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I remember Eric Holder being caught on video stating, “When they go low, we kick them.” Of course, that came after the infamous Barack Obama statement in 2010: “We’re gonna punish our political enemies.” Who can ever forget now-Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asserting from the steps of the US Supreme Court that Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh had ” . . . [R]eleased the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.” He even went so far as to state that they would not know what hit them. We know that the leftists violated the US Code and law and protested conservative SCOTUS justices outside their homes, and there was an assassination threat against Justice Kavanaugh. Whatever happened to Rep. Maxine Waters and her blatant call for violence against Trump administration officials just for being Trump administration officials, calling leftists to get in their faces and confront them everywhere?
Does anyone remember the leftist Bernie Sanders supporter who picked up and drove from Illinois to the DC area and attempted to assassinate GOP members of the Congressional baseball team at practice? There is not too much talk from the left about gun control after that attempted political assassination. Just recently, parents took to the streets in Los Angeles to protest the ideological agenda and policies of the California leftist legislature to force child gender mutilation surgeries and protocols upon their children without their consent or knowledge. They were met by members of the domestic terrorist group called Antifa, and surprisingly, the LA Police Department did what Portland and Seattle did not do by arresting Antifa members.
How interesting that a leftist organization called the Southern Poverty Law Center — which had an employee arrested at an Antifa assault on law enforcement in Atlanta — would designate an organization called Moms for Liberty as a hate group.
I am very sure that as you read this missive, you can name countless other instances of the progressive socialist left willfully and intentionally targeting their political opposition with threats, intimidation, fear, coercion, and, yes, violence. In the face of this totalitarian and tyrannical political violence, it is time for Republicans to find the courage to develop a political killer instinct.
Now, you can bet your bottom dollar that leftists will read this and take umbrage. They will respond with unrighteous indignation, believing that my words mean I am calling for retribution. That is not the case.
What I am establishing is a need for the GOP to use the rule of law to defeat the leftists and thwart their efforts. Where we have an out-of-control, Soros-backed District Attorney focusing more on political opponents than keeping criminals off the streets in red states. Republican governors should be removing these individuals from office. Instead of sitting back and watching the left overrun our country with illegal immigrants, a lot of single military-age males, Republican governors should be enforcing the law and repatriating these individuals back south of our border and undermining the reign of the terrorist Mexican drug cartels.
Consider that absurd declaration of Illinois Democrat Governor Pritzker, who wants to make illegal immigrants law enforcement officers. Every law-abiding constitutionally-minded sheriff in Illinois should speak out against this and declare that they will arrest any illegal immigrant masquerading as a law enforcement officer.
Why do we not hear more Republican governors and elected officials asserting constitutional nullification? In other words, sending a message to the Biden administration that his ideologically driven executive orders will not be followed if they are not consistent with the enumerated constitutional powers granted? I mean, you hear about the left wanting a “state of emergency” around climate change. Or how about this insanity in Montana, where young people sued on the grounds that they were being “adversely affected” by climate change? Now we are witnessing the return of mask and shot mandates.
The stakes are very high for the future of our Constitutional Republic, and we can ill afford to wage this ideological conflagration from the position of being on defense and reacting. It has to be very apparent to every American that the progressive socialist left does not believe they should abide by the Constitution. Heck, I find it abjectly humorous that the left always invokes the 14th Amendment when it was the same Democrat Party that voted against the 14th Amendment, proposed by Republicans, to give citizenship to former slaves. Oh, by the way, the Democrat Party did not support the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 with the sole purpose of ending slavery.
Last week, we had the first GOP presidential primary debate, and Donald Trump had a mugshot. Okay, it is time to move on. Who will be the one with the courage, competence, conviction, and character to go on full assault against the progressive socialist left? Who will call them out every day? Who will be the one who will stop acquiescing to the intimidation tactics of the left? Having a killer instinct does not mean killing anyone. It means you have the will, desire, and determination to stand and fight to defeat your adversary.
Here is an example of having a political killer instinct: The left believes they can keep Republicans on the defense on the issue of murdering unborn babies in the womb. First, let’s stop using their language, “women’s reproductive rights” and “pro-choice,” because the bottom line is that the leftists are the extremists who wish to use murder in the womb as a means of birth control and are advocating infanticide. As well, the position of the left aligns with that of the Satanic Temple of America.
