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Like the Japanese soldiers found hiding in the jungle after World War II, unaware that their Emperor had surrendered, the Democrats don’t seem to grasp that their side was nuked and decisively defeated last November.
Witness the recent pathetic spectacle of the Democratic National Committee’s annual winter meeting last week, carried live on MSNBC and held at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley told Fox News Digital, “It’s an important opportunity for us to not only refocus the party and what we present to voters, but also an opportunity for us to look at how we internally govern ourselves.”
But even The New York Times admitted about the DNC meeting that the “Democrats appear leaderless, rudderless and divided” and “have no shared understanding of why they lost the election, never mind how they can win in the future.” “We have no coherent message,” complained Rep. Jasmine Crockett to The Times.
And that’s at the heart of the Democrats’ problem: they believe that ineffective messaging and not the substance of their vision is the reason they lost to Trump. A few Dem leaders, like Amy Klobuchar, at least suspect (correctly) that Biden administration economy-wrecking played a role in voter dissatisfaction, but for the most part, the Party is still in denial about, and clinging to, a vision that the American people roundly rejected last fall.
The forum focused, for example, heavily and unsurprisingly on race and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) programs – exactly the sort of divisive, social justice madness that Americans brought Trump in to dismantle.
The DNC meeting included a debate among eight candidates for a new DNC chair: former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, DNC Vice Chair Ken Martin, Wisconsin Democrat party Chair Ben Wikler, former Bernie Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir, failed candidate for Arkansas state Representative Quintessa Hathaway, former DHS official Nate Snyder, and Newton, Massachusetts Democratic City Committee executive member Jason Paul. As Fox News Digital put it,
With no clear leader in the party, the next DNC chair is in a position to become the de facto face of Democrats from coast to coast and will make major decisions on messaging, strategy, infrastructure and where to spend millions in political contributions.
In a defining moment on Thursday, when forum moderator Jonathan Capehart asked all eight candidates who among them “believes that racism and misogyny played a role in Vice President [Kamala] Harris’s defeat” in the 2024 election, every candidate quickly raised his or her hand (see picture above). Every one. Hathaway, a black woman who believes America has been systemically racist since 1619, raised both her hands.
“That’s good, you all passed,” Capehart quipped.
Actually, it wasn’t good. It demonstrated that the entire slate of candidates for DNC chair was locked into the Party’s failed worldview of identity politics. Not one of them was willing to admit, at least publicly if not privately, that “woman of color” Kamala lost not because Americans are hateful bigots but because 1) she was epically incompetent and unpresidential, and 2) American voters were fed up with the Democrat Party’s insanely radical agenda. Not one of the candidates was willing to face that reality, and as social media users pointed out, the moment revealed that Democrats learned nothing from their November 2024 loss.
Ultimately, the DNC elected Ken Martin as its next national chair. In his victory speech he asserted that “the policies that we support and the message that we have is [sic] not wrong. It is a messaging problem and a brand problem. Those voters are not connecting our policies with their lives.” [Emphasis added]
On the contrary, it is precisely because the American voters did connect Democrat policies with their daily lives that they swept Trump and his MAGA movement into power all across the country. Americans had had enough of personal pronouns and gender ideology, of immigration chaos, of the breakdown of law and order, of skyrocketing inflation, of our diminution on the world stage, all of it. Everything the Democrats stand for.
But in his victory speech, Martin showed that the Dems are still Trump-obsessed: “The fight right now is against Donald Trump and the billionaires who bought this country.” Um, no, throwing all the Party’s energy into destroying the President would be futile and self-defeating. As Democrat Rep. Veronica Escobar told the NYT, “We cannot get caught up in every egregious thing he says, every insult he hurls, every ally he attacks and every executive order. There’s just too much.” The focus for the Democrats should be on their “fundamental transformation” into the American mainstream.
Of course, that’s not going to happen, because the Democrats don’t care about the will of the people and will never abandon their agenda.
As further evidence that the Democrats are simply going to double down on their failure, young gun control blowhard David Hogg was elected as one of the three DNC vice chairs over the weekend. The foul-mouthed Hogg, who exploited the 2018 Parkland school shooting to get into Left-wing Harvard and position himself as a voice for the angry activists of the next generation, is just another pro-crime, gun-grabbing, race-mongering radical. “Let’s go kick some ass,” he eloquently urged the DNC forum-goers, demonstrating that like the new chair Martin and the Party in general, he is laser-focused on battling Trump rather than understanding American voters and moderating the Leftist agenda.
