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“Unknown drone activity forced one of the U.S.’s most critical military installations to shut down for several hours late Friday evening and Saturday morning,” Newsweek reported on Monday. The incident, confirmed by base officials, “prompted heightened security measures and temporarily halted operations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.” Home to the 88th Air Base Wing, Wright-Patterson is “one of the largest and most strategically important bases in the U.S., tasked with advanced research, intelligence, and operations.”
The shut-down follows sightings of unidentified “SUV-sized” drones in New Jersey but the Biden White House, Pentagon and Department of Homeland Security claim there’s no threat to national security. Locals and politicians alike want the government to shoot down the drones, but Biden DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters that’s not possible.
The drones pose “no threat or nefarious activity,” but they can’t be shot down because “our authorities are limited by the United States Coast Guard in the maritime environment, the United States Secret Service in its protection of our national leaders, US Customs and Border Protection with respect to the border.” And civilians attempting to shoot down a drone “would be dangerous.”
Embattled Americans might compare that response to the massive surveillance balloon China sent across the country in early 2023, which the Biden-Harris administration allowed to enter U.S. air space unannounced. China’s craft was first spotted by photographers while overflying Montana. The Billings Gazette published the photos, quickly picked up by national media. Only then did American officials respond.
Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder told CNN the US government has been “tracking the balloon for several days as it made its way over the northern United States.” The balloon’s flight path had passed over “a number of sensitive sites,” but does not present a “significant intelligence gathering risk.” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had also advised against shooting down China’s balloon while it was over land.
On that course, China got a close look at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where nuclear weapons are stored, and surveilled Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Nebraska, home of U.S. Strategic Command. China’s balloon also checked out Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, home to the B-2 stealth bomber.
Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley recommended against “kinetic action” to bring down the balloon, CBS News reported, because of the danger of debris hitting the ground, and because the “the U.S. government had determined the balloon does not pose a threat.” China’s Communist government claimed the balloon was for “mainly meteorological purposes,” that the craft had “limited self-steering capability,” and that “westerlies” blew it off course. Gen. Milley faithfully parroted China’s claims.
“Those winds are very high,” Milley told CBS News, “the particular motor on that aircraft can’t go against those winds at that altitude.” Pressed as to whether the aircraft was on a Chinese intelligence mission, Milley said, “I would say it was a spy balloon that we know with high degree of certainty got no intelligence, and didn’t transmit any intelligence back to China.” For a different perspective consider Dr. Marina Miron, a researcher in the War Studies Department at Kings College London.
Dr. Miron earned her PhD at the University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy. She has advised NATO on counterinsurgency and serves at the Kings College Centre for Military Ethics. As Dr. Miron told the BBC, “the balloon could be controlled by operators on the ground, who could raise or lower the craft to pick up different wind currents. You would want to be able to make it linger over a spot to collect data. This is something you can do with a balloon which you cannot do with a satellite.” [emphases added].”
The ground operators could be any of the nearly 300,000 Chinese students now in the USA.
Nobody leaves China without approval of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which sends “students” on a mission. For example, Juan Tang, supposedly a cancer researcher at UC Davis, was a member of the CCP and the Liberation Army (PLA) the force that slaughtered peaceful demonstrators at Tiananmen Square in 1989.
Ground operators could also be part of the more than 10 million illegals Biden-Harris allowed into the country, with no criminal background or security checks. That invasion took place under the auspices of DHS boss Mayorkas, supposedly on guard for the nation’s security. Mayorkas, Milley, Austin et al are Soviet-style zampolits, political officers for Biden. Consider also the response from the CIA.
According to “former” CIA operations officer Laura Ballman, the drones might be “a classified exercise to test either evasion technology or detection technology in urban areas.” Ballman would be “shocked” if the drones turned out to be from the CIA because it is “not their mandate to operate in the United States.” As Ballman to know, they do so anyway.
Obama CIA boss John Brennan titled his memoir Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Note Brennan’s order of battle, and consider John Gentry’s Neutering the CIA: Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences, released in 2023. According to the former CIA analyst, the forces that triggered the attack on Trump “remain intact, available for reactivation in the event of another serious candidacy by Trump or the election of another Republican president.”
Donald Trump has now been elected president of the United States, but Joe Biden occupies the White House until January 20. The Delaware Democrat claims the Chinese Communists are “not bad folks” and those balloons and drones pose no threat to America. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.
The drones are very scary. And so is the typical lefty arrogance of
Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. For him to say ‘ooo ooo,
our authority (that would be the authority to protect the American
homeland) is limited because the U.S. National Guard, the U.S.
