Ever since Democrats decided to become the party of crime, opening up prisons, eliminating bail, and lynching cops while cheering riots, their cities have become dangerous violent hellholes. Unfortunately they have to choose between one of those violent hellholes in a swing state where the wretched hive of local scum will be overrun with even worse villains, but ones who prefer to perform their muggings at a legislative level.
Democrats are eyeing Chicago as a city of interest to host the party’s 2024 convention and the mayor, the governor and a key U.S. senator are coordinating on a plan to make it happen, the firm helping with a potential bid confirmed to NBC News on Wednesday.
While the discussions are early and informal, some national Democrats already see the Midwestern city as an appealing contender, in part for its heartland geography
When I think of the heartland, I think of Ma and Pa Kent… and Al Capone.
One concern with Chicago, however, is crime, one of the sources involved in discussions with national Democrats said. The city had nearly 800 homicides in 2021 — the highest number in 25 years. It’s also experienced a surge in carjackings, though police say such incidents have dropped so far this year.
That makes it the perfect place to highlight Democrat accomplishments in taking record low crime rates and turning them into record high crime rates.
Why not show the folks at home what happens when you stop locking up criminals?
The DNC sent out a request for proposals to 20 cities. Thus far only Milwaukee, which tried hosting the 2020 convention with disastrous results, Vegas, which will host anyone and anything, and has a healthy supply of ladies of the evening on hand, and Chicago seem to be interested.
The show of enthusiasm is a real tribute. But if the Dems pick Chicago, they could have a repeat of ’68, but with mostly peaceful race rioters.
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