Hamas in its stronghold in Rafah, the JDCA initially issued a statement backing him up only to later backtrack and claim that “there are reasons to disagree with the administration’s recent decision to halt a single arms transfer to Israel.”
The JDCA had clearly lost the argument even among its own supporters and donors.
When Sen. Schumer arrived at the JDCA leadership summit which was meant to pitch Jews on the party, he had left behind the attacks on Israel’s campaign against Hamas, and the ‘born again shomer’ blasted Hamas and the media.
“Jewish voters have always found a home in the Democratic Party year after year,” Schumer pleaded. “Make no mistake, this year the Jewish American vote will make all the difference.“
In the JDCA newsletter, Democrat political consultant Steve Sheffey shakily argued that, “considering voting for Donald Trump because you’re concerned about something Joe Biden did is like asking how the chicken is cooked. But that’s what the loud low-information segment of our community is telling us to do when they tell us to vote for Donald Trump.”
What he was really revealing was that there is a movement of Jews switching to Trump.
“There are two types of people in our community: Those who desperately want to believe the worst about Biden and those who feel relieved, not cheated, to find out that in reality, Biden is good for Israel,” the Democrat consultant condescendingly tried to persuade Jews.
Jews tend to vote Democrat. Where did this sudden influx of Jews who “desperately want to believe the worst about Biden” come from? They came from Biden’s betrayal of the Jews.
And now Jewish Democrats are frantically lying, spinning and gaslighting Jews.
Schumer wouldn’t have to tell Jews that they will make “all the difference”, and the JDCA wouldn’t have to send out talking points for friends thinking of voting Trump if it wasn’t happening. And rather than honestly addressing it, Jewish Democrats have been gaslighting.
The JDCA’s Sheffey insisted that Biden’s arm embargo was just “one non-critical arms shipment designed to send a signal” after he had previously promised that the “White House has no red lines that would trigger restrictions on arms to Israel”. But now arms have to be restricted because Israel finishing off Hamas was “a major disincentive for Hamas to enter into any peace deal”.
And for any Jewish Democrats still not convinced that by cutting off arms to Israel to force a “peace deal” with the butchers and rapists of Oct 7, Biden had Israel’s best interests at heart, he quoted Jennifer Rubin urging Jews to “rethink knee-jerk objections to Biden’s efforts”.
There’s no way that Biden is “trying to mollify some anti-Israel fringe in the Democratic Party”, Sheffey insisted, even as the Hamas campus riots were in full swing. “Biden’s support for Israel remains ironclad… The Democratic Party remains staunchly pro-Israel. Good politicians know their base. Biden has been in politics for decades. He knows his.” This is wishful thinking.
He urged Jewish Democrats to ignore any “references to arms embargoes, loving Hamas, betrayal” and to “delete them and don’t engage — those people cannot be reasoned with.”
The common theme among Biden loyalists is that American Jews should ignore their eyes and ears, and stop being so picky, that they need to trust the party and ignore all the red flags.
And yet after months of going on the offense against Trump, Dems are playing defense.
Jewish Dems have been struggling to justify Biden’s betrayal and, like Sheffey, they’re terrible at it. Forced to actually defend Biden’s record, instead of just attacking Trump as a threat to democracy, they flail, condescend, and insult their own base while trying to avert a crisis.
And the crisis is a catastrophic Jewish loss of support for Biden.
Biden was never popular among Jews. Many just voted the party line. But like other parts of the Democrat base, including black and Latino voters, the allegiance is fracturing under stress.
Facing blowback, the Biden administration has dialed back its criticism of Israel, but there are signs that this is a temporary maneuver meant to reassure Jews long enough to win an election.
On a Project Veritas video, Sterlin Waters, a National Security Council policy advisor told the undercover reporter that “there’s a huge, powerful Jewish influence in Republican and Democrat politics” and that Biden is waiting for a second term to confront them and to oppose Israel.
Bill Ackman, a liberal Democrat hedge fund manager, who had come out against Biden over wokeness and his Israel policy, responded by tweeting, “Unmasking the Biden administration Israel strategy. I respect his candor.” While some Jews may be fooled, others are waking up.
And the Democrats are panicking because they’re in trouble with voters they’ve taken for granted since FDR. A poll from earlier this year found that a majority of Jews in New York were backing Trump, and while he won’t win New York, the Jewish vote twice helped him win Florida.
