While the media continues insisting, with no actual evidence, that it will do everything to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story because it’s foreign disinformation, and that foreign disinformation operations threaten our political system, it’s furiously fighting a Trump admin effort to reign in foreign disinformation.
A DHS rule trying to limit the amount of time that foreign correspondents can stay in America has been met with a hysterical media response.
Here are the notable parts.
The Department of Homeland Security has announced a proposed rule to require a fixed period of stay for international students, exchange visitors and foreign information media representatives to encourage program compliance, reduce fraud and enhance national security.
In other words, no more blank checks.
“This effort would create a fixed time period of admission for certain aliens, consistent with most other temporary visa classifications, while still allowing these aliens an opportunity to legally extend their stay or re-apply for admission where appropriate,” said Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli.
Which makes perfect sense.
Getting into America should not be a Hotel California situation where you never leave.
The rule would also help reduce our Islamic terror problem.
“Additional factors that may trigger a two-year period of authorized stay include an alien’s birth or citizenship from a country on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list.”
But it’s the foreign media part that triggered hysteria and outrage. Along with claims that a free press is being undermined. But the Constitution protects a free American press. It doesn’t protect the right of Xinhau, Al Jazeera, RT, BBC, or other government media operations, to operate in America.
A state media is inherently suspect and un-American. And foreign state media has no particular place in America.
If foreign media operations want to send people here, they should be limited to a particular time of stay just like other business travelers.
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