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On the one hand the Durham report trashes the entire Russia collusion hoax. It’s a 300 page scathing takedown of the abuses and abuse of process that defined the whole thing.
For example, Durham notes, “The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (i) any significant review of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence from other U.S. intelligence entities, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence. Had it done so, again as set out in Sections IV.A.3.b and c, the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning the subject.”
TLDR: this was a political witch hunt that did not follow even the most basic FBI standards and procedures.
Little here will be new to those who have followed the developments over the years and the report is available here, among many other places. Durham spends a lot of time delving into the procedural failings of the FBI. In response, the FBI replied with a terse message that can be summed up as, “Everything is fine.”
“The conduct in 2016 and 2017 that Special Counsel Durham examined was the reason that current FBI leadership already implemented dozens of corrective actions, which have now been in place for some time. Had those reforms been in place in 2016, the missteps identified in the report could have been prevented. This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.”
Uh-huh. FISA abuses? Also fixed.
The Durham report can be ready as a very exhaustive internal report of failings, that is also very blinkered for anything beyond the confines of the actions of the FBI and the DOJ. All the familiar names, Page, Strzok, Steele, McCabe make an appearance, So do Dolan and Danchenko. Durham documents double standards in investigative protocols, especially when it comes to the Clintons, but that’s where it effectively ends making the whole thing effectively meaningless.
Durham offers little that’s new. Who was pulling the strings above the level of some top FBI people? Does Durham seriously expect us to believe that the likes of Strzok or McCabe initiated all of this on their own because they hated Trump? What were the interfaces between the Clinton-Obama camps and the DOJ people? These are the really significant questions and, unsurprisingly, the report punts. Its goal is to clean up the FBI rather than to hold the political operatives behind the scenes accountable.
And there, much as I predicted over the years, it ends.
Durham wasn’t going to fix anything. Neither is the rest of the system. The Trump administration had the ability to declassify most of the materials of the original investigation and it failed to do so. The Durham report largely follows up on the work of a few courageous administration people and journalists who have spent years putting all of this together.
Accountability is fundamentally lacking, but considering that Durham had to bring and try cases in D.C., with disastrous results, that’s not surprising.
So in the end we’re back to “some people did something”.
Durham will have his closing lap, appearing before House committees, and then he and everyone will move on. The unfortunately precedent of Watergate x 1000 has been set. And genies don’t go back in the bottle once you let them out. Democrats have mainly moved on from the Russia hoax to another manufactured scandals and investigations. And, if anything, the next time they use the DOJ to go after a presidential candidate, they’ll be even better at it.
Unless a conservative administration actually changes the rules, aggressively declassifies documents, and tears away the facades, this will happen again.
Happen again? Of course it will happen again.
If these guys were lumberjacks, malicious prosecutions would be their chainsaws.
Now, I ask you, who would reasonably expect the guilty to prosecute themselves or their accomplices.
The left gets away with crimes time after time,
And since they’ll get away with all this corruption and election tampering too, that just emboldens them to keep trying to invent crimes to take down Trump.
There will be no consequences because you have a corrupt DOJ. It’s not that hard to comprehend.
Corruption is the Biden talisman.
Yeah, but I just read Andrew Weissman claiming that the report was nothing but a “nothing burger”, so everything is fine. Nothing to see here.
This is exactly how the Marxist-socialist planned it. Getting caught is no big deal if you accomplish your goal and they certainly did. Besides getting caught has no consequences and no one will pay a price. This will embolden the evil forces to do this even more and to shut down the electoral system to complete the take over of dictatorial tyranny.
Evil is often more clever than good and this is a perfect example of it. Furthermore American has no opposition party to stop or even slow down these evil forces who are succeeding in bringing down the country. Tyranny is not coming to America… is already here.
As expected, federal prosecutor John Durham’s refusal to indict any of the named Deep State conspirators in the Trump/Russia political smear means that the fake prosecutor lived up to his nickname: “Bull.” Who will deliver us from the likes of pension-pending “Bull?” Once again, our “garbage elites” (columnist Kurt Schlichter’s coinage) resemble nothing so much as biblical Esau, who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup.
“Somebody has to go to jail”! Harvey Keitel in National Treasure.
Criminals. All of them. They will get away with sedition and an attempted coup.
The DC Criminal Enterprise is too corrupt to fail.
Those who’d build a Beast system,
Are so stupid they fairly glisten,
They lie without wave,
From Bacon’s famous cave,
And could be stopped if people would listen. .
