“This was not a politically-motivated investigation,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, “there is no deep state.”
As the hearing revealed, there is indeed a deep state, a cabal of high-level DOJ and FBI players, and they had acted against candidate and President Trump with illegal surveillance and forged evidence to bogus FISA warrants. Based on the hearing and recent IG report, the deep state had good cause to target ranking member Feinstein her own self.
The San Francisco Democrat was one of the loudest voices for the charge that candidate and President Trump was a Russian asset and puppet of Vladimir Putin. As that hoax unfolded, it emerged that Feinstein had a Communist Chinese spy as her driver for almost 20 years. This spy also served as a gofer in Feinstein’s San Francisco office and even attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator.
This was not a fake charge, as with Trump advisor Carter Page, framed by a corrupt FBI lawyer as the IG revealed. The longtime Chinese spy was an actual reality but the role of FISA in his discovery remains obscure. The spy had been in place for three election cycles but Sen. Feinstein never faced high-volume charges of channeling foreign influence in American elections.
Communist China received favored trade status largely due to Feinstein, who played down China’s human rights violations by comparing Tiananmen Square with Kent State. In 1999, Feinstein spearheaded efforts to bring China into the World Trade Organization, which removed annual review of the regime’s record on human rights and weapons proliferation.
“I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer,” Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal during a visit to Shanghai in 2006. In Beijing “we spent time with Zhu Rongji, the former premier who was a mayor of Shanghai” and “a good friend.” Feinstein and Senators Kay Hagen and Mark Udall met with Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and as it turned out, the Chinese had a problem with $6.4 billion in arms sales to Taiwan.
“I believe that’s a mistake on our part,” Feinstein said. Areddy asked her about Tiananmen Square, then turning 21. “I think that was a great setback for China in the view of the world,” Feinstein said. “It was just the PLA (People’s Liberation Army)” and China “learned lessons from it.” Still, Feinstein admitted, “we did not discuss it.”
In 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the massacre, Feinstein issued a statement recalling “perhaps even thousands” of demonstrators killed. “I know of no other country that has made as much economic and industrial progress in the last 25 years than China,” Feinstein wrote. “But what this anniversary reminds us is that progress still must be made in the areas of human rights, rule of law and governance.”
The San Francisco Democrat did not chart any actual progress the Communist regime had made on those fronts, and on the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen this year, no official statement appeared from the senator. As Rosemarie Ho noted in The Nation, Democrats in general and Feinstein in particular have been rather quiet about the democratic protesters in Hong Kong. Like all leading Democrats, Feinstein reserves her wrath for President Trump.
It was Feinstein who scripted the hearing for Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and cast the ludicrous Christine Blasey Ford in the leading role. So Feinstein has a lot in common with Howard Metzenbaum, who spearheaded the smear on Clarence Thomas in 1991. In reality, Feinstein may be worse.
In 2017 Feinstein told Appeal Court nominee Barrett, “the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s a concern.” As Justice on Trial co-author Carrie Severino observed, the “dogma” was Barrett’s Catholic faith, and “Feinstein’s not-so-subtle suggestion was that an observant Catholic could not also be a fair and impartial judge.”
In the hearings for Barrett and Joan Larsen, both on Trump’s original list for the Supreme Court, Feinstein said the backdrop was “neo-Nazis and white supremacists” in Charlottesville. “These are ideologies that people across the world died in a war fighting to defeat Nazism,” and just in case anybody wondered, “there isn’t any good in Nazism.” Feinstein was not a newcomer to this theme.
In 1992, the year Feinstein gained election to the Senate, the FBI was investigating Idaho man Randy Weaver on weapons charges. Weaver’s wife Vicky was not under arrest or wanted for any crime, but FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot the woman dead as she held her infant daughter. Democrats Herb Kohl and Patrick Leahy showed sympathy with the Weaver family. Feinstein took a hard line, asking Randy Weaver if his children wore Nazi arm bands and shouted Nazi slogans at neighbors.
So for San Francisco Democrat Feinstein, the targets of the attack were Nazis, not the government sniper who fired the deadly shot. This was the action of a deep state that Feinstein now claims does not exist, and which has raised few if any concerns about her longtime support for China’s Communist regime.
When it comes to President Trump, ordinary Americans, and conservative judges, the bigotry lives loudly within Sen. Dianne Feinstein. If anybody believed that the San Francisco Democrat, 86, is worse than Nancy Pelosi it would be hard to blame them.
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