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The Middle East remains in turmoil, lurching from one crisis to the next.
Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts, primarily against irregular forces under the control of Iran, and against the well-financed, international deception and misinformation propaganda machine, which is supported by nefarious actors. The Arabs of Judea and Samaria, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Syria, despite the suffering inflicted upon them by the brutality and evil foolishness of their self-serving leadership, are still largely hostile to Israel’s existence and rife with Jew-hatred. Unfortunately, local and international support for terror organizations like ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah is still inexplicably strong.
International terrorism is becoming more evident across the free world. Consider the recent attacks on innocent people in New Orleans, in Berlin, in Milan, in Paris, in London and elsewhere.
What can be done to reverse this trend and set the world on a better course toward peaceful coexistence?
Some answers are related to the region’s turbulence and persistent hatred, which preceded the re-establishment of the modern-day State of Israel in the Jewish ancestral homeland.
The Arab media and the educational establishment in most Arab societies inculcate hostility toward Jews, toward Israel as a Jewish state and toward the infidel. This situation has been ameliorated in countries that have made peace with Israel, but elsewhere, the rabid hatred of Jews and infidels continues unabated. From a very early age, Arab children and others are reared on the malicious ideology to remove the dangers and the threats from the infidel, the illegitimacy of Israel, and the malevolence of Jews to Arabs and Islam all across the globe.
The intentional spread of disinformation and misinformation, if unchallenged, will guarantee the intensification of the conflict with serious consequences for the free world.
For example, Palestinian media now flatly denies that Hamas operatives committed any atrocities on Oct. 7, 2023, terming reports of mass murder, rape, burnings of babies, decapitations and other horrific acts that occurred as “Israeli propaganda.” The fact that such lies are refuted by the very video and audio recordings that Hamas perpetrators filmed themselves is not addressed or confronted. The whole point is to sow confusion that creates different narratives of the recent conflict from which the oblivious viewers can choose.
Palestinian Authority textbooks still teach arithmetic by counting dead Jews. Some textbooks lionize suicide bombers such as Dalal Mugrabi, a female terrorist who participated in the murder of 38 Israeli civilians in 1978.
Revisionist history recently propagated by the Arab media depicted Jesus as “the first Palestinian martyr,” an absurd twist that should offend not only Jews but Christians and all lovers of truth. This incongruity denies that Jesus was a Jew, and falsely suggests that there was a Palestinian national identity some 2,000 years ago.
Palestinian schools falsely deny any historical connection between the Jewish people, the Land of Israel, and the city of Jerusalem. Such incitement occurs even in schools in Jerusalem and in schools that are nominally under the supervision of the Israeli Ministry of Education. Palestinian children who learn that there never were Jewish temples in Jerusalem and that Jews are colonialist usurpers in the region will rarely reconcile themselves to Israel’s legitimacy or its right to exist. Many students will adopt as their life’s goal the elimination of any affront to Islam, even at the cost of their own lives. In addition, the Palestinian educational curriculum still reinforces the war against the Jews, not peace and coexistence. These and other malicious messages are being amplified across the globe, including in respected educational institutions and media outlets.
It is extremely difficult for young students to dislodge themselves from the grip of peer pressure, and these corrupt ideologies, which are so influential that they continue to spawn terrorists and suicide bombers, entice Arab parents to aspire to their children’s martyrdom.
Unfortunately, the yearning for martyrdom as a religious and national imperative to eradicate the so-called illicit and repugnant State of Israel or that of the other infidels across the globe cannot be undone by good living conditions or prosperity. Osama bin Laden may have been a multimillionaire, but he was a terrorist first. Vladimir Lenin, who boasted that “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them,” would recognize its modern application as Palestinians and other radical Muslims are lavished with Western money used to educate Palestinian children and others to hate and kill Israelis, as well as to despise and eliminate Westerners.
A fundamental change in thinking is indispensable to prepare the Middle East and the free world for a better future.
