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The vast gap between leftist hysteria and what it’s actually fighting can be easily spotted when it omits discussing the specifics of the case. Take the leftist clamor over ‘book bans’. Then ask them specifically what books are being banned in the majority of cases and then they suddenly have to defend the graphic pornographic content in books like Gender Queer.
The Israeli left, political elites and media allies have been howling that Israel’s democracy is being destroyed because of democratic judicial reforms that would stop the Supreme Court from wielding absolute power and overturning laws simply because the leftists on the court oppose them.
The Herzog visit was in no small part about undermining the Netanyahu government by propping up a leftist opposition figure. (That was why the Dems, who had previously embraced Rep. Ilhan Omar rushed to hide away any dissent, not because they were pro-Israel, but because they were anti-Netanyahu.)
Biden has continued pressuring Israel to stop judicial reform.
President Biden in a statement to Axios called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to move forward with the planned Israeli Knesset vote on a bill that is part of the government’s judicial overhaul, saying he is highly concerned about the legislation and its potential implications.
Biden urged Netanyahu in a phone call last week to try and get a broad consensus for his judicial overhaul legislation. According to two sources briefed on the call, Biden told Netanyahu he isn’t the only one concerned about where the prime minister is taking Israel, many Americans are too.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who on Sunday returned from the U.S. where he met with Biden and discussed the judicial overhaul, is making a last-ditch effort to reach a compromise between the government and the opposition on the legislation.
He has proposed watering down the bill so it will leave the Supreme Court some authority to review government decisions on the basis of reasonableness.
Note the ‘reasonableness’ line.
What it really means is that the Supreme Court is able to overturn decisions reached by elected officials because the leftists on the court (who select their own membership) think they’re not ‘reasonable’.
Imagine in the United States if the Supreme Court had the unlimited power to take any case and to overturn any government decision, not based on the Constitution, but based on its own opinions. Then imagine that the Supreme Court could select its own members. This is the nightmarish situation in Israel which the Left has done everything to uphold because it keeps on losing actual democratic elections.
When Israel’s leftists elites and their foreign allies shriek that democracy is under siege if their courts can’t supersede democratically elected officials, what they really mean is that democracy is besieging them.
With the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, moving to pass judicial reform, some of the country’s biggest companies announced that they were going “on strike”. There was a time when strikes meant workers protesting a handful of entrenched elites, now it’s the elites going on strike to protest the workers.
There was no depth to which leftists proved unwilling to sink including organizing ‘strikes’ in the military and among doctors.
Despite everything, the ‘reasonableness’ standard in which judges can overturn anything they like on a whim (or more likely because they’re leftists who support terrorists and oppose Israel) has been partly rolled back.
The Knesset passed a key piece of the coalition’s judicial reform legislation into law on Monday.
All 64 members of the coalition, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was released from hospital on Monday morning following a procedure to implant a cardiac pacemaker, voted in favor. Opposition lawmakers boycotted the third and final vote.
The amendment to Basic Law: The Judiciary limits the Supreme Court’s use of the so-called reasonableness standard. It bars “reasonableness” as a legal justification for judges to reverse decisions made by the Cabinet, ministers and “other elected officials as set by law.”
That story comes from JNS. Apart from it and IsraelNationalNews, the rest of the media coverage has consisted of hysterical propaganda and smear campaigns. That includes even formerly pro-Israel outlets like Israel Hayom and Jerusalem Post who are corruptly lying, smearing and defending the abusive status quo.
(If you don’t believe me, here’s a sample of the rhetoric that’s now routine at Israel Hayom.)
Netanyahu’s ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox religious allies say the package is meant to restore power to elected officials. Critics say it is a power grab fueled by various personal and political grievances by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption charges, and his partners.
Ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox. Not much more needs to be said about Israel Hayom’s current leftist orientation.
The Biden administration considers it “unfortunate” that the Israeli parliament ratified part of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s contested judicial overhaul plan on Monday, a White House National Security Council spokesperson said.
That’s one way to know it’s a good thing.
The bottom line is ignore the lies and smears in 99% of the media. That includes even Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayom, never mind garbage like the Times of Israel, and ask what the bottom line is.
The bottom line is judges being able to rule unilaterally.
There’s nothing democratic about that. Judicial reform is not an attack on democracy, it’s the downfall of a tyranny.
Yehuda Levi says
Leftists will ways whine about the demise of “democracy” when anyone does not allow them to have complete power.
The lemmings, usually young people, who follow them will participate in mass protests but they are still outnumbered by Israelis who don’t want the left to control the nation.
The left ruins almost every country it controls. If you love Israel then don’t let the left ever have political control of it – ever.
Mickorn says
The justices of Israel’s Supreme Court are “leftists who support terrorists and oppose Israel.” You are unbelievable.
Chris Weldon says
but quite accurate.
