Funny how little actual interest the Dems seem to have had in legalizing abortion before the Supreme Court decision or even afterward. But there’s plenty of appetite for legislative trolling.
An Ohio Democrat has proposed legislation allowing pregnant people to sue the person who impregnated them, regardless of whether the sex in question was consensual or not.
“Pregnant people”.
Clearly, no biologists were involved in producing this bill.
Nowhere does the bill use the “W” word, though apparently it’s pretty clear that someone is impregnating someone else.
Senator Tina Maharath has proposed the bill in light of the US Supreme Court repealing Roe v. Wade, which triggered a bill in Ohio that bans abortions after six weeks.
The bill would allow “any person may bring a civil action against another person who” either “causes the person to have an unintended pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances” or “aids or abets any other person in causing the person to have an unintended pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances.”
The bill would allow a person who caused a pregnancy to pay damages of not less than $5,000, as well as court costs and attorney fees.
At least Tina is putting Andrea Dworkin’s sentiments into law.
But since women don’t exist, shouldn’t both parties be fined for bringing about a pregnancy on whichever biological coin flip caused one of the people involved to magically have the capacity to become pregnant?
“That is why I introduced Senate Bill 262, which would allow women to sue for damages an individual who causes an unintended pregnancy. I urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to pass SB 262.”
The bill has gained support from conservative Christians.
Aaron Baer, President of Ohio’s Center for Christian Virtue, announced his support for Bill 262, saying it will tackle “hook-up culture” and hold “deadbeat dads” to account.
The answer to legislative trolling is more legislative trolling.
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