Genocide? Look no further than the goals of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, and the deaths of over 20 million black babies in the womb since 1973.
Leftists want to expose our children to male perverts dressed as women who expose themselves sexually. Why not just expose our children to pornography? Oops, sorry, that is what they are doing with certain books and curricula. All the while, our children are falling behind in reading and math.
The leftists do not want us to Live Free; they want us to succumb, submit, and subjugate ourselves. They want our children, our stoves, our cars, our dishwashers, our businesses. They believe themselves to be above the rule of law, hence why they could challenge an election outcome, create alternate electors, deny losing an election, and seek to alter the results of an election, and it is just fine. But if Republicans do so, then they will enact every leverage of power and domination to destroy those who would dare do so.
There are two books every Republican and conservative should read before the end of this year: Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” Republicans are being consistently outmaneuvered from a strategic political perspective, and that must end. It can only end if you understand the leftists and what drives them. Then, develop the political killer instinct to defeat them, deny them their objectives, and go on offense against their delusions and derangement.
Steadfast and Loyal.
Beez says
I’m a Republican, and I’m not loyal to Donald Trump. I shouldn’t even be asked to be loyal to Donald Trump. There’s only one candidate in the GOP who can defeat Dem X ((that includes Joe Biden), and that candidate is NOT Donald Trump. That candidate is loyal to the nation and the Constitution, but Donald Trump smears and belittles him daily.
internalexile says
Vivek, perhaps? Certainly more dynamic than DiSantis.
George jones says
Why do you and others keep saying Trump can’t win? Just asking, as my white bread bread Republican friends say the same things. Don’t you understand “Trump can’t win” is a manufactured talking point of the never Trump narrative engineers? The statement is a pretense. They said he couldn’t win in 16 and 20, and he won both of those.
TruthB Told says
Sounds like you’re not loyal to the Republic of the United States of America either. That is to be expected though. For 50 yrs the nation’s youth have been indoctrinated to be passive sheep or outright traitors. It’s not as if we were not warned. In 1967 a future President gave a prescient speech on being elected Governor of California
“Freedom is a fragile thing & never more than one generation away from extinction.It is not by our inheritance, it must be fought for & defended constantly by each generation,for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then have lost it , have never known it again..” Ronald Reagan
Jan VI says
I think Colonel West’s article is spot on.
It makes sense for conservatives to study and apply Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, because they are used against us every day.
I am not so sure about Sun Tzu. Looking at the text online, it seems obscure, archaic, needing a lot of interpretation; can I say “inscrutable?” I wonder if Col. West has read it himself, aside from the cherry-picked bits.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Allen, great article!
YY says
Colonel West needs to read The Conservative Treehouse. It is very clear from the proprietor’s analysis there that the RNC and DNC are two sides of the same uni-party. Once one understands what’s really going on, the answer to Colonel West’s rhetorical questions — “Why do we not hear more Republican governors…?” and “Who will call them out every day?” etc. — have very easy answers.
DC says
“Constitutional nullification” would be the vehicle to use to begin a process of secession of the red states.
And if governors were to use it………..over time………secession would result.
And I support that.
Col. West is the genuine article and I am glad that it is he that is proposing something I gave espoused for years.
Cat K says
If the persecution of President Trump is allowed to continue, no Republican politician, governor or other leader will step forward and be brave. This has gone far beyond whether some writers here- or their commenters- like or dislike Trump. Some seem to jump on the ‘hate-Trump’ bandwagon perhaps hoping they won’t be persecuted too. . If we allow this “bullying”( I know it’s far far worse than schoolyard bullying) to occur, we are allowing the bullies to be in charge indefinitely. It is not specific to Trump, They’ve done it before, They will bully and try to ruin their next victim. It’s a cycle that allows them to win. They rough someone up, we retreat from that one person. And so it continues.
Abandoning Trump, blaming him, is acquiescing to the bully. Luckily for me, I am clear that Trump’s presidency was one I’d like to see repeated.
I may be afraid of the bullies, but at least I am not confused about their game. .
DC says
Wonderful comment!
Intrepid says
The moment any other Republican finds his political killer instinct he will get the Trump treatment.