A Voice of America story warned that “more Jews have been voting Republican in recent elections” and that “Jewish voters could sway the presidential election.”
Biden’s betrayal of Israel may end up costing him the election.
Jewish voters should rightly see turncoats Blinken, Lew, Garland, Yellen, Mayorkas, Schumer, Schiff, Raskin, and Nadler (among others) as shameful accessories to terrorism against the US and Israel.
Commonly referred to as kapos online and elsewhere!
At my schul, we refer to Cheesy Chuck (you) Schumer as kapo Chuck.
Jewish Dems are like Catholic Dems… Dems first… Catholics last who preach the Gospel of Marx and defy all The Ten Commandments which they are outdated, like our Constitution!
They’re Biden’s Judenrat. He will no doubt make a speech (or is his incoherent babbling a speech?) saluting self hating Jews like Blinken and Bernie (or Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff, whose daughter is a pro-Hamas activist) as “credits to their race”.
Blinken and Mayorkas serve the same purpose for Biden that Kaganovich served for Stalin.
The best laid schemes of Mice and Men
Oft Go Awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain.
Robert Burns … 1785 … “To a Mouse”
DEMOCRATS PANDER to all groups, especially Jews, but not for their support for them, their religion, their customs, but for their $$$!
They have a knife in the right hand to stab them in the back while holding up their left palm seeking cash, which for some reason, the Jews fall for.
There are many JINO’s too… Jews in Name Only, but they are the vocal ones, the activists, like Jewish Voices for Peace.
(I met some years ago at UNM when they had a table in the Student Union seeking signatures for BDS. I’ve been invited to several Jewish events, so I asked them some details about it, they didn’t know plus they didn’t have a synagogue they worshipped at. Then just a few weeks ago, I saw one at the encampment supporting Hamas, with a sign saying so. I went, about fifteen students, all on laptops, colored hair, piercings, tattered clothes, and a middle-age Voices for Peace who came to question me. I told her, “I support Hamas too, but I came to take a photo of the large banner I saw in the news last night.” “We took it down.” We then talked about October 7th, I agreed with her when she said the NYT dismissed many of the reported atrocities. In the end, with me acting like one of them since I have been attending protests since the ’80s and I know their language, she eventually said, “HAMAS DIDN’T DO ENOUGH!” Some in the encampment took over the Student Union, painted all over its walls, tents, but the State Police removed them at 2am. The ACLU put out a notice that they would help all those arrested and if the police manhandled them. THEY’LL SUE UNM AND WIN! That’s how they fund their Communist organization!)
If you had a video of that interview with the Hamas supporter, it would be usefull.
I don’t but I would be busted and they wouldn’t talk as openly. Two weeks earlier, they held a protest on the main drag and the UNM bookstore, designated as a Free Speech area. I got there when they were getting all their banners and signs out. I was taking photos of the signs with the organizers, The Party for Socialism and Liberation and ANSWER, both led by radicals with one being Joel Marcos Gallegos, Facebook page, “Marxist-Leninist.” The other was Bob Anderson who I have known since the CPUSA/KGB connected fronts back in the ’80s. Anderson is banned from UNM, I called their PD, they removed him as he gave me the evil eye.
Before the call, Anderson wasn’t there yet and one man with an orange vest came to me while I was taking photos, again, I pretended to be one of them. I said, “I support Hamas!” He agreed but he said they weren’t allowed to openly say that, only “Pro-Palestinian.” They had “Intifada” signs, so I agreed. I talked to other young people, seven in all said they were pro-Hamas and their actions. A couple came to my area, and I mentioned the video footage of some of the Hamas raids. The woman was angry and said all of it was made up. I mentioned the Concert attack… all made up, no real proof.
Any cell phone camera in their face, they wouldn’t talk. If I had footage back going to the ’80s, it would be millions of hours including a speech by the Chairman of the Labor Department, George Meyers of the CPUSA, where he advocated, “the overthrow of the United States! Through force if necessary! BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER!” Look at us today, brother against brother, friend against friend, co-workers, colleagues, leading to vile foaming coming out of their mouth HATRED LEADING TO VIOLENT ACTIONS which were allowed by our leaders whose past can be traced to the ’60s thru the ’80s recruitment by the CPUSA AND SOVIET KGB!
