Imagine if the so-called intelligence community and the military were headed by patriots instead of enemies of this country.
Just imagine. And then ask yourselves why that’s not the case. Instead, we get the shameful spectacle of military leaders rolling over for Black Lives Matter and the head of the DIA pushing a book that says all white people are racist.
The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) passed on a recommendation to read “White Fragility,” whose author argues that any gains the United States has made since its founding have come “through identity politics.”
Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley Jr., the DIA director, mentioned in a recent townhall and in his weekly email to employees that a DIA officer recommended reading “White Fragility,” a spokesman for the agency told The Epoch Times in an email.
“Ashley in turn thought it might be of interest to members of the DIA workforce seeking to learn about the perspectives the book highlights,” the spokesman said.
Now maybe this can be dismissed as ignorance, but if you’re the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, isn’t it your job to have the relevant information? Some random CEO or general could maybe be given the benefit of the doubt, but this is the equivalent of the DIA boss recommending Das Kapital or Mein Kampf. At this point, the contents of White Fragility are pretty well known.
And promoting it is unacceptable.
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