If the Democrats could muster an iota of humility and introspection, they would take to heart the results of a Quinnipiac University survey conducted over the past week which revealed that only 31% of respondents had a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party, with 57% viewing the party unfavorably – the highest percentage since the Quinnipiac University Poll began asking this question, according to the survey’s release.
By contrast, 43% of those questioned had a favorable view of the GOP, with 45% holding an unfavorable opinion – the highest favorable opinion for the Republican Party ever in a Quinnipiac poll.
If Democrats could get past their rabid hatred of arch-enemy Donald Trump long enough to ask themselves why this is so, and why they were steamrolled in November despite their relentless hyperbolic messaging that Trump is a more serious threat to democracy than Hitler ever was, perhaps they could see that voters are done with the Hate America First crowd. They want a party that will make America great again.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
I don’t trust them at all. They’ve been way too low key post-election compared to 2016. They are plotting and Obama is still at the helm. I would not put anything past them. They have countless terror cells in this country at their disposal.
The great thing is Trump is acting so fast I am sure he is taking them by surprise, perhaps too fast for them to react.
I notice the DEI obsessed DNC elected two white guys as their leaders. And if that isn’t ridiculous enough, Quintessa Hathaway proved that more than her first name is ridiculous by singing her speech. And she looks like more of a Hogg than Davey does. Davey is another example of how unserious and ridiculous the DNC members are. Davey is the only one in the anonymous bunch I’ve ever heard of before and the only reason I have is because he’s a ridiculous public (barely) figure.
Their plan to oppose everything President Trump says and does is indeed a guarantee of their future failure. And the President is quite intelligent, unlike those tards. He’s been launching such a fussilade of Executive Orders, pardons, firings, tariffs and threats to unruly countries that the D-Bags can’t keep up with them. Their idiotic attempts at opposition are always late and the President fires new fussilades every day.
This is so funny.
And the Prime Minister of Denmark wants to meet with President Trump about his proposal to buy Greenland. Even the UN has endorsed the idea of America making Greenland a bulwark against foreign aggression.
Who’s laughing now, D-Bag dweebs? The Dirtbagocrats in the Minitrue Media and Congress must be soiling themselves in shock.
David Hogg is still disconfuckulated over the Stoneman shooting. He needs to get laid. The Dems should fix him up with Greta Thunberg. ~
I don’t know about that. I think Greta stands up to pee.
Doesn’t matter. They are both transitioning, and would match up well
Right on! I’d pay money to see that!
Their Agenda is Agenda 2030 which is implementing the UN 17 sustainable development goals.
Agenda 21 culminated in mass lockdowns.
Trump needs to defund the UN now.
Defund it, withdraw from it and kick it out of America. Use the building for something worthwhile. And take down all the flags except the stars and stripes. And make sure those foreign scum don’t steal anything, which they do regularly, even eating utensils. (?)
Agenda 21—Agenda 2030 being a check in date for certain agendas being finalized—-is still up and running!! This whole “Agenda” needs to be thrown in the dustbin of history but I don’t see/hear any leaders on the Republican/right/conservatives talking about this!!! As far as I’m concerned until I hear the Republicans talk of dismantling or undoing Agenda 21, it’s proceeding at break neck speed! Watch Rosa Koire on utube about this before all her videos go missing!
“Democrats appear leaderless, rudderless and divided” and “have no shared understanding of why they lost the election,”
Let us hope that Demoncrats remain “leaderless, rudderless and divided” and stuck in the DEI/climate change, Hitler, racist frame of mind. It keeps them busy and out of our hair.
Amazing you made a post without piggybacking off THX
It’s amazing you have so little going on in your pathetic life that you notice my posts.
Intrepid is our designated THX counter-troll.
THX has contributed nothing to FPM’s combox.
Other than sharing his fanatical faith in the religion of “Objectivism”
And he’s too autistic to realize that that religion is neither useful or objective, much less true or good.
Someone has to counter-troll the troll.
You could troll him too if you wanted to.
A wounded animal is most dangerous.
It’s well known that rodents will chew off their own limbs to get out of a trap they’ve fallen into.; even though by doing so they shorten their own lives.
Because at some polls being a democrat is now radioactive, I wonder if in the midterms we will see a number of them go independent. (In name only of course).
If the Democrats could muster an iota of humility and introspection, they wouldn’t be Democrats
They are not in denial. This is who they are. They are fanatical Leftists following the Alinsky playbook:
RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)
You think that they are in denial, but they are following a prescribed strategy.
Let them keep at it just like this.
They will never be elected again and that’s a very good thing for America and the rest of the world.
I hope they never get a clue.