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Generations of Americans have grown up knowing very little about actual American history.
In my interview with Anni Cyrus at Rise Up to Freedom, I discussed my new book, “Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left” and why so few Americans know about the history revealed in it.
The answer is that a national centralized educational system rewrote the teaching of American history following a Marxist template of oppressor/oppressed, class and racial warfare, to the extent that authentic history including key moments that defined America were erased.
In the process, not coincidentally, the origins of the Left that I reveal also disappeared from history.
I call “Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left” a 1619 Project for the Left because it exposes their own history, their radicalism and their destructiveness.
The Left likes to claim that its agendas are constitutional, the truth is that it nearly stopped the Constitution cold, as I describe in Chapter 2.
The Left likes to claim that it’s as American as Apple Pie, in reality its existence is the product of foreign enemy agents, beginning with the French Revolution.
Why don’t we know it? Because American history isn’t taught in schools anymore. Only Marxist history is.
Fascinating History!
“… .a national centralized educational system rewrote the teaching of American history following a Marxist
template of oppressor/oppressed, class and racial warfare, to the extent that authentic history including
key moments that defined America were erased.
In the process, not coincidentally, the origins of the Left that I reveal also disappeared from history.”
“Why don’t we know it?
Because American history isn’t taught in schools anymore. Only Marxist history is.”
This is a fact. Look throughout history at who has been causing wars!
Excellent!!!!! Education in America has become a racket of leftist dogma from Kindergarten to advanced academic degrees, and it started at the end of the 19th century with the progressives goal to make sure the “apple fell as far away from the tree as possible”. The goal was to end any morality being defined by parents or the churches. The state would be the ultimate moral arbiter, and no debate or disagreement was to be allowed. It took 150 years to get here, and now that’s even obvious to the most casual observer, and it’s time to end it.
I would like to make note that both Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson subscribed to that mentality, both progressives albeit from different parties, and they also believing the Constitution was in impediment to human progress, and the left has been trying to destroy it ever since.
The 1st progressives (c. 1890-1920) consisted largely of the white, protestant middle class. They initially sought to “take back” control of municipal governments from the “ethnics” who had established city political machines because they saw those machines as corrupt. They introduced reforms such as the appointment of non-political, professional city managers. Doctors, lawyers, and others formed organizations to promote professionalism, and they put national prohibition in the Constitution.
In short, until the Woodrow Wilson administration and the adoption and ratification of Amendments 16 and 17 to the Constitution (1913) the 1st progressives were anything but leftists. The unintended consequence of the ‘1st Progressive Age’ was the dramatic growth of government power that was required to carry out and enforce those reforms, and Woodrow Wilson capitalized on that power until the Irreconcilables in the US Senate put a stop to his power-seeking with their vote against the League of Nations Treaty, which would have given away U.S. sovereignty.
Whaaaaat? Howard Zinn lied? He’s full of shit? Next you’l tell us Noam Chomsky wasn’t a prophet.
This is worth a thousand, nay ten thousand. what the heck a million up votes
Zinn lied and got rich lying. He sold his lies to school districts all over the nation.
FWIW, I can’t get the video to play either here or at Live Up To Freedom. Has it been taken down or censored or does it use a system incompatible with the Kindle on which I am trying to view it? Any ideas?
It played for me. I’m not an internet geek but you can do a search for the vid and probably watch it on another website.
Yeah, I rebooted my Kindle and in loaded just fine. I tried to post that buy adding a “reply” to my original post but it wouldn’t let because, as is always the case with my comments here, it was being moderated and you can’t reply to a post while it is under moderation.
Don’t feel bad. 99.9% of my comments go into instant moderation. I guess they know me too well………I do have a tendency for crudity.
Oh, and just reply to whoever’s post you originally replied to or whichever one is above yours and your comment will appear below your previous one, just as if you replied to it or added an addendum. There’s always a way to thwart people who try to thwart you. 🙂
Hello Mr Greenfield, could you put this video on your YouTube channel? Here in France we no longer have access to Rumble (France has become a communist country…)
Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.”
Yikes! And I thought things were bad here in America.
What about that whole “Libertie, equality, fraternity” thing. Doesn’t sound like a lot of Libertie to me.
More like a libertine government.
Great interview. Daniel needs a more aggressive agent to get him wider visibility.
The demographic change in the American electorate appears to be moving American politics against Israel and
Jews, and in a direction which is favorable to depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam.
The only way to halt this progression is for America and US citizens to thoroughly repudiate depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam with unmistakable action.
Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
Thank you Anni Cyrus and Daniel Greenfield. I don’t normally watch hour long videos, (too lazy I suspect) but I watched this and found it exceptional, so I made a point to bookmark it. Now if I can just get my younger brother to watch it.