There was this odd misunderstanding going around conservative circles, promoted by some ignorant influencers, that the Disney coup was a rebuke to the company’s embrace of wokeness.
Exactly the opposite.
Bob Iger, who had championed wokeness, orchestrated the downfall of CEO Bob Chapek, who had tried to take a less aggressive stance on radical politics. Now Iger is back and declaring vocally that Disney intends to double and triple down on its political extremism. That’s even as Strange World, Disney’s big film entry, designed around wokeness, just bombed massively at the box office.
… the corporate giant’s stance on LGBTQ+ inclusion.
The latter was an Achilles heel for Chapek in his roughly two-year run as CEO. After floating the message that Disney should not be involved in politics, employees and content creators led a full-on social media rebellion decrying his silence on issues like Florida’s incendiary policies on trans children and classroom policies in acknowledging queer people.
When asked Monday during an employee Q&A about where the studio would now fall on the matter, Iger said “one of the core values of our storytelling is inclusion, and acceptance and tolerance. And we can’t lose that, we just can’t lose that… how we actually change the world through the good must continue. We’re not going to make everyone happy all the time, and we’re not [going to] try to. We’re certainly not going to lessen our core values in order to make everyone happy all the time.”
The remarks were tweeted by numerous employees at the content studios, as well as parks and stores. One staffer noted that Iger’s answer came with “no hesitation.”
No surprise there.
CEO Iger is warning that Disney will push radical ideologies and anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell. Considering the company’s massive growth under Iger, from a struggling studio, to a dominant monster that has used its IPs to swallow up movie theaters and churn out content, owning everything from Marvel to Star Wars to FOX, it’s no surprise that he’s displaying arrogance and defiance in the face of the backlash.
As Iger puts it, Disney is not here to entertain you or to tell good stories. When he says that “one of the core values of our storytelling is inclusion, and acceptance and tolerance”, what that means is that political preaching is a core value, and “we’re certainly not going to lessen our core values in order to make everyone happy all the time.”
Or at all.
The Variety article references the Disney Adult. That’s what I used in my article, Disney Isn’t for Kids, to help explain the company’s transformation into a militantly family-unfriendly cult.
60% of Disneyland visitors were adults with no children. Only 36.7% of Disney World visitors had children under 18. The largest demographic for the theme parks, like the movies, are millennials. They are also members of the fandoms who are likeliest to spend money on licensed merchandise, and on toys and movie tie-ins that are Disney’s bread and butter.
In 1966, the idea that a single adult would spend more money on Disney merchandise than a family of four would have seemed ridiculous. In 2022, it’s just the new normal. If you doubt that stop by a theme park and see how many of the adults with no children wearing every single piece of Disney merchandise on sale would love to lecture you about queer theory.
These are the people Disney caters to now. Not little girls who want to be princesses. That’s why its theme parks will no longer address little girls as princesses. That’s also why rides like Pirates of the Caribbean or Jungle Cruise are being revamped to be more politically correct. Disney’s new woke demographic is much pickier than even the pickiest child could be.
It’s also sexually creepy.
Disney’s new demographic are adults who have never properly grown up and on some level still think of themselves as children. That’s also the profile for the average child molester. And of the kind of adult who insists that schools force children to “explore their sexual identities”
Iger knows what he’s doing. Whether he’ll get away with it is another matter.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I first noticed Disney had gone off the rails when I got the “Lion King” video for my niece and nephew, must have been back in the 1990s. Full of leftist politics, but subtle enough so most people didn’t notice it
Jeff Bargholz says
The latest Disney Cartoon is so woke it’s the worst flop in Disney history. No surprise considering it has gay teenagers, all the leaders are women, “minorities” abound and the evil energy source the world uses is replaced by wind turbines.
internalexile says
Blowin’ in the wind.
Kasandra says
Disney blows, alright.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah. Farts. Lefties on the moonbat fringe like them but the rest of us don’t. They snort them like vapes.
