1984’s “We’ve always been at war with Eastasia” moment was born when the Communists, who had been fervently against the war with Nazi Germany, flipped instantly once Hitler turned on his former ally, Stalin, and invaded the Soviet Union, even as it was sending the Nazis aid.
2020’s Eastasia moment when the same Democrat regimes and media talking heads who had screeching that if we leave the house, we’re mass murderers, began cheering huge racist mobs denouncing the police and burning and looting entire neighborhoods.
Since people have kinda begun noticing this slight contraction, the media’s tone has fallen into the usual, “And Republicans pounced…”.
The issue, somehow, isn’t that social distancing is still technically being enforced, but is waived for lefty mobs. It’s that Republicans, who are always portrayed as dubious, are “pouncing on it” by calling attention to the hypocrisy and the complete lack of credibility of the media.
This is the usual media lens where the lefty scandal is never the scandal, rather the scandal is all that Republican pouncing.
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