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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is one of the Left’s premier, well-heeled, and most dishonest and ruthless attack dogs. It relentlessly smears legitimate conservative individuals and groups by labeling them as purveyors of “hate” and lumping them in with the likes of the KKK and neo-Nazis. Its name-calling and defamation would be just more of the same rubbish that comes daily from the Left were it not for the fact that the social media giants and numerous other major corporations still take the massively discredited SPLC seriously and use its smear pieces as a guide to shun and deplatform various dissenters from the Leftist agenda. So the SPLC sounds like the perfect organization for the Biden regime to work with, right? Oh, absolutely. Now this sinister and hateful group is partnering with the equally corrupt and politicized FBI.
The Daily Signal reported Sunday that the FBI “appears, at least briefly, to have joined the Southern Poverty Law Center’s attempt to demonize Roman Catholics who follow the church’s teachings on marriage and who celebrate the Latin Mass.” One of those Catholics, Michael J. Matt, editor of a newspaper called The Remnant and producer of Remnant TV, noted that his organization, which is not remotely connected with violence or terrorism, was listed on a “leaked FBI memo,” along with other Catholic groups that he pointed out were “defunct.”
Matt declared that this was an example the “FBI phoning it in,” as its list of “radical-traditional Catholic hate groups” came from a 2007 list compiled by the SPLC’s Heidi Beirich and Rhonda Brownstein. Matt asked incredulously: “They took Heidi Beirich and Rhonda Brownstein’s word for it, from 2007?!” He added: “There has been an explosion of traditional Catholic groups since Pope Benedict XVI brought back the Latin Mass. None of the new groups who are in positions of real influence are targeted in the memo.” That’s good, but the fact that the FBI is working with the SPLC and targeting law-abiding citizens because it disapproves of their religious beliefs is disquieting enough.
The Daily Signal notes that the SPLC “has branded mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits ‘hate groups,’ placing them on a map with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan.” This includes Jihad Watch and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which have committed no offense other than standing for human rights for all people. The Signal goes on to note that “former employees have condemned the ‘hate’ labeling as a ‘highly profitable scam’ tracing back to the co-founder’s talents as a fundraiser. In 2019, the SPLC fired that co-founder amid a racial discrimination and sexual harassment scandal, the full truth of which has yet to be revealed.”
Nevertheless, “the FBI’s Richmond, Virginia, office cited the SPLC in a January memo, which the national FBI office publicly rescinded in February. That memo listed nine organizations, most of which the SPLC first added to the list of ‘hate groups’ in 2007. The SPLC suggested that those organizations espouse and support antisemitism, and it has kept most of them on the list and the ‘hate map’ for nearly two decades.”
The FBI is not just keeping a list. In early March, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) asked Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, “Are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin Mass parishes and other Catholic parishes around the country?” Garland pleaded innocent, insisting, “No, the Justice Department does not do that and does not, uh, um, do investigations based on religion.” But it later came to light — okay, get ready for the shock of your life — that Garland was lying. The feds did have informants in Catholic churches, snooping around and looking for evidence of that domestic terror threat that the Biden regime keeps insisting is the worst such threat we face today. Nor is there any indication that they’ve taken these spies out of the pews.
Fox News reported on April 10 that the FBI “recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism.” This was clear from internal FBI documents that the House Judiciary Committee released to the public. The documents reveal that the FBI was attempting to use “mainline Catholic parishes” as “new avenues for tripwire and source development.”
The feds wanted to educate sympathetic Catholics about “the warning signs of radicalization,” and then get them to help stop the rosary-praying terrorist by obtaining “their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires.” This is nothing short of breathtaking in its resolute determination to construct a reality other than the one we happen to be living in. If there were a steady stream of terrorists routinely “radicalized” in Catholic churches and going out to bring the wrath of the Immaculate Heart of Mary upon the populace, there might be some justification for this program. As it was, it was plain and simple harassment and scapegoating of Christians.
This criminal regime will not stop with Christians, either.
Karen Jensen says
No Experience Needed, No Boss Over il Your FD Shoulder… Say Goodbye To Your Old Job! Limited Number Of Spots
commonsense says
Scram you idiot troll.
Intrepid says
Wasn’t your name Helen yesterday before all of your posts were removed says
Another Traitorous Woman …. notice how many News Liars are women , and that 99 % of women in Power are Globalist weapons
Jeff Bargholz says
I used to go to a Catholic Church when I was married to a Catholic woman. I didn’t see any terrorists. In fact, Catholics have a ritual after the sermons where they all stand up and grasp hands with the salutation “peace be upon you.” Not exactly dangerous behavior. My current Church has the same ritual, although it’s not a Catholic Church.
