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Before they go on stage, presidential campaigns have mock debate prep in which someone has to play the role of their opponent. For example, Obama’s Mitt Romney stand-in was John F. Kerry. Both are wealthy faux patrician men who spent some time in Massachusetts and are both poor debaters who talk too much and explain even more.
But getting a Trump stand-in has been a problem. How much of a problem? This is Bob Bauer, Biden’s campaign attorney, who also fills the role of Trump.
Having a campaign attorney stand-in is a little bit odd. But not so odd for a campaign whose biggest secret is that its number one is out of it. As a campaign attorney, Bob can be trusted to keep that under wraps.
Does he have Trump’s style and energy? Not remotely. But it’s not as if Biden is really going head-to-head with Trump. His job will be to stay on track and recite existing talking points in response to questions that will be passed along and even if they aren’t are easy enough to guess.
Abortion. Trans rights. Global Warming. Gaza. The border. The economy.
Still, Bob seems like a poor stand-in. Then again Hillary’s Trump stand-in was Philippe Reines. And while
Philippe had an aggressive reputation, he strikes me as being far short of what Hillary needed to practice against.
It’s hard to get a good Trump stand-in.
Also unclear how much good it does to train a dementia patient.
How should Trump prepare for this misnomered “debate”?
I hope Trump doesn’t say “I WOULD have done this” and “that WOULD never have happened with ME”.
Who cares? He should steer clear of saying “I” and “ME”. Don’t compare “accomplishments”. That is all irrelevant now.
He should assume no one remembers anything, and those who do, don’t want a rehash. There is just the here and now.
America needs a clearly stated, unambiguous message to define the election. And Trump has to stick to that clear message and relate everything to that message. Leave his dementia alone. It’s obvious. Don’t harp on the obvious. There is one all encompassing message to deliver to the American people.
I think that message, to be repeated again and again and again, is:
Anything that Trump says should begin and end with that statement. BIDEN ENABLES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TERROR.
In a true debate format, there would be a topic to be debated. Trump has to approach this sham ‘debate’, which democrats will promote as another campaign rhetoric tit for tat, as a real debate. He can make it a real debate with a statement set forth to be resolved.
If he doesn’t do this, this amorphous ‘stand-off’ will only help Biden and accentuate Trump’s abrasive personality.
He has to put his personality aside and “debate“, not campaign, which Joe could do even if he has full blown Alzheimer’s.
I’d like to hear Trump’s first words to be, no matter what question is posed:
Trump must ‘prove’ that this is so. He must connect the dots of any Biden policy, foreign and domestic, to enabling terror at home and abroad. Biden argues ‘democracy’ while he dictatorially obliterates the American government’s foundational separation of powers and dismantles the system of checks and balances. Examples abound.
Trump must zero in on ‘terror’. Democracy has become a meaningless word to trigger fear. Terrorism is real. That is the issue in this election.
President Trump is so far ahead of the curve, light years, that all the advice on what Trump should say is pissing against the wind = if you will. President Trump talked about the swamp and we see how bad it is. Tesla saw AC and transmitting without radio, etc. Without noting Bible prophesy, in Israel’s, POTUS Trump moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem and rebuilt the building! This is like we don’t see YHVH’S ways but we see YHVH’S results. When people understand President Trump is a man of GOD – not a saint, but a warrior, people will enjoy and get more and be mentored by Donald Trump as POTUS and as an entrepreneur as I have for decades. I read Donald J. Trump’s books long before the “Apprentice” and in fact, never watched a full episode of the Apprentice. When I think of President Donald J. Trump I can express myself in one way to sum up: President Trump – EXCALIBUR!
Biden the Blunder still trying to pat himself on the back without hurting his arms
There is no need for a Trump practice stand in since it is highly likely Biden will have the questions already and only needs to memorize the answers his team writes for him.
The Kenyan (the shadow president?) once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.” My guess is that on the Kenyan’s last-minute say so, there won’t be any Trump/Joe Bite-Me debate.
What is being done to Biden in his secret hide away to pump him up for the “debate?’ Drugs? Blood doping? What else?
This is not even close to being a debat.
It is simply one man with a huge amount of leadership abilities and a love for the people of this nation…sitting there while waiting for the other guy to stammer, drool and fall asleep.
A debate consists of two people, STANDING at a podium fielding questions from EACH OTHER and debating the merits of each others’ policies.
What we are getting is a snooze fest….with perhaps a break for Joe’s diaper change.