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Every crazy leftist idea, from transgenderism to land acknowledgements to slavery reparations only needs 30 years to become party dogma.
And the DNC 2024 platform has all three.
I’ve already written about land acknowledgements, but slavery reparations shows up along with a push for equity.
Under the heading of ‘Racial Equity’, the DNC 2024 platform claims that “we have a long way to go to realize the full promise of America, but we are committed as a party to continuing the work to build a nation where all people are not only created equal, but treated equally throughout their lives. To determine how best to right historical wrongs, Democrats support Congress executing a study of reparations and the continuing impacts of slavery.”
This is an explicit endorsement of ‘equity’ and a slap at the Declaration of Independence’s assertion that all men are created equal.
Instead, it’s the role of the government to make everyone equal at all times throughout their entire lives. This is Harrison Bergeron stuff.
Topping that off is the assertion that slavery, which was abolished over 150 years ago, is still an issue today.
After multiple Dem state governments embraced a study of slavery reparations, it’s now an official part of the party’s 2024 platform.
World@70 says
Because Democrats were the ones that tried to keep slavery alive back in 1860, and in fact fought a war to maintain the right to own black slaves, I believe it’s only fitting that Dems pay the full bill for reparations, out of their own pockets.
Gary Hope says
“Money for nothing and your chicks for free”.
M Aurelius says
The…dems are doing this because black America is
waking up and wandering off the dem plantaion. They are finally realizing
the their lives not only don’t improve under the communists…er….dems,
but they have gotten demonstrably worse. Republicans freed the slaves from
the dem plantations once, we are doing it again. MAGA!
Richard James says
You mean the Tax payers even Republicans?
World@70 says
No! Attach only Dem bank accounts as a tax. We know how much they love taxes.
C.N.Steele says
I predict that if implemented, so-called reparations will only be a first step. Collective vengeance will follow. White people today will be enslaved or killed because some other white people centuries ago engaged in slavery.
It doesn’t matter that this makes no sense and is entirely criminal and hypocritical. It doesn’t matter that it will destroy human civilization… in fact, that’s the point.
Gary Hope says
Why is my innocuous comment “awaiting moderation??
JMC says
See South Africa for the perfect example.
Intrepid says
Same old crap. Just a different convention. Why do people keep falling for this?
I know. I know. Stupid question.
Martina Vaslovik says
Of course, the equality schitck again, they never tire of that one as it’s so readily used for Marxist ends, as is their climate communism. We can only really be equal before the law, which the Left is doing their best to destroy as well. Trump’s jurors did not have to agree on the crime, they just had to *feel* he was guilty of *something*. So much for equality under the law.
Universal equality can only ever be artificially imposed by means of pervasive and ubiquitous state force, which at the end of the day makes everyone equally miserable, excepting of course those imposing the equality, who are more equal than we are.
They will never stop with the reparations pandering either, and that’s what it is, pandering to losers who are coached to feel entitled because of what was done 150 years ago in a very different time and country. When you have to dig that far into the past for your grievances you are pleading a losing case and really should take up a hobby instead.
Some of my ancestors were enslaved by the Vikings. Where are my reparations?
Buddy the Cat Meow says
I was wondering, if reparations were paid out, does that mean like slavery would go away, like it bever happened? Can money make everything okay?
If it doesn’t do that, what does it do?
Kynarion Hellenis says
The TRILLIONS of dollars redistributed from one class to another broadly based upon race since the mid 1960’s answers your question. Thinking of this issue in terms of redress means your mind has been colonized by liberal progressives. It will NEVER be enough so long as you exist.
Instead, recognize the congealed resentment and envy of heritage America and her people. This envy cannot be sated until we have been destroyed and all for which our ancestors labored plundered. This is the ugly truth.
Kevin Kock says
Transfers wealth from those who earned it to those who did not.
David Starr says
As Margaret Thatcher said(I have the spirit of the observation correct but I won’t swear to the correctness of the exact words): The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.
Angel Jacob says
People who never owned slaves owe nothing to people who were never slaves.
“Reparations” is a Grand Theft Plot, a huge rip off by the people who have proven to favor crime and free loading to work ethics and family values.
More free stuff is not going to change anything. Except make life much harder for the working class.
Gary Hope says
Thank you. Unfortunately you are too logical.
Greg says
Remember those guilt-ridden whites who took to publicly washing black people’s feet during the height of the Black Lives Matter hubbub? Presumably, they’re now ritually cleansed. In addition to reparations checks, the Democ-rats could mandate black-foot-washing by all registered Republicans, black or white. Wouldn’t that mean that some blacks would be washing the feet of other blacks as contrition for slavery? No, because Republican blacks are existentially white, according to “woke” Democ-rats. Recall what “Resident” Joe Bite-Me said of such dark skinned non-Democ-rats: “You ain’t black.”
Steve Kardas says
Keep picking away at the slowly healing wound of racism and selling the resulting blood drop by drop. How evil can you get ? Really.
BLSinSC says
SO, the Kamala’s FAMILY OWNED SLAVES has SHE faced up to HER FAMILY’S SINS and even OFFERED the DESCENDANTS of HER FAMILY SLAVES any “reparations”?? THAT would be an interesting question to ask her during her NEXT OPEN MEDIA EVENT! Oh yeah!!
