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One of the leftist establishment’s flagship propaganda outfits made a remarkable admission on Thursday: Hamas’ mass rapes of captive Israeli women abducted on Oct. 7 could have been in accord with Islamic law. This is the first time, as far as I know, that any establishment outlet has acknowledged this fact, as important and full of implications as it is, and it’s all the more extraordinary that the acknowledgment would come in a far-left rag such as the UK’s Guardian.
The Guardian reported that “mounting evidence of rapes and genital mutilation” on Oct. 7 “pointed to possible crimes against humanity.” Then came the big admission, although it was hedged around in various ways: “Israeli intelligence officials, experts and sources with direct knowledge of interrogation reports of captured Hamas fighters believe units that attacked were beforehand given a text that drew on a controversial and contested interpretation of traditional Islamic military jurisprudence, claiming that captives were ‘the spoils of war.’ This potentially legitimised the abduction of civilians and other abuses, without being an explicit instruction to do so.” It also noted that “in at least two unsourced videos of interrogations of alleged Hamas members,” the jihadis “are heard talking about instructions given to rape women.”
Is this plausible? Could one of the world’s great religions actually approve of this barbarity? The Guardian attributes this suggestion to “Israeli intelligence officials,” which for the publication’s leftist audience undercuts it immediately. Then they call this idea a “controversial and contested interpretation.” In reality, I would love to see any Islamic source contest this, but it would be hard to find one, as it’s all straight from the Qur’an.
The Qur’an first raises the possibility of taking infidel women for sexual use in the context of the permission for polygamy: “And if you fear that you will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry the women who seem good to you, two or three or four, and if you fear that you cannot do justice, then one, or those that your right hands possess. In this way it is more likely that you will not do injustice” (4:3).
Who are “those that your right hands possess”? The Tafsir Anwarul Bayan, a modern Islamic commentary on the Qur’an, explains: “During Jihad (religion war), many men and women become war captives. The Amirul Mu’minin [leader of the believers, or caliph—an office now vacant] has the choice of distributing them amongst the Mujahidin [warriors of jihad], in which event they will become the property of these Mujahidin. This enslavement is the penalty for disbelief (kufr)” (I, 501).
The same commentary insists that this is not a temporary provision only for ancient people: “None of the injunctions pertaining to slavery have been abrogated in the Shari’ah. The reason that the Muslims of today do not have slaves is because they do not engage in Jihad (religion war)” (I, 502). So if one does engage in jihad, one can take sex slaves.
Another Qur’an passage forbids men to have sexual intercourse with “all married women except those whom your right hands possess” (4:24). The renowned medieval Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir, whose works are still read and studied today, explains that Muslim men “are prohibited from marrying women who are already married,” with one notable exception: “those whom you acquire through war, for you are allowed such women after making sure they are not pregnant” (II, 422).
The next mention of “those that your right hands possess” is in Qur’an 23:1-6: “The believers are successful indeed, who are humble in their prayers, and who shun vain conversation, and who give alms, and who guard their private parts, except from their wives or those that their right hands possess, for then they are not blameworthy.”
The exemption from the obligation of chastity with one’s slave girls makes clear for what purpose they are intended. The Tafsir al-Jalalayn explains that one must guard one’s chastity “except from their wives or those they own as slaves, in which case they are not blameworthy in approaching them” (730). Writing in the twentieth century, the Pakistani Islamic scholar Maulana Maududi says that “it is made clear that one need not guard one’s private parts from two kinds of women – one’s wives and slave-girls” (Towards Understanding the Qur’an, VI, 81).
Then Qur’an 33:50 says: “O prophet, indeed, we have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have paid their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses of those whom Allah has given you as spoils of war…” This verse makes it clear that “those whom your right hand possesses” are women taken as “spoils of war,” and are “lawful” for sexual intercourse, as are wives.
This is reinforced by the last passage that mentions these women: “Indeed, the torment of their Lord is before which no one can feel secure and those who preserve their chastity except with their wives and those whom their right hands possess, for thus they are not blameworthy” (70:30). This is somewhat garbled but clear enough: the chaste will escape the Lord’s punishment, and chastity means one has sexual relations only with his wives and those whom his right hand possesses.
So there is the Qur’an, Muhammad, and renowned Islamic scholars such as Ibn Kathir endorsing this practice. In what way, then, is it “controversial and contested,” as the Guardian says? It would be wonderful if the Guardian, or anyone, would deign to explain. But they won’t. They want readers to think this is some marginal, eccentric interpretation of Islam so that no one begins to think ill of the left’s favorite religion.
