This story is truly incredible and shocking. But then again, I see dozens of shocking stories every week about the data from around the world regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. They’re eye-opening. They’re frightening. They all suggest that millions of people have died, and many more are sick and dying as I write this, not from COVID-19, but from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Yes, data suggests the cure is far worse than the disease.
But you don’t need to see the data. The proof is right in front of your eyes. Every day we can all see the headlines of young, or relatively young, healthy Americans “dying suddenly.” It’s become a national epidemic. Heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, immune diseases and the big one: sudden death. Open your eyes and look around.
A recent poll showed that 25% of Americans believe they know someone who has died from the COVID-19 jab. The real shocker is that 75% of Americans are living in denial with their heads in the sand. Or maybe they’re just watching CNN.
I’ve seen the data of dramatically rising mortality rates in America (and around the world). The rise in deaths is far worse than was seen during World War II. Even more telling is the data from life insurance companies reporting on the largest death rates and life insurance payouts in history.
The strange thing about those exploding death rates: it’s not older Americans dying in record numbers. It’s 18-to-64-year-old Americans in the workforce — all of them forced to take the COVID-19 jab to keep their jobs. And the dramatic rise in deaths only started right after the OSHA vaccine mandate.
Now comes the most damning evidence yet.
A top insurance analyst has analyzed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s own death rate data and it matches data released by the U.K. government.
The analyst determined there is a 7% increase in death for each time you take the COVID-19 jab. In other words, your odds of dropping dead suddenly go up 7% if you take one COVID-19 jab; they go up 14% after your second jab; they go up 21% after your third jab; 28% after your fourth; and 35% after you get another dose. And so on and so on.
Using this model, once you got to jab No. 10, your odds of dying would rise by 70%. Are those deadly enough odds for you?
Let’s say you had a loaded gun in your hand to play a game of Russian roulette. Each time you pull the trigger your odds of dying go up by 7%. Would a 35% higher chance of dying by trigger pull number five worry you? Would you pull the trigger one more time as the odds increase?
But I have a warning about that 7% increase for every COVID-19 jab you take. I believe that’s a best-case scenario.
These numbers were extrapolated out of data after only one to two years of Americans taking the COVID-19 jab. I’ve said from day one on my national radio and TV shows that this jab was developed without the proper testing, time frame or control groups. Big Pharma desperately tried to seal the vaccine trial results for 75 years. We now know what was in those trial results: lots of death and serious injuries.
I warned that anyone who took this jab would be a crash test dummy. I warned that we had no idea what would happen short term, let alone whether the harm would multiply over the long term.
From the data I’ve studied from highly vaccinated countries around the globe, it’s clear to me that sudden deaths are accelerating. They’re getting worse over time. So, a 7% increase in death after one jab today could increase to 15% or 20% over time. This is all a crapshoot. No one really knows how bad this will get. We are all crash test dummies.
Worst of all, this analysis of deaths doesn’t include injuries. See the VAERS report. For every death that could be directly attributed to the COVID-19 jab, there are 10 times more injuries and serious adverse reactions. Are you thrilled by the prospect of not dying, but living for the rest of your life with a damaged heart, facial paralysis or damaged immune system?
Many respected experts report that there are as many as three million new Americans added to the disability rolls since 2021 when the COVID-19 vaccine rolled out.
So, your odds of dying or being injured together may be 14% or 21% per jab. Or much higher. Which means after five jabs, over a 3-to-5-year period, your odds of dying or becoming very sick or disabled for life may be literally 100%.
Still want another jab? Are you ready to pull your sleeves up and test my theory?
If my educated guess is correct, I’m concerned how our society will function in a year, or two, when there won’t be enough policemen, firemen, prison guards, paramedics, nurses, doctors, pilots, military members or simply enough employees left to run businesses. Society will cease to function.
What happens when there are 20 or 30 or 40 million vaccine injured Americans, and not enough doctors left to take care of them?
It’s time to demand action, a congressional investigation and an immediate suspension of this COVID-19 vaccine program.
My fear is that it’s already too late.
Trump: EUA [ emergency use authorization ]
Biden: mandate
But Trump was a tyrant.
So Biden saved the “soul of America” in a sweeping victory with more votes in history resulting from his electrifying campaign.
Lucky us.
The new book by Steve Deace and Daniel Horowitz “Rise of the Fourth Reich” is a very important tool in confronting the challenge of this jab and the companies like Pfizer that promoted it. Our world is getting darker as we fail to call those to account who have wrought this great evil..
Did you see where Pfizer wanted a lawsuit against them dropped because the gave the US exactly what they asked for in regards to the so called vaccine.
Yes, Tyranny from the past is repeating itself. When people get complacent and vote for deceptive leaders who deceive, the Freedoms vanish, that along with Globalism, which is the death of the West. Bogus Climate Change Theory, and Stollen Elections.
Open your eyes, and look at Agenda 2030 from the United Nations, the problem will be solved by mass migration and the wiping out of White people.
They are openly calling for depopulation, and they don’t mean Africa or Asia or China or any islamic dictatorship.
The whole thing started with the World pHarma Organisation creating panic and hysteria over a flu strain that they created. It’s how Agenda 21 ended.