Jeff Bargholz says
You’re the Queen of the down votes, aren’t you? Why even bother to comment when everybody hates what you have to say? And I thought I got a lot of down votes.
Jay says
Generally speaking, it seems true that most everything that progressivism comes into contact with is diminished, distorted, disrupted, and, eventually, destroyed.
Greg says
What the heck does Joe Bite-Me, the Philistine, have to do with judges in Israel?
Cat says
Ask Daniel. but Ive read Biden admin (Obama, Soros, deep state) funds much of the Israeli protests you see reported on in the US news.
I saw one picture of a large (200K?) counter non-left protest. But it didn’t make mainstream American news.
Jeff Bargholz says
Nothing. As if Alzheimer Joe spoke personally with Axios or knew what he was reading during his staged photo op with Hedgehog. This all comes from his mysterious handlers, as always.
The top “stories” (fables) at Axios right now are about global heat waves with the hottest temperatures ever, the “Barbie” movie supposedly ruling the box office when EVERYBODY knows “Sound of Freedom” is the unrivaled champion and bullshit about Netanyahu being a fascist for opposing judicial fascism, complete with a photo of some left-wing moonbat in a Netanyahu mask.
Bitch McCommunist says
Ah, if only the Israeli Left had Hunter on their payroll.
Sword of The Spirit says
Thanks to God. DO NOT FORGET, Israel is STILL the apple of God’s eye. And on earth always will be til the end of this world as we know it. And during the 1000 year reign of Christ Israel will be the ruling nation.
And as for the Chuck Schumer’s of thew world Jesus says things such as this; “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
SCD says
Christianity is Israel- not a piece of land where they reject Christ
Surak says
It’s better to believe in God.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent points. About “reasonableness” that is one thing I came across early in life, as a teenager back in the 1960s, studying Ancient Greek philosophy. The sophists could use their sophistry to make anything sound “reasonable” to a naive public.
Jeff Bargholz says
At least the ancient sophists were skilled at debate and exposition. The modern wannabes are a joke. Did you hear Kamelface Harris lying her ass off about the old American slavery system today? Everything she said was not only unconvincing but abject lies. Apparently she’s going to reprise her bullshit tomorrow.
America is a joke now. I can appreciate some skilled sophistry but the dumbass crap I hear from many people would embarrass them if they were capable of shame.
I mean, if a person can successfully argue a position they know to be false, that takes some skill.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Especially since Kamelface is descended from slave owners and isn’t black 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
I know, right? But she was bussed to school in her prestigious upper crusty neighborhood and sucked Downtown Willie’s willy. And she mimics ebonics on demand. She probably has a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.
Mickorn says
Keeping it classy as always, JB. No comment on this one, Greenfield?
Jeff Bargholz says
Keeping it assy, Dickhorn?
Al B says
All of it is the result of so called “affirmative action” and “equality”. Translation: mediocritization, profanaton and ignorance by education.
Una Salus says
Let’s hope for something more than tokens but it’s hard to believe and even when there is resistance it’s usually about as substantive Trumpism. Obviously if you want my opinion this was all decided 3 years ago.
Jeff Bargholz says
Trumpism is the best.
Una Salus says
My personality is totally logical. That’s why it’s scientific.
Una Salus says
Speaking of which let’s get back to the IQ stratospheric personality that was Oppenturd. Who’s lies are so easy to sport you only need an IQ in the single digits.
Jeff Bargholz says
There’s a titular movie out now about Oppenheimer. It looks really good and probably is because it’s a Christopher Nolan movie. Cillian Murphy looks Jim Caviezal intense in the coming attractions. (He plays Oppenheimer.) He also looks physically ill, so I hope it’s just method acting and he isn’t sick. It has an all star cast of good actors, too.
I plan on seeing it.
Algorithmic Analyst says
the flag they use has
50 stars (not 48 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
They? I don’t get the reference.
Algorithmic Analyst says
In WW2 the flag had 48 stars. We didn’t get 50 stars until the 1950s. In the movie (set in the WW2 period they show a flag with 50 stars 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
Damn, AA, you don’t miss a thing! I never would’ve got the flag error.
Una Salus says
whose, you’ll have to excuse me for getting carried away
Kasandra says
Excellent column. It is almost comical to see how the Left argues that it is the “end of democracy” in Israel to curtail the unbridled dictatorial rule by a Supreme Court that can arbitrarily overturn the laws or actions of elected representatives based on its amorphous and ever changing standard of “reasonableness” (a power the high court gave itself thirty years ago) and which selects its own like-minded successors. As usual with the Left, it is an inversion of reality.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, when it comes to the Israeli Supreme Court, I can honestly say I wouldn’t mind a few Psuedostinian suicide bombers on the scene.
Una Salus says
Newt Gingrich says they have many text messages and recordings. Okay, well maybe the media will play them for you some day. You built your damn didn’t you? Zelensky!
