What’s the first rule of character assassination again?
The Lincoln Project’s actual mistake was trying to get into business on the Democrat side of the fence. Their clip show ads attacking President Trump wouldn’t have raised too many objections. But once they started getting into Senate races on the Democrat side, they were competing with the Democrat consultant class.
And they got taken down.
Only idiots wouldn’t have seen it coming. Fortunately for everyone involved, the Lincoln Project exclusively hired narcissistic grifters with no clue about the bigger picture. All the Republican allegations about the Lincoln Project remained bottled up, and then when its leadership made it clear that they intended to stick around, the opposition research went to the media, and that’s the rest of the story. That story being that the consultant class is filled with people who are ruthless and smarter than this bunch, and have better connections with the media, and a better class of opposition research.
A number of Democrat consultant class members were taken out in the past few years in the same way. More competition was neither needed nor wanted.
With the election done, the Democrats are revving up their own circular firing squads. And stories that were widely known among conservatives and the media are now getting airtime. Old business is being closed, from the Lincoln Project to Cuomo’s presidential ambitions. And it isn’t done yet.
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