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USAID has been a major problem for a long time, but, under the Biden administration, it turned into a rogue agency that actively resisted the efforts of the Afghan watchdog to get information about its activities and that has directed billions of aid to terror states in ways that are completely unaccountable by moving the money through the UN and third party NGOs while making it impossible to track what they were doing with it.
The current move by the Trump administration to put the rogue agency move firmly under the control of the State Department is a welcome first step, but frankly USAID was dubiously conceived and much of its operations are aimed at undermining U.S. foreign policy or warping it into funding our enemies.
The Trump administration and a Republican Congress would do well to fully consolidate all ‘humanitarian’ aid under a single arm of the government (currently it goes through too many pathways) and significantly slash that aid unless it’s clearly and directly in the interests of our foreign policy. Aid to enemy nations, whether or not we technically view them as partners or allies, like Pakistan or Turkey, should be zeroed out entirely.
And no aid should be directed to any areas under the control of terrorist groups. That includes Yemen, Syria, Gaza, and Afghanistan. America should not be in the business of funding Islamic terrorism.
Paradoxically, foreign aid is generally harmful to the recipient countries.
ALL foreign aid needs to be gotten rid of including aid to Israel.
The issue is not foreign aid for a good cause versus foreign aid for a bad cause (who is to decide what is a good cause and what is a bad cause and by what standard except the gang in power) the issue is the proper role of government. Foreign aid just like domestic welfare programs is immoral THEFT and redistribution of wealth from those who earn it to those who don’t.
Foreign aid to support national security is certainly not a bad cause. It is also something that has been done from time immemorial by others in history. For example, the Eastern Romans paid a Hun tribe to fight another Hun tribe. That was not immoral theft.
By spreading that aid to various departments, the government hides how much it gives away. Putting it all under the state department helps make it more transparent.
Next up: Welfare. As much as I want to see government departments and agencies reduced, putting all welfare in one place would help tell the American people how much welfare they pay for. For example, I was talking with a lady that said her husband was a government worker that helped poor people get housing. HUD I asked? No, Dept of Agriculture has a program like HUD for rural communities.
Another way to stop financing and supporting the Terrorists is to cut off all support to the UN
The UN has agencies dedicated to terrorism. The UN at large serves the opposite purpose it was founded for. It was originally the United Nations meaning the Allies in World War II. After the war it grew to include everyone. The sheer number of nations included was seen as an achievement for peace. The League of Nations that the UN replaced was considered a failure because WW II happened, but it was moral enough to expel the USSR for attacking Finland. The UN replaced the League due to Soviet power after the war. The UN is a captured institution that does little for peace and a lot for the life styles of diplomats while giving votes to malicious regimes.
Foreign aid should be discontinued. Whether immediately or phased out depends on the situation. We would not be entangled if we weren’t entangled.
Over 50 years ago, granny told me that we gave our foreign aid to our enemies. Her explanation was ‘communism.’
Although she’s been gone for 25 years, she keeps getting smarter every day.
With few exceptions – all of our aid has been to enemies.
Even our aid to Israel – the cause of much an anti-Semitic remark –
is accompanied / and balanced by aid to Israel’s enemies, who are also our enemies.
Who is stupid enough to think that was a good idea?
Why were we funding Egypt? Never mind Hamas, and all the others!
We have paid for the slaughter of innocent people all over the world, but especially for the victims of Islamic violence. Including millions of Christian, Jewish, and even Muslim minorities.
“Aid” is just blood money, and it has got to stop!
Little if any financial help is given to people in need anywhere in the World! USAID is the “US AGENCY for INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT”. Not humanitarian aid of any kind. They are a front for the CIA and apparently their job is to support Terrorism and bring down any foreign leader they don’t like or consider a “Tyrant ” or God forbid a “Populist” . Currently they are great friends to HAMAS and QATAR as well as anything thing else that that destroys the FAMILY or Hates America. Our Govt has been funding USAID to upwards of $50 BILLION per year and ditto the CIA.
PS: USAID is pronounced U-S-A-I-D : ALL CAPS, ONE AT A TIME, ALL SEPARATE LETTERS (just like the CIA or FBI. )
Well, the Fakestainians will always have the United Nations, Oxfam and World Vision!