Just play golf you idiot. Thaqt’s about what you’re good for.
Una Salus says
I mean if I’m getting into even Feynman who knew he didn’t have to do do anything on Iwo Jima. And that complete turd knew he didn’t have to do anything except conduct interviews with the BBC.
Una Salus says
This guy who has cruised forever upon no balls forever besides whatever “Empire ” gave him.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Empire?” WTF is that?
Una Salus says
Biden has the most rational outcome for you pathetic fags. Aren’t you rational?
Nexus says
Typical ‘reasonable’ response from a feces-Lib.
Jeff Bargholz says
WTF? Have you gone completely insane or are you just drunk off your ass?
I think you’re drunk. As a habitual drunkard, I suggest you lay off for awhile. You’ll feel better.
dollops says
Not booze; marijuana. Typical pot-fueled arrogant bluster.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, maybe so. My ex girlfriend smokes that stuff every single day and boy, does she talk a lot of shit.
I miss her, though
BLSinSC says
Just imagine what a Biden Supreme Court would find “reasonable”!!! Good for Israel and now just end the Court from Selecting their own!!
Una Salus says
Pathetic, all you’re doing is waiting around. You have no balls. You have no thrasos.
Una Salus says
No balls one way or the other. If it went one way you’d quickly switch to another.
Una Salus says
And that’s obviously why people have avoided you as substantial allies, not without good reason because look otherwise what these fags can do for them.
Una Salus says
You have no balls. You never put anything on the line. Unless it’s demanded by obviousness.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s my philosophy. Never put anything on the line that you can’t afford to lose. Unless you are forced to 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
You seem obsessed with balls today. I’m guessing you don’t have enough of them in your life.
Sorry, just saying.
Mine swing all over and I’m told they’re tasty.
Moshe says
Taylor says
Judicial reform is just getting started; there’s more to be done. Once reform is complete, then the real action starts: the Histadrut, the f’ing ILA, the massive, slow and stupid bureaucracy can all be reined in–finally–and the economy freed. And it’s the economic institutions that keep Israel low productivity, dependent on foreign aid and Israelis struggling which is the lefts number 1 source of power and patronage. The supreme court is the firewall that keeps ma’arach/avoda–the Israeli “deep stater”– truly in charge of the country.
As for Biden and American left–they’ll do anything they can to buttress the Israeli left and all Israel in their grip.
Taylor says
Well, Israels sovereign credit rating was just downgraded by the rating agencies–thanks to Jewry’s central European-derived Oligarchy. Israel should just ram the rest of reform down the lefts’ throats and face whatever comes the day after. Otherwise, if Bibi backs down, the left wins and continues its destruction of everything it touches–from American popular culture to Judaism.
RAM says
To a Leftist,
reason = my argument for any course I want to take
democracy = whatever is needed to get my way
tyranny = any system that gets in my way
Verneoz says
Biden, and your news media whackos need to get out of Israeli domestic affairs. Because you disagree with something that Netanyahu does, does not give you the right to interfere.
ALLAM says
That would be the CIA right there, Verneoz
Jeff C says
I agree “reasonableness” is arbitrary and an escape clause for all sorts of political mischief
Harry. S says
Leftist are a cancer in every nations body politics, they must be cut out and eradicated , we either destroy them or they destroy us.
You cannot reason or argue with rabies infected sewer rats, rats need to be fumigated
Netanel Reed says
Bravo! This is a straightforward description of the actual facts on the ground. Well done!
Çâşëğ says
What’s going on in Israel is the microcosm of global Marxist ideology. Specially in The USA where the le is urging tin pot dictator wannabe dementia Joe to ignore SCTOUS decisions that they don’t agree with. Compare and contrast American Marxist left’s reaction to Israel’s judicial reform and their reaction to SCOTUS decisions.
TrappedInBlueState says
“Netanyahu is trying to destroy democraacy. What democratic country tries to wrest control from their judiciary? It’s essential for democracy that Israel’s judiciary remain independent and retain their authority. NO TO JUDICIAL REFORM!”
“The U.S. supreme court is not normal. We need to curb their authority to save democracy. We suggest we expand the court to 15 justices and install term limits. Our democracy is at stake. WE NEED JUDICIAL REFORM!”
Andrew says
Radical Leftism is an ideological “ism” every bit as dangerous and evil as Nazism, in fact, it’s worse – Leftism is a ideological socio-political cult of indoctrination to lies, of threats, deceit, coercion, subversion, fear and intimidation tyranny that operates in and under the guise of democracy to undermine, subvert, poison, and destroy truth and democracy, freedom and liberty, individual sovereignty, who’s end goal is the destruction of not just America as a Constitutional Republic-Govt Of, By, and For We the People, let alone the State of Israel, but Western Civilization itself
The EZ Rider says
What if the Israeli Supreme Court strikes down this law as “unreasonable”?