Spokker says
One thing I appreciated about Wall-E is that at least they were honest about green energy and public transportation. When you first see the world devoid of human life, you see the remains of wind turbines and monorails, the implication being that they did listen to the environmentalists but the end came anyway.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Funny about wind turbines. I always look for them when reading history.. Windmills were great for such things as grinding grain and sawing wood, in olden days 🙂
Bonnie Ramthun says
I believe Shakespeare penned his immortal “Hamlet” long before Karl Marx’s unfortunate birth. “The Lion King” is a direct re-telling of Hamlet, but with a happy ending instead of a tragic one.
“The Lion King” is a beautiful allegorical movie, rich with meaning and depth. Dr. Jordan Peterson did a whole series of videos on the Lion King, which I highly recommend.
But yes, Disney has gone to the dark side and, indeed, is not for children any more.
Jeff Bargholz says
Iger thinks he can use the Chinese audience to make profits and fund his “woke” indoctrination of dwindling American audiences. Like all left-wing scum, he wants to destroy the innocence of children and sexualize them, make women behave like men and men like women and pretend “minorities” are oppressed in America and older whites are the reason the world has problems because they aren’t “woke.”
Too bad for him the Chinese hate “woke” garbage even more than Americans do. They forced Disney to colorize the new black “Little Mermaid” (racist as F) so she’s white or Asian. They also forced Disney to remove the lesbian scenes from the Buzz Lightyear movie. Ten bucks sez “Strange World” with its gay characters and female leaders is banned outright. It’s the biggest flop Disney ever made here in America so I can only imagine how much money it’s lost. That money won’t be recouped in China, I wager.
Iger hates America and Americans except for the moonbat fringe of woketards. He’s deranged.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I visited the real “Little Mermaid” in Copenhagen Harbor, when I was there as a kid in 1961 🙂
THX 1138 says
There’s a deeper lesson to be learned here if you think about this dispassionately for a moment.
What if Iger is speaking and acting sincerely from his moral convictions? Just as sincere and devout Jews and Christians speak and act sincerely from their religious moral convictions? Just as the 19 Muslim hijackers who took down the World Trade Center and took their own lives were acting sincerely, honestly, and earnestly from their religious moral convictions?
The deeper point is not whether or not a person’s moral convictions are objectively right or wrong, objectively good or evil, objectively lead to life or death, objectively lead to success or failure in this life on earth. The deeper point is that the majority of men NEED and DESIRE to be moral. Our self-esteem and our sense of being worthy of being human and being worthy of life require us to believe wrongly or rightly, objectively or not, to act morally, even if the allegedly moral notions we have accepted as actually moral, like the 19 Muslim hijakcers, or Iger, are actually destructive, evil, and lead to death and failure.
The majority of men require a sense of being moral, like they require food, air, or sunlight, even if the moral code they come to accept as actually moral is actually evil. The good news is most humans want and need to be moral. The bad news is that most humans will unquestioningly accept whatever moral code is spoonfed to them.
THX 1138 says
“In spite of all their irrationalities, inconsistencies, hypocrisies and evasions, the majority of men will not act, in major issues, without a sense of being morally right and will not oppose the morality they have accepted. They will break it, they will cheat on it, but they will not oppose it; and when they break it, they take the blame on themselves. The power of morality is the greatest of all intellectual powers—and mankind’s tragedy lies in the fact that the vicious moral code men have accepted destroys them by means of the best within them.” – Ayn Rand
ron says
Men need to be in touch with reality, and the reality is that God considers homosexuality, pedophilia etc. abomination and He will punish accordingly
Steven Brizel says
When a company goes woke let it go broke
Mickorn says
Yeah! Inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance are evil! We’re the good guys. We couldn’t possibly support those things.
ron says
Inclusion of immorality and things forbidden by God are evil.
Daniel Greenfield says
your side uses euphemisms that make you sound like the good guys, so you must be the good guys?
it’s easy to tell because bad guys never cloak their destructive and abuse behavior in euphemisms that sound good
Ugly Sid says
You remind me of a body part essential to the act of elimination.
Have you no personal hobbies? I recommend stamp collection. Or masterbation. Different strokes for different folks.
Algorithmic Analyst says
He likes to post demonic pictures of himself.
Jeff Bargholz says
Disney promotes exclusion, rejection and intolerance, you imbecile. And its target is normal people.