We don’t remember when, but we all know there came a time, a day in our lives when we realized a stinging truth. There is no Santa, no Bunny and no fairy that makes it alright. You may now add another truth that eviscerates us to the core of our soul and should destroy our greatest fantasy. It is an almost unspeakable terror that needs Marlon Brando to provide the appropriate soundtrack to our life: “The horror, the horror, the horror.” The truth that we did not want to know has taken center stage, THERE IS NO JUSTICE, THERE IS NO JUSTICE SYSTEM.” As yet I haven’t been able to accurately label Mr. Durhan. Is he a DOJ pimp, an FBI whore or just a lowlife Judas on the Clinton payroll. Whatever, I believe it is time for Benedict Arnold to move over so Mr. Durham can take his appropriate place in American history. At the moment I cannot accurately recall the old joke or was it just a saying that at the moment feels appropriate and in essence means, “First we hang the lawyers.” All Durham has accomplished is to once again manipulate the legal system to exonerate the guilty parties with legalese crap dressed up as “Truth, Justice and the American Way.” Yes, the foxes are in the henhouse, and it is going to take a brutal, unforgiving monstrous wolf to remove them, and it won’t be pretty. But don’t worry yourself, it will never happen.
Its Shakespeare, dear, who said first kill all the lawyers. So, you know, this has been a problem for about 500 years or so. But never this bad. And I am so sorry but the Benedict Arnold moniker has been taken by Pence. Not to worry as “DOJ Pimp” is a fine handle for Durham.
Whenever you hear from the media that a person is “ above reproach” or “bipartisan” and they show you one snapshot of him over and over, he a DOJ FBI CIA tool. I mean how dumb can we get that we keep waiting. Recall wait for the: IG report (then he practically sat on Wray’s lap on TV) Huber, Sessions, Muller report (he turned out to be demented) and now, Durham.
I agree, lets stop waiting. Nothing is coming. If by a miracle of heaven, considering the lack of any voter integrity, equal justice, unbiased unafraid uncorrupt judges, or remnants of a justice system, President Trump is back in office, we might have a chance.
Otherwise, if the American people continue to cower, we have a soviet style tyranny but with much more advanced surveillance.
Okey Dokey.
See you in the gulag.
Thanks Cat, the legal system in England back in those days is fascinating. I keep trying to get a feeling for what it was like. But the level of corruption is unfathomable.
Even Lord Nelson, greatest seaman of all time, violated some of the rules, such as getting a position when underage, from time to time (that is mainly where I read about it, history of British Navy). Yet corruption was so deep and widespread that it was done openly without thought of consequence.
So the FBI claims all is now well and good and “This report reinforces the importance of ensuring the FBI continues to do its work with the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism the American people deserve and rightly expect.” Oh, like they did in 2020 when they surveilled Rudy Giuliani’s cloud account and pre-bunked the Hunter Biden laptop story to, e.g., social media knowing the laptop was the real deal and wasn’t “disinformation.” This is the rigor, objectivity, and professionalism off its current work? Really now.
we had hopes but as usual the rotten players gamed the system and delivered a nothing burger
I’m constantly astounded. Just translate this article into Hebrew and change a few of the names and you’ve got a perfect fit – a well-articulated description of Israel’s corrupt version of the DOJ and left-leaning political elites.
Biden admin funded the fake anti-judicial reform protests and the media didn’t show the other more grassroots protest. Yes, there are plenty of nutty leftists there too and its similar, I understand.
Its sad, so sad.
Why not? The same people who want to destroy Trump are also after Netanyahu. And we can guess where their funding comes from.
The whole Russiagate isa a total lie there are some persons behind t his all and this is far bigger then Watergate ever was and ever will be
Al Capone would have loved to have this current model of FBI/DOJ included in his organization.
The Leftist MSM declared the report a “nothing burger” within an hour of its release. In some ways, that is true: nothing will happen to the individuals who produced the Russian Hoax and those who aided and abetted its spread.
Accountability counts for nothing in America today. America is dead.
This report outlines the biggest political crime of the 21st Century – – until the outright theft of the 2020 Election! How long will that fact-finding investigation take? What, there is no such investigation under way yet?
Donald Trump was the victim of the two biggest political crimes in American history – and all the perps are just going to walk away?
It’s simply foolish to believe Durham wouldn’t have gladly charged anyone he could with a crime, if evidence existed to support that charge in court. Clearly, there simply isn’t any evidence of a crime or crimes that would survive even a probable cause hearing.
Durham’s big gripe (dicta, since it isn’t material to his charging decisions) is that the FBI didn’t first open a “review” or “inquiry” of the claims made about Russian influence and potential connections to Trump and his family. Trump, his kids, and goofballs like Flynn had been playing footsie with the Russians for years – YEARS – before Crossfire. It would have been malfeasance for the FBI and other intelligence and law enforcement agencies to NOT have opened an investigation.