Do we really think the 6 other daisies in the article pic have that courage? My guess is no or they would have shown it by now. It will take someone outside the club again, like, well, TRUMP. And we already have him.
Why settle for one of the GOPe wimps? I’d rather go down with the ship than vote for any of these pretenders. If needs be I’ll write in Trump’s name on the ballot.
Trump ’24 MAGA
RS says
The Rinos on that debate stage are not gaining much support. People don’t want to vote for them, they aren’t fooling anyone. More and more support grows for Trump as the only viable leader for America, despite what the pundits try to tell people. The problem is the fraudulent elections. David Horowitz is right, this may be our last election.
Patricia says
Americans reject another neocon president
American made says
Cojones do not seem to grow on many Republicans.
George Jones says
Cojones on Republicans are scarcer than Chris Christie at a Weight Watchers meeting.
Verneoz says
“Desperately Needed: Republicans with Political Killer Instincts.” I’ve been propagating this for years to my friends and in my online postings. The Democrats have absolutely no interest in compromise with Republicans. This is why there are no longer any Liberals in the Democrat party. The GOP has to operate in the same manner or be victim of the Democrats’ incessant characterizations of Republicans/Conservatives being racists, homophobes, wife beaters, or child molesters when in fact many Democrat politicians are exactly these things themselves. With the exceptions of Trump & DeSantis, none of the 2024 Republican contenders have this attribute of “killer instinct.” They talk a good game, but when it comes time to stand up and be counted – they will cave.
RS says
We can blame some in both parties for the fundamental change of America and their goals for a One World Government, and don’t be deceived, many Rinos are not Conservative Constitutional Republicans. The Rise of the World Economic Forum Cabal and their Rush to Global Government have been overriding any common sense policies, stability, and constitutional laws. We have the True Shadow government now which is described in Revelation 13 for it outlines their scheme very well. We all see the new lawlessness and rebellion in every aspect of society. Its current overdrive was sparked in Minneapolis, in May 2020 with the George Floyd ordeal. Now, the police forces are reduced, criminals face no bail, and prosecutors actually encourage more lawlessness.
ahem says
The problem is not so much that the GOP are cowards as much as it that they have been corrupted themselves, and have lost the moral authority to hold anyone to account.
To paraphrase Catherine Austin Fits: it makes a big difference to a politician when they have photos of him with a 12 year-old boy.
George Jones says
No, Allen, it’s not time to move on from Trump. Stop saying that, it’s surrendering. Leftists stole the presidency with massive voter fraud, opened our borders, bankrupted the country, are torturing conservative protesters in Democrat jails, grooming our children with sexual deviants, and a hundred other atrocities, and you say move on? Um, no. That is exactly the goal of the entire corrupt system Republicans have been surrendering too for decades.
So far as I’ve seen, there is no one else who’s standing up, including you, as your article suggests. Almost NO ONE gets it. This is a battle between good and evil, and if you’re not prepared to defend to the death those who are victims of that evil, namely our REAL president, Donald Trump, then you’re unfit for the task at hand. If you don’t defend Trump, you won’t defend US.
This is not a time for pretending, forgiving, or moving on. It’s a time of war, an NO ONE on that “debate” stage is remotely up to the task. If there’s no justice for Trump, there’s no justice for anyone.
Anne says
Great post! Thanks for speaking up… many of us are Trump supporters…..give us a voice!
Kevlar says
Metaphorically, the entire GOP needs to be savagely burned to the ground in a raging white hot all consuming fire.
Snowfrog says
Is it hyperbolic to say that America is fighting for its very existence? Col West has the necessary grit and expertise in conflicts to expose the dire state of America. America needs to be cleansed from the idiocy of progressives (communists, socialists and anti Americans). We need a sheep dog who takes no prisoners. Trump is no ordinary man. Trump is tenacious and brutally pragmatic. Republicans act like he is too antagonistic because he rocks this sinking boat. Trump is a political George Patton. While the other generals were hesitating Patton was defeating the Nazis. While the Rinos are debating how much ground they want to give to the degenerate enemies of our nation, Trump is advancing without their permission. It’s time to call a spade a spade. Trump is the only viable candidate because the survival of America is at stake.