Gives Black Lives Matter some credit, they do good work. If you can describe evil as good work.
The team-up between leftists, libertarians, and black nationalists to legalize crime and destroy the criminal justice system has worked out really well. Utopia is here. Criminals roam everywhere with nothing to fear even when they commit the worst possible crimes.
A review of FBI statistics shows that the murder clearance rate — the share of cases each year that are solved, meaning police make an arrest or close the case due to other reasons — has fallen to its lowest point in more than half a century.
“It’s a 50-50 coin flip,” says Thomas Hargrove, who runs the Murder Accountability Project, which tracks unsolved murders nationwide. “It’s never been this bad. During the last seven months of 2020, most murders went unsolved. That’s never happened before in America.”
Criminal justice reform. This is what it looks like.
Now the same media that spent two years screaming that the police must not ever go near a black man under any circumstances are upset that the murders of black people are not being solved.
Police are far less likely to solve a murder when the victim is black or Hispanic, according to CBS News’ analysis.
Racism, obviously.
Lynch cops who try to do their jobs and they won’t do them. Send the DOJ to terrorize police departments for investigating black suspects and they’ll avoid them. And the murders of black people, mostly committed by other black people, won’t get solved.
The media can demand that the police don’t do their jobs, but they can’t then also complain that the police aren’t doing their jobs.
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