Bernie Sanders, too, but he got to his position as Bolshevik elder statesman without a boost from Obama/Biden.
What’s wrong with Vermonters? Bern is a nutcase.
Nadler needs to be primaried and defeated. He is a whale of a capo and that is being kind!
Lefty Jews
Bad for America
Bad for Israel
Bad for the world.
Very sad, indeed
I could not agree more,
About time that Jews learn to discriminate between friend and foe.
99.44% of Democrat politicians are scum.
Why Jews have supported them so much is an interesting question.
No one has given a satisfactory answer to the question why do Jews support the Dem Party with both votes and mega-donations even as its antisemitism tail (the Squad) has grown and started to wag the dog of a party including all its Jewish members of congress. Many have tried. The latest attempt is by Dennis Prager. He says 1) one group has PTSD from the Holocaust, even generations later and 2) another group has jettisoned their religion and substituted leftism as a doomed strategy to deflect leftist antisemitism from themselves.
Realize that most of these people have been razed to believe that their real enemy is not militant Marxists, and not militant JIhadists but Archie Bunker. It may sound silly, but loathsome steryotypes are used in political messages because they tend to work.
If you are right, it means political policy does not determine Jewish support. What does? It is a mystery to which there is no good answer.
Maybe the Jews, like the blacks, vote on the basis of identity rather than issues. I have seen black block voting as one which enables redistribution of wealth from productive citizens to themselves. The Jews have no impetus to do this.
Is not the best vote one that increases the strength and prosperity of the people of a nation? If we do not vote for that, then I am simply unable to fathom the motives that govern voting.
Most people have NO CLUE as to what CONSERVATIVES BELIEVE!
They’ve been fed a narrative about us and how hateful we are!!
And the Republicans do NOTHING to help DEFINE what it is that conservatives believe! (becuz most of them can’t define it either!)
My parents were Catholics as was most of my small community in the 60’s. What happened to the Catholic church in the early 60’s that changed my little community in a huge way? VATICAN 2!! The Catholic church went from being a conservative value church to a left leaning church in the span of a few years. It changed the trajectory of my family and community immensely. Not that it was a highly visible change. It took me and my sister years to puzzle piece this together. My mom became a radical! The “new” church ideas fit her needs better than the old church values. She no longer needs to be a “mom” stuck at home. So…….to my moms dying day she believed that conservatives keep people down and behind the times—conservatives aren’t “progressive” enough! Get it! We want to keep everyone in chains and we can’t move ahead with the times. That’s what people believe about us! (PS—there’s still a schism is the Catholic Church today regarding pre and post Vatican 2!).
The Jews believe that conservatives (who are typically the more religious group) are going to talk to them about or they want to convert them to God/Jesus so they do not want to be a republican/conservative. Remember, most of the Nazis claimed to be some sort of religious person. So using that rationale, most religious people are on the right and want to do us all in. Also, they too believe we conservatives are holding society back or taking society backward.
This what I believe is the reason, or part of it, why Jews and others do not vote Republican.
Unfortunately, many religious “leaders” have substituted the Dem party platform for the Torah. They know little about Judaism and feel zero loyalty to Israel or the survival of the Jewish nation. They want to be liked by Leftists and even ISLAMISTS, who seek their death. These are the fools who join the so-called Jewish Voice for Peace, a commie front.
Mostly to anti Semites who like to blame the Jews. Take a breath
Absolutely, Can they not see the Left works to destroy them? Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results is insanity…..Why would anyone risk it? It makes no sense. People can change and be remarkably surprised how much better off they are, or will be..
Short answer: Because Jews were trying to be liberal protestants.
Slightly longer: There was a major shift in the Jewish vote, which used to be split, early in the 20th century, which also coincided with the dominance of German Jews and the Reform movement who were trying to join the American elites of the era.
The demographics are changing and with it the vote but the elites will take longer to dislodge.
Dennis Prager once said that when a Jew is born in New York, the birth certificate is stamped “Democrat”. Of course he was joking, but there is a grain of truth here.