TruthLaser says
Biden’s ancestors also owned slaves. His middle name, Robinette, is their name.
jbspry says
Reparations is nothing less than a “slave repurchase program”.
If it succeeds, recipients deemed to be slave descendants will have been bought-and-paid-for by the Democrat Party, courtesy of the US Taxpayer.
CTripps says
DEI is reparations – backdoor. If an acquaintance who works in the Social Security Administration is correct it is being phased in quietly.
Lance Boiles says
Current status of “Reparations” –
Free Food
Government subsidized housing
Free clinics/health care
Free legal representation
Free condoms
Free needles
Free crack pipes
Free abortions
Free prescriptions
Free cellphones
Free school breakfasts & lunches
Free public transportation
Utility subsidies
Minority small business loans & grants
Subprime mortgages
Hiring preferences
College admission preferences
Dorm fee waivers
Textbook discounts
Ethnic scholarships & grants
Exemptions from behavioral and academic standards
Guaranteed passing grades
Outcome based K-12 education (everyone passes)
Critical Race Theory taught in schools
Promotion of “systemic racism” and “white privilege” nonsense
A month dedicated to celebrating their “history”
Cast as geniuses, police captains, and heroes in movies & TV
Street thug behavior ignored by Democrat party and puppet media
Defended for resisting arrest, attacking cops, and fleeing
Defunding police forces in major cities
B l a c k national anthem played at pro sports events
Revolving door justice
Prosecution-free shoplifting, rioting, arson, vandalism, and looting
Official “victim status” granted at birth
And a monthly government check
How about Slavery Reparation’s from the DNC after all it was the Demon-Rats who were the ones with all those slaves and the Democrats created the KKK
Gordon says
Being mostly of French extraction, I’m pretty sure some of my ancestors were Gauls, and therefore I demand reparations from Rome, with interest. In addition I am left-handed and therefore demand reparations from scissor manufacturers for the many hours of frustration and humiliation I faced in kindergarten and elementary school. It was way worse than slavery.
stpaulchuck says
buying votes with promises of MORE free stuff, disgusting
Chris Shugart says
What seems to be overlooked here is what a ludicrous, unworkable plan this is to begin with. It would be impossible to distribute. Who specifically would be eligible to get the money? What criteria would they use to define who is black and who is not?
We do have one designation/classification on record, though, and it comes from the president himself: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black..” That’s all you need to know as to who would actually get any cash: Just the same old graft from the DNC.
Mike says
People who are not slaves demanding money from people who are not slave owners.
What could possibly go wrong?
Lizi says
My GGGGrandfather is in grave 7442 at Andersonville Prison. If you don’t know what that is, look it up and then explain to me why anyone in my family owes reparations to anyone.
DeputyDawg says
Nobody talks about the Andersonville atrocities. It’s the United States holocaust, without the ovens.
LC says
I would add that it was run by a political party that begins with a D…who after the civil war established their first military wing (kkk) to continue and expand those activities.
DeputyDawg says
If reparations are approved, Cadillac had better ramp up production of Escalades.
LC says
slavery reparations
marxist wealth redistribution
same thing – different spelling
That said, nothing mentioned about freeing the current generation of slaves from the 21st century plantations…that would be urban areas ruled by political party beginning with a D
RS says
Daniel, Many don’t think the Obamas ever left office. He has stayed around still pulling the strings, and is behind the Shadow government. Biden and Harris are only front people who appear to be in control of the office. Our country has become like Venezuela, with Maduro and Chavez, or Putin. They never leave office, and won’t leave office. They hold the reigns of power and will never let go of it, especially if we don’t have fair elections.
Kit_Jefferson says
Another attempt at redistribution to buy votes from and appease the fruitcakes.
Miranda Rose Smith says
Harrison Bergeron is right!!!
Ted Weiland says
I’m sure everyone would be fine with paying for reparations for past ancestors’ sins when today’s Blacks anti-up for every murder, rape, and theft committed by their ancestors!
Of course, the entire idea runs contrary to the biblical prohibition against sons paying for the crimes of their fathers in Deuteronomy 24:16, Ezekiel 18:20, etc.
For more on how the Bible’s triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments apply and should be implemented as the law of the land, see free online book “Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant” at bible versus constitution dot org. Go to our Online Book page and scroll down to title.
Then, at the same location, “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.”
Ernest Lane says
Slavery reparations in 2024 (or later) is _stupid_.
Keith Breedlove says
Yes, slavery still exists. With the 1964 Voting Rights Act and Johnson’s War on Poverty, the democrat party re-enslaved the black community. As he crudely put it ” wepass this and the n***s will vote for for the next 200 years. Only 140 years to go. Those dem policies destroyed the black family, disincentivized blackkmartiage, incentivized out of wedlock births which were enabled by government handouts, unless there was a man in the house, then the benefits stopped.
The teachers unions took over education from teachers, lost their gocus on education and focus now on indoctrination. And their bought and paid for politicians want to outlaw charter schools that will at least give minority kids a fighting chance at success.
Steve Janis says
DNA testing and anything less then 100% black from which tribes pays reparations. The Democrats were the ones who stole them out of Africa and illegally brought them here and should pay the reparations. If your a Democrat or you want to be a part of that party, then you will be obligated to paying reparati0ns. Will this mean Mow-mow, Watusi or Ungabunga will be rated?