Democrats accuse Republicans of the things they do themselves. And then they use that to justify further abuses.
The Trump administration tolerated and incorporated quite a few Obama holdovers. Those holdovers often responded by seeking to undermine, leak and sabotage the new administration and its policies. Meanwhile the media waxed outraged over every attempt to root out the holdovers. But now the Democrats think they’re going to win and are happy to lay out plans for a purge of holdovers.
“I think that the most immediate action for the next president has to be — I hate to call it a purge — but any holdovers from the Trump administration have to be removed from their posts,” said Chuck Park, a former career foreign service officer who resigned from the State Department last year
Remember when purges were terrible? That was the Trump era. Now that the media thinks Biden will win, they’re awesome.
Dr Rick Bright — the former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority director and career Department of Health and Human Services employee who recently left government service after blowing the whistle on the Trump administration’s quixotic push to use hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment — warned that under HHS Secretary Alex Azar, the ranks of HHS have been polluted with unqualified appointees who have been converted to civil service positions.
“When this administration moves out, they’re gonna leave behind a lot of new civil service employees that are embedded” in order to sabotage an incoming Democratic administration, he said. “It’s going to be really tough to do… but we have to figure out how to identify those people.”
The civil war is just getting started.
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