During the Great Depression, two Kosher butchers, the Schechter Brothers, were chosen to be the test case of Roosevelt’s National Industrial Recovery Act. The brothers allowed their customers to choose the chicken that they wanted to buy. The regulation said that the butcher had to give the customer the next chicken in line. There is little question but that these men were chosen because they were Jewish and, reportedly sounded just like Jackie Mason.
After a grueling legal journey all the way to the Supreme Court, the brothers won their case invalidating much of the NIRA.
And who did the Schechters vote for in the next election? Roosevelt!!!
Separating Jews from the Democratic Party will require something no one has ever seen before. I wish I knew what it was.
IMO, many just wanted to forget WW2 and blend into America.
The late D. James Kennedy (Christian preacher with more degrees than a thermometer): “people vote their social mores.”
Therefore, I think secular Jews vote democrat because the dem party will condone their social mores, which include pro-abortion, pot smoking, and sex outside of marriage.
I have never understood why, if I am not mistaken, support the Democratic party. Just does NOT make sense especially when it so obvious with Biden/Obama administration DO NOT support Israel.
One way or another, the Party destroys everyone under its control.
After turning their backs on the Jews and allowing for The Nazi/Islams to try and wipe them out
Has the JDCA had anything to say about the leftwing protests for Hamas all over the country?
The JDCA has kept trying to change the subject to Trump and white supremacy.
White supremacy doesn’t exist. Charlottesville was a hoax within a hoax.
An American journalist who lives in Ukraine has said that Azov Battalion was at Charlottesville. I imagine the Democrats invited them. It seemed odd to me at the time that their (the tiki torch marchers) chants were Ukrainian and not American and that it was an identical match of a Ukrainian nazi march. They probably brought them in to organize it.
Leftists infiltrated the right. When UtR got a court order, C-ville was forced to issue a permit. They set up UtR to be clobbered by leftist goons. The City ordered the police to stand down and to shut down the UtR rally just as it got started, which is when the leftist goons attacked.
Yes, When the left can’t win on policy, agendas, or ideology, they have to change the subject and demonize those who are speaking truth and common sense.
Thanks Daniel, for keeping us informed on this mysterious issue. One would think FDR would have turned them against the Democrats.
The true story about FDR was not widely known. FDR was popular. Jews of his era and beyond wanted to be included in whatever was popular in the uSA and so feel accepted. It’s not all that mysterious. Acceptance feels comfortable and safe
. It’s not what I want. Because it’s not true. I don’t crave acceptance by today’s USA for sure. I have no Democrat voters in my family. And I’m not an anomaly.
Thanks Cat !!!!!
FDR was a cult of personality even worse than Obama. Rather baffling to anyone who wasn’t alive then. We view FDR as a historical figure, much as generations later will see Obama.
But that was as close as the country ever came to fascism or Communism. And there was some bad craziness in the air back then.
I beg to differ on one point: FDR never intended to destroy the American nation. That is precisely Obama’s intention.
David Beito wrote a book about Roosevelt revealing just how fascistic Roosevelt was. Beito never calls Roosevelt a fascist, but the conclusion is inevitable from the book’s descriptions of Roosevelt’s reign.
Beito, David T.. The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillance (p. 1). Independent Institute.
I’m in the process of reading it and the only “bright spot” is that things were far worse under Roosevelt than they are today, yet somehow, America recovered quite a bit from the New Deal.
Daniel as I have told my family of American Jews that anyone of them that votes, gives money to a Democrat in this upcoming election in November is paying for the destruction of the only Jewish, Democratic country in the world, and if they can live with that they have lost all their morality.
The US Muslim vote is numerically much more important than the Jewish vote is now. The same is true in Great Britain for the Labour Party whose support by the UK Jewish community used to be important. Mass migration of Muslims has profoundly changed that.
That was the idea. Once their vote matters, Jews are not safe. Nor is the US.
Already happening in MN. We even changed our state flag to match Somalia! Look it up! You can’t make this up!
Muslims have realized they can’t win on the battlefield but they can win at the ballot box. Many times for the Democrat obsession with THE FIRST _________ regardless of qualifications. Once they get in, that’s it, they’ll never be voted out, and they’ll create laws to support their agenda, and religion. Look what’s happening to England!
This is why whenever you see a wide shot of Muslims on the news most of the woman have a kid on their hip and a couple of them straggling around their mum.