Defund the UN.
did those bureaucrats in the WHO who insisted we all got the jab get jabbed too? – or did they only pretend to knowing full well that it wasn’t a vaccine at all? Surely those at the top who intend to rule the world when the majority of folk have been incapacitated didn’t.
No way in Hell did they take the vaccine. No way.
You all remember Fachi even forgot which shoulder he supposedly got jabed in.
“a wittle sorwa” while grabing at the wrong shoulder.
One more reason weird looking people should not be in charge of more than a broom.
No kidding. This pandemic has brought forward the weirdest looking people I have ever seen. Usually women, or claim to be. Not just odd looking, Lori Lightfoot odd.
Always remember to do your research before making a medical decision. I did and decided not to get the jab.
I lost 2 good friends who took the jab and the booster. They were young and healthy with no previous history of any health problems. They both died from Sudden death like so many athletes, ordinary people, Hollywood stars, and family, and children.
Brother jabbed, unsure of booster status. Now has stage 4 abdominal cancer.. Taking chemo, but I’ve got serious doubts as to adding more poison on top of what he already has on board.
The Booster pushes most people over the edge. Its effects have been disastrous., especially on the heart. (It’s why there is so much Sudden Death.). Some of these maladies occur down the road after the shots and spike proteins have had time to do damage to the organs and immune system.
No, they didn’t. They were exempt. Now you know why.
Thanks Wayne! It is interesting from a scientific and probabilistic/statistical point of view. That is why we have clinical trials, scientific experiments often go wrong in the most unexpected, bizarre, unanticipated ways. clinical trials give us a chance to catch flawed theories before they inflict harm on the general public. The general public probably doesn’t have a good idea of the bizarre history of scientific experiments that failed, or of the need for clinical trials. Those two factors just happen to have been life threads that I have followed for many decades.
This case is particularly interesting because what is going wrong, besides being so bizarre that it is hard to figure out the mechanism, is that it is rare enough that MSM and such can try to hide it from the public via disinformation, while frequent enough that a rigorous statistical proof is possible, yet the general public doesn’t understand statistics well enough to see how significant it is.
Reminded me of how statistics was used to track down the cause of cholera in the 1800s in London, yet how difficult it was to convince people. Not to mention all the bizarre explanations for cholera that people had come up with earlier.
One last point: the insurance company statistics are the most reliable, since it is a matter of life or death to the insurance companies to get the statistics right.
statistics can be widely available. The problem is the people don’t understand that they need to research things and get to the truth. They just stick out their arm and say here jab me I don’t wanna die of Covid.
Its all about creating a fear crisis with propaganda, to push people into doing what they wouldn’t ordinarily do.
Can you at least link to the data?
The HOAX was revealed when the words
Non essential
Were spoken into existence.
Yes. The establishment of classes of people in hierarchies of “importance,” as though we do not need one another to create the beautiful western civilization we have known and loved.
I guess this is why the “elites” are seeking “UNVACCINATED PILOTS”! I feel the death toll will increase dramatically with “accompanying deaths”! Yes, when that young person has their heart attack or stroke while driving a car with other passengers or oncoming traffic, THOSE deaths should be added to the “Vaccine DEATH JAB Total”!
I advised everyone I knew to NOT get “vaccinated” due to what I read about mRNA. This was BEFORE PRESIDENT TRUMP was REMOVED from office! I also told people that their masks were useless due to the SIZE of the virus compared to the OPENINGS in those masks – like putting chicken wire on a screen door!!
Anyone who was FORCED to be jabbed should be able to SUE whoever MANDATED their impending death!
I agree 100% with what you have said! My wife is a Nurse and she was getting all the mRNA data daily. Thank the Lord Jesus for not making myself or my wife to have to get the jab. I think the time is coming when Jesus is coming soon. I can’t wait, thank you Jesus!!
We lost alot of valuable medical personnel who refused to take the jab….Its a good thing they did, because they knew what was in it and didn’t trust the government, Tyranny raises its ugly head with mandates that people take a vaccine that is detrimental to their health, just to decrease the population. We all know whats going on!
Yeah. Especially since a vaccinated pilot is most likely to die from the effects of the vax in a highly stressful situation, just when a healthy pilot is needed the most.
Flying already increases the risk of blood clots, then force them to take the vaccine, (which has proved fatal to millions of people), and the chances of pilots dying in the air increases two fold.
it would still keep chickens out.
Operation Warp Speed was a military attack on America. 50% of the board of directors are General officers in the American military. The “vaccine” was not a vaccine nor was it gene therapy. It was and is a bioweapon. Bioweapons do not need to be tested for how humans react to them. Massive deaths are the objective.
Search for Bioweapons and Covid-19 in any search engine other than google and tell me what you find.
I have pushed back against the jabs since the beginning to family, friends, and anyone that would listen. But to be able to use the statistics you cite in your post, I/we need references to the sources. Please provide links or citations so we can be better ambassadors of the message.
