That seems like the question to ask, now that the Left decided that McCarthyism was awesome after all.
We’ve had an entire national scandal and investigation with eavesdropping and people going to prison based on a Hillary campaign document claiming that there was a video of Trump with urinating Russian prostitutes.
That video has never appeared. But it’s probably less repulsive than this clip of a shirtless Bernie Sanders getting his Bolshevik on.
More seriously, Bernie’s rivals appear to be doing everything to keep him from announcing his campaign. The obvious source for the video is one of Bernie’s Commie pals who took the video. But a video of him singing with the Commies is just going to boost him by 3 percent.
The scandal here is a socialist pol partying with the lackeys of a regime that was holding countless political prisoners. But with lefties, that’s a plus.
More seriously yet, you’re getting a behind the scenes look at what life was like for politically connected lefties touring the USSR. They were treated to feasts that were inaccessible to the ordinary Russians, and their hosts got them drunk as skunks. Aside from the obvious reasons, it was a way of getting compromising material on them.
So yes, unlike Trump, the Russians might have something on Bernie. And, considering his history, it could very well be something of a sexually compromising nature.
As usual, the Left accuses others of its own sins.
But least seriously, if you want to bring down Bernie, find a video of him singing this version of “This land is our land” and not only won’t he have a shot at the White House, but he’ll be officially unpersoned and deplatformed.
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