Mohamids plan was to polute the world with Islamics with population before enforcing on all the free thinkers
Muslims have triumphalist imams who have declared that they will win Europe “through the cradle” and it will be the same in North America.
Islam plans the gradual take over. by numbers. They want the Islamic flag to fly above the White House.
It’s called hijra – the “peaceful” migration of Muslims to non-Islamic countries.
Hijra > Jihad > establish Sharia. MO’s war plan: It’s 1400 years old.
US Dems are playing the same game as UK Labour. Stuff the country full of Muslims and brand yourself as the anti-Israel party.
Muslims think they are winning as some would say …
Not true as to the US. There are more Jews (5.5 million) that Muslims (4 million). But Jews have a more elderly population and the Muslim birth rate is astronomical (Tlaib has 12 siblings), so we will be passed within the next decade or two.
The Jewish vote hasn’t mattered that much since New York stopped being a swing state. It matters in Florida and one or two swing states.
It’s one of the factors that can make a difference in part because the Dems depend on it.
I am not switching to Trump at all. Have voted for the most pro Israel president and will do so again. The Dumbacraps are pro Islamofascist terrorists and I hate all of them
Jojo is going to need another George Soros kapo type to go around and confiscate the property of those pesky Jews that have stopped donating to their own destructions.
Yes indeed, a mystery. I have always supported Israel and the Jewish people because its the right thing to do humanely, and religiously. Many of us do not go along with politics which in our opinion have become upside down in nature from what they were meant to do… represent the people in the best way possible., not to take sides with terrorist regimes. We have Jewish friends and they are Orthodox and Conservative. They had famlies that survived the. holocaust and are reminded of how the Left and their anti-semetism destroyed so many Jewish families.
They are not going to be fooled again by cheap talk when they see the actions of support for terrorist groups who want to wipe out the nation of Israel, its actually a maniacle movement that has been prevelent throughout the ages.
A lot of these will vote for RFK, Jr.. They still can’t bring themselves to vote for the most pro-Israel and philo-Semitic President of my lifetime. Go figure.
“Gaslighting Jews.” Now there is a phrase with horrible resonance.
The Democrats take certain demographics for granted for a reason. Blacks think voting Republican is acting white; not even white people want to be accused of that. Jews want to assimilate by becoming invisible. Only the Orthodox don’t do that and they’re mostly Republicans. The number of people who robotically vote Democrat is astounding, Blacks and Jews are really no different. Liberal Democrats, like Zell Miller who spoke for Republicans at the Republican National Convention, refuse to change their party no matter what. Miller called it a kind of “birthmark” that couldn’t be removed. Look how many decades it took Alan Dershowitz to abandon the Party.
But political alliances are not birthmarks. They can and should be changed according to circumstances.
But will they be?
Although the Muslim vote most certainly affects the Democrats’ Middle East policy, the most likely reason for Biden’s weak-kneed support for Israel is Barack Obama, who detests Israel and the Jewish people. Americans know who is running this country from behind the Oval Office curtain, and it is not Biden.
I’ve known and said that since 2008.
It must be constantly kept in mind that over half of America’s population is so moronic that they vote for the very
leftist democrats that harm themselves.
Regardless the polls showing Trump ahead in the 6 or 7 swing states needed to win the electoral college,
the woke leftist democrat morons, I fear, will still vote for Biden and the democrats in Congress, resulting in another GOP/Conservative loss in November 2024.
The demographics and mindset of America has so drastically changed for the worst since the 1980’s or 1990’s that
America is no longer America.
Furthermore, America’s elite political and social and cultural and corporate leaders, and the deep state bureaucracy are only looking out for themselves, America and US citizens be damned.
The devil take the hindmost.
In many ways, the social situation in America is not unlike what the social situation in the Soviet Union was shortly before it collapsed and broke up. The political and bureaucratic elites keep trying to hold on to their unjustified privileges, to the detriment of working and middle class citizens.
The political and bureaucratic elites are so depraved that they even behave personally and make policies that deliberately harm and stab their own citizens in the back
Until the whole house of cards falls under its own weight.
That is where America is now … on the brink of an abyss.
The only thing that matters is for individuals to take care of themselves, their family, and kindred spirit friends.
Let the devil take the hindmost.
I hope this gloomy assessment and forecast is wrong.