What is sad is that the vast majority of Americans either do not want to hear bad news or are tribal. If the Liberal messaging machine presents a view on anything from A-Z that fits their world view it will be swallowed hook line and sinker. You cannot help someone who chooses not to be helped. The most shocking stupid comment I heard from an individual during Covid was from an individual who wanted a government citation supporting my comments. Safe and Effective, if you get the jab you won’t get covid, social distancing and masks, etc. All lies. Believing anything said by a government mouthpiece ignores the historical records on events. Russiagate, peepeetape, JFK, RK, MLK, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, and much more.
Lot’s of conspiracy theories as to why Covid-19 came along and why the “vaccines” were mandated for so many.
Just remember that Trump was President when this all started. He even spoke about a “game changing” treatment. What became of that? It started in upstate New York in a small Jewish community with a very good doctor named Zelenko. His protocol of HCQ, Zinc, Vitamin C and D and an antibiotic worked with his patients. It’s been part of the FLCCC’s treatment protocol for sometime now because it works as does Ivermectin. It’s funny how the powers that be call it “horse paste”, not fit for humans, when it’s been used by humans since the 80s and helped Africans in their fight against parasites, most notably one that causes “river blindness”. That bum Trump didn’t push that as much as cheerlead for the mRNA shot that doesn’t work and injures and kills instead. Remember that when that waste of space tries to con you again. And I voted twice for the fat a**. He’s one of them!
Trump did Not mandate you take anything. He was sold a bunch of BS. He tried to let you know about ivermectin.
Your wonderful Biden made everyone take it. Thank you to Crooked incompetent Joe.
There’s absolutely no evidence significant numbers of people have been injured by the Covid vaccines. The author gives no references, only opinion he pulled from his nether regions. Usually the antivaxx articles give references to other antivaxxers who reference each other and themselves. Look at it this way: not one of the antivaxxers have taken a financial risk to develop lifesaving pharma, or have done anything to benefit mankind. Some sell nutrients at ten times the usual cost. To whom? Suckers. These same people had marks earlier. The Far Left. Covid gave then other paranoids to fleece. The Far Right.
In almost each and every case of a specific disease for which the vaccines were charged, that specific disease came from the virus itself. Try me: Google Blood Clots from Covid, What causes Myocarditis, Heart attacks from Covid, Pulmonary Disease from Covid. In other words, the antivaxxers had conflated the vaccine with the virus in each and ever case.
Lastly, the inventor of mRNA technology and the mRNA vaccine is not the FRAUD Robert Malone. I refer you to read the article about this one fraud among the others, his mates, Joe Mercola, Mike Davis, RFK Jr, and after reading, don’t forget to go to the references at the bottom:
“There’s absolutely no evidence significant numbers of people have been injured by the Covid vaccines.”
So the CDC’s VAERS reporting system is not evidence….
As I recall, the reports for all vaccines for the preceding years were and order of magnitude lower than the mRNA treatment, Now there is some heavier emphasis on awareness due to the COVID scare but it’s common knowledge that the VAERS reports are a low estimate of the actual.
Check the numbers for yourself, don’t rely upon hearsay. And while you’re at it check the mortality rates for SARS-COV-2 for persons aged below 60 before the the introduction of the inoculation compared to other diseases, like the flu and excess death rates before and after march 2020.
I want to know, when where there be an end to the deaths in the young people?
Is there an end point?
I’m really worried for my son who took 3 jabs, I’m a nurse and couldn’t talk him out they had him so scared. My husband took 2, and me the nurse said don’t.
Apparently my education amd work in the field of medicine for 40 years meant little to the scare tactics the government used
Only my daughter was sane..
Avoid stressful situations and pushing the body to extremes. That is when the worst effects of the vax kick in.
There is no factual basis to this story. The percentages shown are whimsy and cannot be proven with facts. I am beginning to think there are more right wing nuts than left wing nuts.
Great stuff totally agree. Did not take mRNA . Refused
Im sorry but I have been so disgusted with Christians who have taken everything out of context when they quote ‘facts’ re the shots. I know dozens of folks who had all the shots and they are ALL fine and healthy. By the way I am a Christian and have been appalled at the harm the anti vaxers have done with their completely twisted ‘facts’.
I appreciate the article but I have to correct something. Each of us has a 100% chance of dying. Period. I don’t think that can be increased by 35%…
Now if it was meant, a 35% increased chance of dying in a given year or other time period (other than your lifetime) then maybe that’s correct…
I don’t think a 20 or 30% rise in the chances of an 18-year-old dying worry the youth. Their chance of dying is very small to begin with. Of course, for the millions of dead or vax injured those stats mean nothing. There is massive cognitive dissonance regarding the vax, and massive Stokholm syndrome with the government.
I don’t think those poor WEF people thought this through. There will be nobody left to pilot their private jets, grow their filet mignon, build and chauffeur their limousines, grow any of their food, servant their houses, repair or build their AI, etc. Of course with no people or animals, there won’t be enough green house gas carbon dioxide to grow any plants anyway.
Too bad WEF!
don’t worry. they can deceive the people but they can never deceive God, who saw it all, and this is all part of the Great Plan of God. Jeremiah 29:11 – I think…
God’s Plans are still good for us!
There will be a day of Judgment for us all. The good, bad and ugly…and wicked.