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Jimmy Carter’s long overdue funeral was noted mainly for the interaction between the various ex-presidents gathered together to pay tribute to America’s worst (dead) president. Not that anyone cared about Carter.
Or hardly anyone.
“As I watched today’s funeral, I wondered how Trump processed all those tributes to Jimmy Carter’s honesty and integrity; his belief in the fellowship of man and the dignity and worth in every human being; his commitment to human rights as a pillar of American foreign policy?” David Axelrod tweeted.
Axelrod, Obama’s creep-in-chief, is an expert on decency as few men are.
One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was way down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader.
Then the Chicago Tribune — where Axelrod used to work — began publishing claims that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings.
From then until Election Day, Hull was embroiled in fighting the allegation that he was a “wife beater.” He and his ex-wife eventually agreed to release their sealed divorce records. His first ex-wife, daughters and nanny defended him at a press conference, swearing he was never violent. During a Democratic debate, Hull was forced to explain that his wife kicked him and he had merely kicked her back.
Hull’s substantial lead just a month before the primary collapsed with the nonstop media attention to his divorce records. Obama sailed to the front of the pack and won the primary. Hull finished third with 10% of the vote.
Luckily for Axelrod, Obama’s opponent in the general election had also been divorced.
The Republican nominee was Jack Ryan, a graduate of Dartmouth and Harvard law and business schools, who had left his lucrative partnership at Goldman Sachs to teach at an inner-city school on the South Side of Chicago.
But in a child custody dispute some years earlier, Ryan’s ex-wife, Hollywood sex kitten Jeri Lynn Ryan, alleged that, while the couple was married, Jack had taken her to swinger clubs in Paris and New York. Jack Ryan adamantly denied the allegations. In the interest of protecting their son, he also requested that the records be put permanently under seal.
Axelrod’s courthouse moles obtained the “sealed” records and, in no time, they were in the hands of every political operative in Chicago. Knowing perfectly well what was in the records, Chicago Tribune attorneys flew to California and requested that the court officially “unseal” them — over the objections of both Jack and Jeri Ryan.
Your honor, who knows what could be in these records!
A California judge ordered them unsealed, which allowed newspapers to publish the salacious allegations, and four days later Ryan dropped out of the race under pressure from idiot Republicans (who should be tracked down and shot).
With a last-minute replacement of Alan Keyes as Obama’s Republican opponent, Obama was able to set an all-time record in an Illinois Senate election, winning with a 43% margin.
On the decency-meter, David Axelrod rates somewhere between J.J. Jake Gittes and Saul Goodman.
But he still beats Jimmy Carter, a man of such unparalleled decency that…
He became the first president to pardon a child molester
Took millions in laundered drug money from BCCI
And covered up sexual harassment at Habitat for Humanity
And that’s just for openers. Such decency.
The only people whose decency gets praised in D.C. are either patsies or scumbags. And if Dumpster Diving David Axelrod praises your decency, seek immediate help to save your soul.
The evil that Carter did lives on after him.
And his infamous antisemitism is another example of his “decency”. 🙁
Being a Leftist means never having to say you’re sorry.
They closed all the Post Offices including ours as Remberence to this Bubbling Nit-Wit Carter the the Peanut with scary sabertooth Bunnies after him
I remember Ryan – I wish he had stayed in the race. Obama and Axelrod are two hucksters. That Obama got elected twice says something about the stupidity of the American voter.
Axelrod is a scumbag in the class of Carville, Emmanuel, McAuliffe, Killery, Raskey, I can go on and on…
Jimmy Carter was not a stellar POTUS – All politics has skeletons in their closets – Framing just USA politics – From Washington to Trump – All voters have skeletons in our closet – the bigger the race to the prize, the bigger the lives and bigger the closets and more skeletons.
Even Red Skelton (which sounds like skeleton) said: “I may be nuts, but I bring in the money” – So he was a good investment for movie studios and radio and TV.
Ok that was irrelevant comment – only a tangent,
Jimmy Carter made it past 100 years old which is an accomplishment and he goes down as the first POTUS to do so.
I do believe President Trump will go past 100.
The effectiveness of any POTUS is the state of the nation – and the state of the nation and the weakness perceived abroad is why President Carter did not get a 2nd term. Joe Briben is worse in all areas we can look away from – his money laundering is treason and using our tax dollars – his lies and blunders.
I believe President Carter was a repentant born from above Christian – while Joe Biden is absolutely sold his soul to satan and look at the demonic cabinet we have endured for the last 4 years! Can you say Sodom-Gomorrah, Babylon, and every government or society destroyed by YHVH, G-D of the Bible in the Old Testament for their absolute unrepentant and satanic practices and actions?
I remember Red Skelton. My grandmother used to watch him on TV which is where I saw him.
Good times, thanks for the memories!
I too believe that JEC,Jr. was a born-again brother in Christ. I also believe he was adrift theologically.
And Jimmy Carter was the author of the modern era of terrorism and anti-Semitism.
While the Soviets had revived the lust for ‘gee had’ – it was Carter who poured gasoline on the flames by creating a new Shia-led and Soviet aligned enemy of Israel in the ME.
Experts can quibble over this simplification, but experts would have to admit that any alternative in which Iran remained a stable, Western oriented, American ally, and anti-“extremist” nation would be a better alternative. .
And ‘terrorism’ ie Islam – would have been contained to some extent after the USSR fell.
Nobody could be that stupid, he was evil. I’m Georgian, and it’s humiliating to say he was too. No doubt you remember the outrage that the Shah had 6000-8000 political prisoners, and had murdered 3000-3500 out of 120-140 million, in his 30 year reign. It didn’t take Khomeini a day to top that.
It would be interesting, if painful, to calculate carter’s body count, which is still ongoing. The Iranians alone who’ve died puts him up there ahead of most.
It was educational and a little scary as a 5th grader to see people who wouldn’t vote for him again for governor, vote for him for president. He came in with a surplus and left with a deficit, as Gov. My parents were Republican long before that was cool there. They loathed him enough that I knew enough about him that I was one of three, out of around 720 1-7 grade students to vote for Ford in our Bicentennial mock presidential election.
And he didn’t ‘dissapoint’ in the damage he did. The African bloodbath he went along with is rarely mentioned. Africans starved by the tens of thousands, because the communist governments couldn’t get enough hammer and cycle bags to replace the US bags the grain we were sending them was in. Communism and anybody anti-American advanced everywhere. To him, his job was to mange our decline. He was forever bitter Reagan monkeywrenched that.
I knew 2 Iranian girls in college back in the 1970s. One told me her father was in the Savak, “The Iranian FBI” she told me. Nice girls. I often wonder what happened to them.
“Your honor, who knows what could be in these records!” – Won’t that backfire spectacularly if the Epstein, DC Madame, and Jan 6 records (at least the one’s that weren’t illegally destroyed) are released?
You’re being charitable with axelrod. Weren’t he and podesta clintonistas?
BUt, didn’t the entire universe applaud him for being the most Christian man ever.
I s read that he once shot his sister in the Backside with a Pellet Gun