You fucking misfit.
ron says
Iger has always been a skunk and has been subtly ruining Disney and America for decades.
Tamaa the Drongo Bird says
Strange World is a total Bomb and will probably get nominated for a Razzie(Golden Raspberry) as the worst movie of the year
Daniel Greenfield says
the former is true, the latter may be optimistic
Guy Jones says
Watch how fast Iger and his misguided CEO ilk will get the boot, as soon as revenues and margins plummet. Corporate companies are still bottom-line businesses, whatever their narcissistic, self-aggrandizing and posturing CEO’s may claim. All of this obnoxious Leftist sermonizing, hectoring, lecturing and vilification of customers and potential customers will go out the window, the minute that company financials are negatively impacted by such stances.
Every single conservative has a duty to stop patronizing obnoxious companies that are actively supporting Leftist ideology, while denigrating/undermining conservative policies. This includes Disney, Paramount/CBS, Amazon, Apple, etc.
Cat says
Oh I agree. But it has been pointed out that Disney’s audience is not families anymore. It is now adults, some of whom are weirdos who are fine with leftwing that allows for indulgence in their proclivities.
I have known adults that vacation at Disney every year. I don’t think they are particularly fandom types (older nurses and teachers) but I consider them to have poor taste and little imagination. I guess they look to be passively entertained, feel nostalgic for their childhood and they like over eating at the restaurants.
I’d rather go anywhere else.
Spokker says
I agree that there are plenty of childless weirdos who live in a state of arrested development and are obsessed with all things Disney, but I wouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. After all, Disneyland was originally built by a bunch of old guys based on the vision of some other old guy who took his fascination with model trains a little too far. What they accomplished from a technical, artistic and design point of view is impressive.
There’s a lot to admire there, but sadly a lot of it is in the past. The original concept of Disneyland as a place where parents and children could have fun together is almost lost now.
Still, there are a few bright spots here and there. I took my son to Disneyland recently and he asked to see Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln because he had been reading about him in school. I was surprised the show was still around what with the references to God and patriotism and such, but it was very enjoyable.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s ALL in the past.
And that “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln” that the train ride goes by is now dominated by the Obama automaton. Fitting in a sick way, considering that Osama was an automaton President.
Disneyland does have some cool and fun attractions left, though.
112 says
They upgraded from giving kids neurosis to exploring the grown ones with the neurosis and now finally you guys are willing to complain. We’ve been using their child-sexualizing subliminal messaging as the example of evil for years. So glad you guys have finally noticed something.
Cassandra says
Please explain how Dismal gave us oldies neuroses after watching Cinderella or Snow White? I must admit some scenes in Fantasia stuck with me.
Horace Yo says
Look deeper into the shituation and see who is on the board of directors of Disney. They are the ones that make the decisions to hire or fire Iger or other purveyors of moral turpitude and other evil destructions. You might find them down at the bathhouse or the dungeon club.
The stockholders are getting hosed for sure.
Cassandra says
If only the stockholders are getting hosed, but are they? What goes on behind the curtain? FTX an example…
SteveInSC says
Money isn’t always the bottom line. If I remember the stats from the late ’90s correctly, a G-rated movie made 8 times as much money as an R-rated movie. But, Hollywood made 16 times as many R-rated movies as G-rated. Why would that be?
Cassandra says
When Dis-mal is funded by government, ie taxpayers it doesn’t matter to them if anything bombs, they believe time is on their side and eventually everyone will either watch voluntarily or have their social score deleted if they don’t. Words are no longer enough in this situation.
Steven Kardas says
A fascinating business model don’t you say folks.? Upset and alienate your customers so they refuse to buy your product.. The recent movie , Strange World, is on tract to to lose 147 Million. It cost 180 Million to make.. Guess parents will not subject thier kiddies to viewing lesbian’s kissing. Maybe our Public school system can work a deal with Disney to rent or buy the film with our tax dollars to make up the money loss and show it the the kids secretly without the parents knowledge. Think I’m kidding because I am not.
Jeff Bargholz says
That’s exactly what will happen. And public libraries will buy the DVD too.
Nobody else will except for the freak fringe of society.