But the evidence for it seems to keep mounting every day, in my opinion
Your first sentence is absolutely true and correct. 100 up votes.
I have come to the belief of the need for a citizenship quiz to be allowed to vote.
Welfare recipients should not be allowed to vote until they get off the welfare rolls. People younger than 35 should not be allowed to vote, etc. It’s time to add some wisdom to voting. Not everyone is has the intellect to be allowed to vote nationally.
It has never made sense to allow career Welfarists to vote themselves more loot from the treasury via the Democrat Party. There should be a cut off point, say a year on Welfare ends your vote, reinstituted once you start supporting yourself again. But then we have jailed criminals voting who have broken their covenant with society in a different way.
The age to vote should be 25. Adolescence ends with the 24th year.
Your comment fortifies the statement America will be defeated from within. A coalition of the stupid and the evil will make it happen. It will come about the same way as bankruptcy. It builds up slowly and ends suddenly. The unquestioned compliance with the covid restrictions is the perfect example of how easy it is to round up the lemmings and pit them against those who think for themselves.
“….A coalition of the stupid and the evil will make it ( America’s demise ) happen …..”
Seems like that is the agenda and the plan.
The diaspora caused the Hebrew people to lose our identity so many are still voting for the wrong people! Self loathing Jews like Nasty nazzi Nutzie PeeLousy’s chief flying moneky Chucky Shoomer, Noodles Nadler, Shifty Shift,, etc. believe they are immune from antisemitism forget the lessons from nazzi Germany, Russian pogroms, Spain’s inquisition, and other history because the Hebrew people became complacent and started pagan practices ignoring our direct connection to YHVH is just what is happening in USA ignoring and removing YHVH from the public awareness. You’d think after 10-7-2023 these vile ilk would wake the f up! This is just the beginning. Yes, President Trump will win on `11-05-2024 and that will only ramp up the satanic demons assault against him and antisemitism will be hotter than ever as the main sleaze media foments more lies and biases against POTUS Trump and the Jewish race! Yes, Hebrew people are a separate race. We may be white in appearance but we ain’t honkeys. Channel surfing one day I landed on a PBS station broadcasting a documentary about nazzi Germany and there was a Jewish man with a JUDEN patch on his coat sleave heil hitlering the demon as he passed by in a motor cade. Did this hapless Jewish gent actually think this would spare him and his family? I would hazard to guess this fellow ended up in a nazzi death camp and was exterminated. We must stand up and be a vocal minority as well as stay highly trained to battle when they come to take us away which is not unlikely as the deep state antisemites and self lathing Jews come for us. I have an Israeli/USA flag in my front yard since 10-7-2023 and thus far there is no assaults against me or my house. As a boy, some asshole burned a Mogen David (Jewish star) in my family’s front yard. This is what you get to try to blend in.
As bad as things may look, we are a large and heavily armed population. We are not beat yet. Even more threatening than the Muslims right now are the transhumanists who are the most likely to kill us with their vaccine mandates and other schemes to reduce the world’s population. We have much to fear right now, but concentration camps for Jews is not a looming threat. I understand your fear, but try not to react that way to the campus riots. They are a minute part of the population and are widely despised.
“Schemes to reduce the world population………”
Yes, sadly that’s the plan via Agenda 21!
Watch Rosa Koire while you still can. They’re taking her videos off the web.
Lefty Jews may be insane.
Few are suicidal.
Democrats panicking is a bit of an axiom these days.
They are panicking over black voters.
They are panicking over Latino voters.
They are panicking over blue collar voters.
They are panicking over court decisions that may not favor their candidates.
Good to see the bastards worried.
I don’t think Shoomer is so worried.
I think he’s insane.
Many American Jews are walking away from the Democrats because of Biden’s criticism of Israel based on Hamas propaganda and the surge in anti Semitism on college campuses caused by DEI, CRT and Arab financial interests. They will either sit the election out or vote holding their noses or not, for Trump. The Orthodox community in many areas has been strongly supportive of Trump in 2016 and 2020 amd also helped turn Florida into a conservative state
Biden’s cabinet and advisors are all the same people that were in the Obama Administration. Therefore the anti-semitism and hate for America as well.
