When they’re not cashing in on murdered babies by selling their parts, they’re doing it with fundraising.
Democrats and their affiliated outside groups have raised more than $7 million since a report first unveiled a leaked draft Supreme Court opinion that would overturn the historic Roe v. Wade ruling and allow states to restrict abortions.
The donation website ActBlue, which allows donors to contribute online to Democratic campaigns, political action committees and outside groups that often support the the party’s policy goals, processed the gargantuan sum since Politico published the draft opinion Monday
And that’s just ActBlue, which is massive in its own right, but far from all of it.
Some of that might be passive, sure, lefties feeling drawn to vent by sending money, but campaigns that bring in sizable amounts of cash do not pop up overnight. Even accounting for the media’s function as a promotional arm for the fundraising machine, this is likely to be the result of targeted fundraising campaigns that had enough lead time to be developed and deployed.
As we’ve seen with this entire process, a variety of lefty special interest and activist groups were clearly tuned in and aware of what was about to happen. They had campaigns, ranging from protests to fundraising, ready to go as soon as the news went public.
And they’re cashing in. $7 million is just the tip of the iceberg. Between the money that’s going to flow in from megadonors (whom do you think Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren are trying to impress with their public meltdowns) into dark and lighter money machines, we’ll be looking at a quarter billion before long.
That’s money Dems desperately need to compete in the midterms. Major donors had been shy because the odds were bad. This “leak” helps goose them.
Follow the money. Always follow the money.
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