We still don’t know what exactly motivated two Muslim terrorists to kill Americans. Maybe it was the weather. Maybe there was nothing good on television. Or maybe they were Muslim terrorists.
In support of the farfetched theory that the Muslim terrorists were Muslim terrorists is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s YouTube Channel. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had three named playlists. One was called “Islam”, one was called “Terrorists” and one was called “Timur Mucuraev”.
Mucuraev is a popular Chechen Jihadist singer. His music is full of cheerful songs like “12,000 Mujahideen”, “Insallah, We are Waiting for Paradise”, “Chechnya on Fire”, “The Holy Jihad (Rise Muslim)”, “The Warriors of Jihad”, “Hey, Shahid”, “Paradise Under the Shadow of Swords”, “The Islamic Ummah”, “Islamic Reconquest”, “Ins’Allah, We Are Waiting for Candy (after a terrorist attack)” and “Welcome to Hell”. We Will Dedicate Our Lives to the Jihad is the Timur Mucuraev song that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev added to his playlist.
Life on earth is a fleeing thing/Subject to the laws of fate The duty of Allah calls/The Ayahs of Allah’s writings The world freezes awaiting its fate/The oncoming age in its power approaches The great banner of judgement day/The signs of the day of retribution approaches The secret revelation of ancient pacts/the measure of good and evil The beginning and the end of fate is law/There are only two ways, belief or heresy Infidels rule the earth/for the faithful life is torture From above the duty calls you/to fight boldly in the way of Allah Remember the gardens of paradise are eternal/In this temporary world be like a stranger And dedicate your life to the Jihad/Arise as a fated chosen militant Your afterlife is approaching/The present world does not compare to paradise Occupying the world of dreams/We understand the fleeting nature of our lives The fate and deeds are already known/to the Shaheeds (terrorists) paradise and to the infidels, the flames of hell Forget sorrow and take in eternity/The bright road of Jihad waits for you Remember the eternal gardens of paradise/Be in this temporary world like a stranger Dedicate your life to the Jihad/Arise militant chosen by fate You will stand before Allah on the day of judgement/On the trumpet’s blast you will rise from the ashes The gates of paradise will open/The gardens of paradise are the greatest reward Paradise’s rivers softly chime/The 72 virgins lovingly whisper All the world’s troubles will vanish/The Shaheed will be free of trouble
This is the mindset of the Islamic terrorist who is taught to despise the world and non-Muslims and to concentrate on the 72 virgins and the wonders of paradise. This was the mindset of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. This was the mindset that made the Boston Marathon bombing possible. This is the mindset that made it possible for him to plant a bomb near an 8-year-old boy.
For Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Martin Richard was just an infidel doomed to hell. His death demanded by Allah. Killing him would weaken the ability of the infidels to resist the Soldiers of Allah and speed up the Caliphate and the rule of Islam on earth.
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