Secret Service and the U.S. Border Patrol all conflict with each other
is not only disgusting but dumb. And that’s because he believes
ordinary people are dummies who’ll go along with any dumbass
thing he says. Which is exactly how Kamala Harris thought and
why she got such a shellacking by We The People in our over-
whelming support for Donald Trump.
President Trump would deal with the drones clearly and decisively
and level with the America people while he was at it. I feel safer
already about the drones and everything else just thinking about
Inauguration Day.
We’re still a month away from Inauguration Day. The Leftist Democrat lunatics are not going to sit quietly waiting for the day. Anything can happen. Drones are just one example.
Obama and his mafia are scrambling to do as much damage to America as they can before Jan. 20th arrives and it won’t end there that’s for sure. Who knows how many booby traps and secret operatives Obama is leaving behind to harm President Trump.
“Obama is an unprecedented threat to America.
As I have explained in The DIM Hypothesis, Obama is in essence a destroyer for the sake of destruction, a nihilist, the first such to become President. The object to be destroyed is America. Given the academic and popular support he has received, he has been able to pursue this goal methodically and, to many observers, with astonishing success.” – Leonard Peikoff
Lenny has always been an unprecedented threat to America.
Definitely not one of the brightest bulbs on the tree.
LOL! You are so dumb and ridiculous. You go from claiming that Objectivism is a huge, inconsequential, failure that has never had and will never have any influence on America to claiming Dr. Peikoff has always been an unprecedented threat to America.
Make up your puny Lutheran mind.
Yes… Intrepid belongs to the homosexual approved, satanic ELCA (Lutheran) fake church which teaches they worship the fake god allah of satanic islam…
A sick, wicked, evil, different denomination from other Lutheran Churches…
Intrepid is a satanic, allah worshiping muslim! Thus… Intrepid doesn’t have the brain power to decipher what is Truth…
Another little Ode to Scumsrent:
One and one is two, two and two is four
I feel so bad because I’m such a bore.
But don’t you step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
You can do anything but don’t step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
three and three is six
I feel so bad ’cause I can’t get no chicks
But don’t you step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
You can do anything but don’t step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
four and four is eight
I feel so bad cause I can’t get a date
But don’t you step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
You can do anything but don’t step on my Beema Bob a lulu shoes
Simply because Lenny is dumber than a box of rocks doesn’t mean he can’t be a threat. There always stupid idiots like you who will fall for his claptrap. I guess that never occurred to you.
Make up your puny Objectivist mind.
Your homosexual approved, allah worshiping, satanic fake ELCA church is a threat to Christianity…
You worshiping the fake god allah makes you a muslim! Look up “What is a muslim”… and that defines YOU and your satanic fake church…
Wow, I’m a muslim, a homosexual, allah worshiping, and I go to a satanic fake church……all at the same time. I wish I had the time to take in all of that. I wonder what else your sick little brain will come up with.
I drew up a list of all of your junior high school bugaboos. The Catholics, the Lutherans, the Muslims. How about the Amish, the Mennonites, the Presbyterians, and the Methodists? Anglicans? Calvinists? Are Christmas trees OK in your world? Christmas presents? Christmas dinner? Christian hymns? How about all of the liturgies recited in churches all over the world?
Look scumsrent. I’m not changing a thing about my religious practices, no matter how many voices you think you hear speaking directly to you. No matter how many faux childish insults you hurl at me. There will always be religious nut cases like you pretending to be the one with God’s true message and crying out in the wilderness
Put on some sack cloth and stand in a river crying out to God. You get to live out your John the Baptist fantasies.
There is medication for your condition. It’s called schizophrenia. Seek out a psychiatrist. You obviously have a lot of problems and a lot of fantasies going on in that empty head of yours.
Yes Intrepid…
You attend a homosexual fake church… and you bragged about “chasing tail”…
Put the two together and the question remains… are you Bisexual?
You also attend a fake church which teaches you worship the fake god allah of satanic islam…
By the definition of a “muslim”… that make you a muslim…
Everything about you and your satanic fake church is a threat to America…
As open as our border is, I wouldn’t be surprised if miniature nukes haven’t already been walked across the border and strategically placed around the US. And if wouldn’t surprise me if Islamic terrorists have large caches of military grade armament placed strategically around the US.
It’s one of the unintended[?] consequences of an open border. Alas, Obama and his minions don’t seem to think that Islamic terrorism is a threat to the US. One is left to wonder why?
