Alice Walker’s bizarre obsession with Israel has led groups like the ADL to condemn her bigotry. But reading paragraphs like these make you wonder whether Alice Walker’s obsession with Israel and Jews may be about her Jewish ex-husband.
Walker, the ADL statement went on, “suggests that Israeli settlements are motivated by the concept that ‘possession is nine-tenths of the law,’ which she claims is a lesson she ‘learned from my Jewish lawyer former husband. This belief might even be enshrined in the Torah.’”
As bigotry goes, this is on the fairly crude side. If the targets weren’t Jews and the perp wasn’t a liberal icon, there would be condemnations coming in from all quarters.
But Alice Walker’s own personal issues are showing here. Her mention of her “Jewish lawyer former husband” casts her bigotry in a rather personal light.
In this single paragraph, we see Alice Walker conflating a timeless stereotype of the “Eternal Jew” who is out perpetrating the same crimes thousands of years ago as today… as embodied in the person of her ex-husband.
A meeting she describes with an elderly Palestinian woman in the territories is telling about the impetus behind Walker’s hostile attitude towards Jews and Israelis. The woman, upon accepting a gift from Walker, says “May God protect you from the Jews” to which Walker responds, “It’s too late, I already married one.”
It does seem as if Alice Walker’s antisemitism is rather personal. Unable to conceive of her relationship with her husband as a personal issue, she elevates it to a global one.
In Alice Walker’s mind, she was a “Palestinian” being impressed by the timeless evil of the Jews.
And again there’s a culture of silence about this because you’re not supposed to discuss the bigotry of an “important” minority writer.
Does Walker’s hatred for Jews extend to supporting mass murder? Of course it does.
Walker is careful to step on just about every possible rhetorical mine, even condoning terrorism against Israeli civilians. She claims that the existence of groups like Hamas is the result of an inability to resolve the situation using nonviolent means. She adds that she finds it “dishonest… that people claim not to understand the desperate, last ditch resistance involved in suicide bombings; blaming the oppressed for using their bodies where the Israeli army uses armored tanks.”
Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its existence has nothing to do with resistance and everything to do with the belief in Islamic Supremacism. Its major documents call for the mass murder of Jews.
But that’s something Walker probably supports.
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