Robert J. Shillman, aka “Doctor Bob,” has been a supporter of the David Horowitz Freedom Center for many years. He recently started a podcast, Life Lessons with Doctor Bob, and has agreed to let us share with our readers those valuable lessons about achieving success. His in-depth interviews with interesting and successful people prove that, unlike the MSM’s portrayal of America, this nation has been, and continues to be, a land of opportunity for anyone willing to put in the effort. Make sure to subscribe to the show at Doctor Bob’s website:
In this short clip, Dr. Bob speaks with Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe about the FBI whistleblower who recently came to Project Veritas with an internal FBI memo about the election. Check it out below:
Kevin says
If the leftists that give out pulitzer prizes were now woke and dedicated to the Democrat party, O Keefe would be collecting Pulitzers on a yearly basis. Instead, because he’s uncovering the corruption of the left, the FBI and DOJ monitor his every move to see if he can be silenced forever.
Also- he is a brave man- if he had an accident or mugging gone wrong, would it shock anyone?
Kynarion Hellenis says
I would not be shocked.
O’Keefe is no fool. He knows he is hated by a corrupt, even murderous regime with the full approval and resources of our rogue government. May God bless and protect him and his family.
Howard Nelson says
Are you recollecting the assassination of Andrew Breitbart?
THX 1138 says
“History can turn on a dime… the paycheck and the pension lead to the Holocaust”
This is not true at all. As Ayn Rand said “There is nothing so naive as cynicism.”
“t took centuries and a brain-stopping chain of falsehoods to bring a whole people to the state of Hitler-worship. Modern German culture, including its Nazi climax, is the result of a complex development in the history of philosophy, involving dozens of figures stretching back to the beginnings of Western thought. The same figures helped to shape every Western nation; but in other countries, to varying extents, the results were mixed, because there was also an opposite influence or antidote at work. In Germany, by the turn of our century, the cultural atmosphere was unmixed; the traces of the antidote had long since disappeared, and the intellectual establishment was monolithic.
If we view the West’s philosophic development in terms of essentials, three fateful turning points stand out, three major philosophers who, above all others, are responsible for generating the disease of collectivism and transmitting it to the dictators of our century.
The three are: Plato—Kant—Hegel. (The antidote to them is: Aristotle.)” – Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels: The End Of Freedom In America”
THX 1138 says
German Platonic-Kantian-Hegelian philosophy, the philosophy of Kantian unreason which produced the Holocaust, invaded American universities in the 19th century and has been growing in ascendancy ever since. It is the philosophy of the Counter Renaissance and the Counter Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Un-Reason, which is the age we are living in.
It is the philosophy that produced Herbert Marcuse and John Rawles, Critical Race Theory, Feminism, Trangenderism ideology, and a multitude of fellow-traveler mediocrities like Ibram X. Kendi.
What we have been experiencing in the West and America for well over 200 years is the slow disintegration of REASON. We have been going back and forth between spams and convulsions of IRRATIONALITY like WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and then back to the diminishing and dwindling light of reason.
It’s been 200 years of a slow death by philosophical AIDS, going back and forth between full-blown AIDS and then remission. But without a philosophy of reason as an antidote for unreason the philosphical AIDS will win in the end and kill the rational West and the rational West’s greatest exponent; America.
Howard Nelson says
Why not keep it simple, comprehensive, and accurate. It didn’t take centuries for Nazism and the Holocaust to result. All it took was the shame of Germany’s defeat in WW 1 and of subsequent imposed harsh reparations. The usual scapegoat, the Jews, were available and put to use as a rationale, as subversives who undermined the legitimate German war efforts.. German Nazis, postwar, were well organized and soon controlled information, true and false, to the public who were also anxious to blame anyone but their selves.
Let their hateful stupidity and servility be a warning to us in the USA in our times not to remain useful uninformed idiots.
David Ray says
O’Keefe single handedly brought the fraudulent ACORN group to it’s knees. The scumbags were openly giving advice on how to avoid paying taxes & sex-trafficking in children.
Congress was lackluster in their outrage . . . they agreed to stop public funding of that chickenshit organization for a few months.
One: why the hell were they getting my tax dollars in the FIRST PLACE!?
Two: What was with the “stop funding” for a mere couple of months? Not permanently? – after hearing of their evil bullshit!?
Oh well. ACORN disbanded and simply restructured under a new brand name. I’d wager the low-life scum are even getting public assistance once again.