Biden can’t possibly have “betrayed” a country to which he never pledged allegiance. The rebuttal he got from Begin in 1982 when as a Senator he tried to blackmail the israeli PM is proof enough that then and now, he couldn’t care less about the Jewish (or any other, for that matter) country. As always, he just does what he is told to do, his only concern being how much he will profit from it.
But maybe even more damaging than Biden’s so-called “betrayal” are the images American Jews can see of their children being insulted, attacked, beaten, prevented from entering their colleges by mobs carrying pro-Hitler signs – not in the Middle East, but here in America, where they thought the shadow of another shoah could never materialize.
15 years ago, I tried to convince a California wealthy (and leftist) Jew that the road to peace in the Middle East didn’t depend on Israel ceding more land to the Arabs. I wonder whether he has changed his mind now, or if he blames Israel for 10/7.
I agree. But one quibble: Trump will take New York, because the people know that their city is dying.
I hope you are correct that Trump wins New York.
But another serious concern is that the democrats take Texas .. the Presidency and the 2 Senate seats.
The Texas demography seems inevitably headed toward it returning effectively to Mexico ….
…. just like California.
Opening America up to mass illegal alien Hispanic migration from Mexico and Central America and
South America has doomed America …. America’s future wsill be more like Mexico, rather than the other way around.
Mexico has always been an enemy of America and US citizens … and still is.
Hell, Mexico murders more than 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured drugs,
and INVADES America with hordes and millions of illegal aliens,
and the US government elite political leaders ( GOP and Dems ) have been doing absolutely nothing
about it for more than 30 years.
Talk about treachery and betrayal and the stab in the back of America and US citizens …..
If New York goes the wrong way, that city is going to be worthless and the people in misery. The woke left runs everything into the ground.
minnesoter – I live in NYC and it’s a faint hope I’m afraid!
I have never undestood why American Jews and Blacks consistantly vote Democrap no matter what.
And then there were none.
Jewish vote or not, “Biden” never stood a chance in hell of winning this election fairly.
“desperately want to believe the worst about Biden” – No, they desperately want to disbelieve the worst, but they can no longer delude themselves that the worst about biden isn’t true.
It’s so undeniable that they have to counsel their readers to not even “engage,” Jewish folks who think differently, lest their their mind be changed, er, because “they are unreasonable.” THAT is telling.
Not enough Jews will vote for Trump to matter. The fact that most Jews in America live in solid blue states doesn’t help. It would take a tidal wave for those states to turn. And it won’t matter if more Jews voted for Trump than in the past. All that matters is winning in November because if we lose (and I believe we will) all bets are off at that point.
the reason any jew would vote for democrats goes beyond reason , why the left has a love affair with islam is a mystery . perhaps its because both dems and islam are cults of death . since roe v wade approx . 47 mill. children have been murdered . considering 6 mill. were snuffed out in the holocaust you would think the jews would have an aversion to holocausts of any persuasion yet they continue to vote for the very party that would install ovens if it got more votes . the same mindset of leftist jews in israel until oct. 7 when most believed they could cut a deal with the people who stormed the border on oct.7 and obliterated their misplaced altruism that they could live peaceably with brute beasts . and yet there are those in the israeli war cabinet that still believe they need to come to some agreement with hamas and hezbollah . so modern day pharisees and saducees are alive and well in israel . history repeats itself and would prefer modern day criminals [ hamas ] over their own citizens . as when they wanted [ barabas ] released not jesus christ . nothing has changed . the jews will be the authors of their own demise as will america . 2 state madness at its best . americas so called war on terrorism is a ruse .
“But that’s what the loud low-information segment of our community is telling us to do when they tell us to vote for Donald Trump.”
Condescension is the only arrow in the Dem’s quiver. Watch Nancy Pelosi at the Oxford Union debate from a few weeks ago. It is perhaps the perfect example.
Stop blaming a clown for acting like a clown. Ask yourself why you keep going to the circus?
Something for you all to ponder.
All these stories prove but one thing:
Jews Abandoning Biden*
Muslims Abandoning Biden*
Youth Abandoning Biden*
Black men Abandoning Biden*
Union members Abandoning Biden*
Latinos Abandoning Biden*
and on and on…
Democrats and Identity politics has met its Rubicon. Get ready for the multi-generational conservative swing of the political pendulum back to sanity.
‘The One’ in a landslide.