Even that is a significant improvement over previous practice; for years the establishment media saw Boko Haram, ISIS, and other jihad groups take sex slaves and always insisted that the practice had nothing to do with Islam. The Guardian, of all publications, has moved a slight bit closer to being honest about this. I suppose we should be grateful for small favors.
The Masons, Shriners and Eastern Star are the servants of Baphomet/Satan
Intrepid says
Why don’t you tell us.
Ed Snider says
It would be easier to shock us, Mr.Spencer, by discovering some rare mote of humanity in Islam
than with yet another recitation of its cruelties.
Crusty Old Codger says
Plunder and rape have been a part of war since the beginning. What Mohammed did was make it a religious imperative.
Onzeur Trante says
Who says Islam is one of the world’s “great” religions?
Atikva says
It’s not even a religion.
Kasandra says
Exactly. It might be one of the “largest” but, in my mind, no religion that gives unbelievers only the choice of death or conversion can be considered “great.”
Alkflaeda says
Especially as it then affords the same choice to people born Muslim who apostasise. What sort of faith needs to hang onto its adherents by threatening to kill them if they look elsewhere?
Atikva says
“Being a muslim really is not having a relationship with God, it’s a contract with the state. You are obliged to go to a mosque, to behave like a Moslem and to abide by the laws of sharia.” Nonie Darwish
Islam, i.e. ‘submission’, is not interested in convincing anyone, just to submit everyone.
Atikva says
Why ask a question the answer to which is obvious? And islam is NOT a religion, it’s a totalitarian ideology masquerading as a religion. As long as it persists in this illusion, there will be no peace for the West.
VOWG says
That is the truth, simply stated and very accurate.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
It is the probable belief of first groups to move right out of the Neanderthal or their predecessor caves. It is pre-modern human.
Walter Sieruk says
The systematic sexual violence against Israeli women and girls by the jihadists of Hamas during and after their murderous jihad on October 7th is horrendously vile and heinous to the most evil extent possible. Those jihadists Hamas by their brutal crimes of torture and rape of young Jewish girls and women have exposed they own vicious misogyny of the demonic evil mindset which is the resort of their religion which is Islam.
Some naïve Westerners who don’t know and understand about the bloody and deadly essence of Islam’s jihad , might be shocked and stop and wonder “Just how can those jihadists of Hamas be so totally unconscionably evil to commit those horrendous sex vile heinous affront and hideous crime, actions ? “
The answer to that question is found in the Bible, which informs its reader that there are some men who are completely horrifically callous heartless and unfeeling because they have had “their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [K.J.V.]
For them, that “hot iron” is Islam.
Walter Sieruk says
That demonic jihad entity, Hamas, with is jihadists, have no limits, at all, to its cruel heinous and vile horrendously horrific vile and heinous Islamic evils that it so maliciously and murderously commits.
Walter Sieruk says
Those demonic vicious malice- filled Islamic spirit of the jihadists of Hamas which all their savage murderous behavior are the fruits of those jihad-minded Muslims being completely devoted to Islam with its violent and deadly jihad, Surah 2:191. 4:89. 9 : 5. 123. 47:4.
This is reflection of the teaching of Jesus, Who taught, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20. [K.J.V.]
Alkflaeda says
Definitely agree with your categorisation of Islam as demonic – Mohammed was a medium rather than a prophet, as evidenced by the hadith that states that the spirit which dictated the Koran crushed his chest, a classic sign of trance mediumship. That is not to say that there are no good Muslims – but that those who are, are so in spite of their heritage, not because of it. Jihadists apart, I am not against Muslim people – I think they deserve our compassion for being stuck in such a horrible system.
Walter Sieruk says
Those blood shedding murderous jihadists of Hamas with their vicious death and misery inflecting vile and heinous demonic evil are so horrendously wicked that they are the mirror reflection of the most despicable horrific villains describe in the Bible.
Which reads “There feet are swift to shed blood; destruction and misery are in their ways; and the way of peace have they not known.” Romans 3:15-17, [K.J.V.]
Ron Kelmell says
The entire Old Testament “acknowledges” slavery’s existence, but never endorses it. The O.T. places parameters around slavery including setting them free after seven years. “Man stealers” are condemned in both Old and New Testaments.
Walter Sieruk says
The terrible reality is that the answer to that , above, question is “yes” because Islam is a religion of brutal cruel vile and heinous misogyny.
Tony Rice says
The Koran is quite clear re the fate of captives. Males to be killed , women to be sexually used and then either kept ( as sexual objects ) or sold as slaves in markets. Age levels far different to Western ones. The barbarities that ISIS did in Syria and Iraq were as they were instructed in the Koran.