Forget Biden. Stories are now leaking out of the white house saying that the white house staff knew as far back as 2021 that Joe Biden lacked the mental acuity to serve as president. Biden functionally serves as the equivalent of a department store window display dummy. It’s Obama and his minions (via Susan Rice, et al.) who have been running the country for the entirety of the Biden Administration.
Joe gets rewarded with an ice cream cone and a nap if he’s a good boy a sticks to the script and not try to ad lib. The few times he did was disastrous and exposed his enfeebled disposition and the extent of his mental decline. I personally felt ashamed and embarrassed for the country every time it happened. It also further inflamed my rage and disgusts for democrats and their amoral psychopathic cult.
I intentionally use the term cult because today’s so-called democrat “party” has all the attributes of a cult rather than a political party.
He’s also a Muslim. following all those Islamic protocols for the complete destruction of the west.
I’ve waited months, maybe years, to see a post of yours that’s sensible and that I agreed with, THX. Thanks for finally giving us one!
The drone story is probably manufactured to cover up the pardon of many drug dealers. In my opinion the Dems want them set free before honest people take over the Justice Dept and can see where they fit into the larger framework of the kleptocracy.
I tend to think the drones are the CCP and Biden is allowing the CCP to spy with drones because he has been bought by them.
I am reminded that Pennsylvania would be a fantastic state except that it’s too far from Heaven and too close to New Jersey. Speaking of New Jersey….latest sh**t house rumor about the drones is that they are loaded with nuke “sniffers” and are seeking to find a supposed load of nuclear material stolen from a lab in (you guessed it) New Jersey. Enough supposedly to make a really, really nasty dirty b***mb. Given New Jersey’s proximity to New York, everyone is experiencing a yuge, yuge scheisse hemorrage over that possibility. I’m not concerned, the predominate winds are west to east. Pocono Mtns are nice this time of year.
Wait a minute. The administration said there is no threat. WTF? Anyone who is not skeptical of what’s going on with the drones and the corrupt alphabet agencies is living under a rock and should probably stay there for what’s coming next.
Refusal to protect the territorial integrity of the United States is Treason.
There is no truth to the rumor that the drones over New Jersey are space aliens (unlike those from Messico) who are here for their annual galactic visit. Earth people are entertaining and kept around as a kind of pet monkey for the Alpha Centuri folk. Keep in mind, that for most of the galaxy, humans on earth are way, way, way down the list from being at the top of the pecking order. We’re “Monkey Grade” and probably “banked” in the very likely event that one of the upper tier inhabitants of the galaxy will decide to 1.evict us, us, 3. use us for electrical sources, or, 4. ..grind up the third rock from the sun for mineral use. Remember, the two scariest thoughts in the back of every earthen-bound human is A. We Are Not Alone In The Universe. B. We Are Alone In The Universe.
We are NO alone in he unverse. No at all. The God who made all this is with us.
They should be allowed to shoot down those Drones with well placed shot or having Trained Eagles to bring them down
My choice would be 12-guage ball and chain (B&C) cartridges. Royal Navy used B&C to clean all the masts off an enemy ship for about 100 years. Works really well on a lot of things.
“THEY” are going to “ACCIDENTLY” use the sudden influx of drones to bring down A PLANE since their bullet missed!
Milley should be in prison for treason. That he is not and all the other crap allowed to go on suggests the following. We are obviously in the biggest CIA Psyop against our own people in US History. Of course its Fkng IMPOSSIBLE for anyone in military no longer supporting the USC to even hint that there are no threats from balloons and drones. Or that we dont shoot down things that could be attacking us or dispersing toxic nanoparticles in the air that we breathe because the delivery system may fall out of the sky and hurt someone or poke a your roof. . Nobody in Obama/Biden Admin can know if these things are a danger to us because (1) we have no intact examples in our possession or (2) its some sort of non physically harmful Look over Here! game played by TPTB. So we remain in the dark, right where these traitors want us. Don’t fall for it.
Ground lasers…vaporize them. Gone!!
What happened to the protection of Americas airspace? TRAITOR IN CHIEF: BIDEN OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE CCP AND IRAN!!
Milley’s American Communist Party, has everything under control.
it is a fact the US military can intercept, take control, and re-direct drones as necessary. From the air they can locate the control transmitter for non-autonomous drones and direct arty and other fire on the control operators.
The DOD brags about this on websites as do their defense contractors.
Dec. 18, 2024
FOX/FINNERTY tonight disclosed stunnimg UF0 data. They are real!!!! and rouge DOD/CIA/MIC secret government agencies are off the reservation doing nasty things.