The FBI is an American Gestapo/Stasi. It needs to be disbanded.
BLM? Antifa? Are those terrorist organizations investigated? No. Only Christians and concerned parents at evil school boards.
Greg says
What happens when you combine the SPLC with the ACLU? You get the KKK in drag.
commonsense says
Thank God for the SPLC’s teamwork with the FBI. Those Papists need constant monitoring, what with their subversive allegiance to Rome. (Sarcasm, folks.) I bet mosques don’t receive the same degree of FBI scrutiny as Catholic churches. In fact, do mosques currently receive any scrutiny from the FBI at all? Read any of Joe Kaufman ‘s articles that have appeared here over the years about the goings-on in South Florida’s mosques, if you haven’t already done so. Jew hatred, contempt for our Constitution and Western civilization, and support for terrorism are typically preached from Muslim pulpits at the Friday afternoon Jumma prayer, at mosques all across America. So where’s the FBI?
Freedom Isn't Free says
It’s about the globalist agenda support for abortion installed in the White House. If you loved humanity, you’d want more of it, not less. And certainly not destroyed, forced sterilizations, or depopulated by the medical establishment.
The SPLC like the ACLU and the rest of them all who need to lose their tax exempt status and investigated
D.A. King says
We know about the SPLC. We need help, pls.
DIS media statement: The SPLC, accusations of “anti-immigrant hate” and “vilifying all immigrants” *UPDATED WITH 55-PAGE MEMORANDUM OPINION
Walter Sieruk says
Taking all that information in this above article is that this as well as many other things ,the terrible reality is that when considering the awful events last this and this year it might be fitting that the Federal Bureau of Investigation should be closed as in shutdown forever.
For the FBI is no longer the grand all American law enforcement institution that it once was in past times when captured kidnappers and investigated Communists and anarchists in America and it had even a few times stopped some jihadists in the United States from setting of bombs and thus murdering people.
So now ,after giving credit where it is due , the awful occurrences of the times strongly indicate that the institution that is the FBI has become not only influenced but even infiltrated and corrupted by the insidious and sinister extreme left -wing along with their comrades of the Red /Green alliance.
As observed its involvement in that despicable January 6, 2021 set up against the American Patriots at Washington DC in which with that mean old harpy, Nancy Pelosi, in some FBI agents in ,uncover , were very readily to falsely arrest , in entrapment any concerned patriots who ,at that rally who questioned that rigged hoax of a Presidential election in November 3,2020.
Even after that day FBI, agents went after in harassment some of the other patriots from that day of 1/6/22.
Warloch says
Can anyone tell me the difference between democrats, Hitler’s NAZIs and Mao’s communists?
John C says
Where they live.
Michael J Bass says
It’s almost impossible to comprehend the depths to which so called justice and law enforcement organizations and they hired guns have slithered.
What on earth has happened and his can this situation have been allowed to become the norm ?
More impacted is how, given the media complicit criminality, can the whole deluded uninformed leftist mob ever understand what has taken place and will eventually destroy them as well, thankfully yes, but effectively a total destruction of all honest, fact based law enforcement an Orwellian nightmare come true..
Bitch McCommunist says
Who can forget when the SPLC declared Sultan Knish a one man “hate group”?
Andrew Blackadder says
Once upon a time in the days when common sense was common the SPLC and the FBI were decent organizations that most Americans would respect to a degree however we must take notice that this was another generation and unlike the current generation that control those two groups.
Just like the EU and NATO these groups have changed a lot since their creation and now are controlled by morons.
Over It says
So where are “conservative” lawyers suing the SCLU, SPLC, FBI, and other communist front groups on behalf of the American people? Oh, there AREN’T any… They ALL work against us. Perhaps LAWYERS, and FEDS should start to disappear, then maybe all the bull will stop.
Ordinary Joe says
I began to see SPLC propaganda showing up, free of charge, in the last few decades. It was delivered to all types of law enforcement organizations and made available to everyone. I read more than a few and it affected my perception. It was not until way later that I realized what the SPLC and the FBI Bulletin were doing. They were pushing their propaganda on untrained and alterable minds of law enforcement officers.
Some journo should check the old mailing lists and publications. They were truly one sided and inflammatory. No wonder law enforcement reacts with such vehemence against those the SPLC and FBI have designated anti-American. They THINK they are doing their job when in reality they are doing what they were influenced to do.
Elliott Alhadeff says
… anyone been to a mosk lately?