Here are some ideas to help get us there:
• Israel, as well as freedom-loving countries, must do more to promote and monitor a better curriculum within the Arab educational system, everywhere, especially in Jerusalem.
• Malicious Arab teachers who were trained by the Palestinian Authority to use the noxious P.A. curriculum need to be replaced with peace-loving Israeli Arabs from the north and south of Israel. These educators should be financially incentivized to move to Jerusalem and other relevant locations and teach the proper curriculum in Arab schools, which should include proficiency in Hebrew.
• Children in Gaza will need to be deradicalized and will benefit from contact with honorable Israeli educators for there to be any hope of progress.
• Given that this is an important issue for the entire free world, a serious multinational educational effort should be implemented to share valuable information through all educational institutions. Additionally, media outlets need to address the truthful and relevant facts as they relate to Israel, the Middle East and the peaceful version of Islam.
• Western states and institutions must withhold financial and political support from the P.A.-run schools and other educational institutions, including those run by the U.N. Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, a leading fomenter of incitement in the Middle East, until they stop incitement against infidels, Jews, Israel and the West.
• The glorification of martyrdom and the eternal war against the West, Israel and the infidel must end everywhere, including in mosques, educational institutions and media outlets. Many terror organizations like ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah remain popular because their evil and violent ways are frequently glorified in the public sphere.
• A special monitoring and implementing task force should be established to expose, marginalize and eliminate all the bad operatives to prevent terror attacks, malicious incitement and indoctrination.
In her autobiography, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir wrote that “peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” That is as true today as it was 50 years ago.
Looks like Palestine has its own version of the NEA just Brainwashing the Youth with their typical stuff and not a thing from the Useless Nations
The head of the snake, so to speak is Islam itself. When the main tenets of this so-called religion are the conquest of the world and establishment of domination throughout, the annihilation of Jews worldwide, and the enslavement/degradatiion or death of infidels who refuse to “submit” to achieve that’mad nightmare, is the root cause of this and has been for over 1500 years.
Un;less and until Islam itself reforms/rejects those parts of the Koran and Hadith, which of course is a non-starter, the world will drown in oceans of innocent blood.
The Protestant Reformation was possible because the church practices that the reformers targeted really were astray of Biblical teaching. Radical Islamic practices are not astray of Qur’anic teaching, because the Islamic principle of abrogation means that, if there is a conflict between revelations, the later one has priority – and Mohammed’s later revelations were his least tolerant.
The current “cease fire/hostage deal” will last about as long as it takes to work out the details of the next Hamas and Hezbollah attack.
Until the world acknowledges that Muslims are basically full of s*it, and are poison in every country they are attempting to undermine, the same war will continue over and over again.
And as long as the Left continues to exist and provides cover for these Jihadi animals the same war will continue over and over again.
Maybe, some day, the left and the muslim appeasers in the West will find out how wrong they are when the “alligator eats them last”.
Israel is also fighting what the rest of the West is fighting
and that is, the leftist enemy within – which pushes for
capitulation to Globalism and Islam.
That said, only some of the ideas of Dr. Katz and Mr.
Silberstein in this thought-provoking article to fight the
Arab scourge against Middle East and world peace are
tenable. Because Islam will counter this fiercely with
tacquiya leading every charge.
In touting Islam as a religion of peace, they will stomp on
such ideas as deradicalizing children or ending glorification
of martyrdom in mosques – while remaining in cahoots with
Globalist power brokers in the international media, academic
institutions and the UN – all of whom the authors of this
article are hoping for support. Such tactics, however, as
changing indoctrinated Arab teachers as well as curriculum
and challenging revisionist history of the Jews are workable.
They would have an excellent shot at swaying public opinion
in favor of Israel and Western values – but only if Arab violence-
prone deviance could be continually kept before the world.
Where are the billionaire/millionaire Jews and Conservatives
to support such a fight-back promotion movement?
The salient question becomes, is it possible for Muslims to successfully integrate into Western secular cultures and democracies and peaceful coexistence with them?
Absolutely not! Because for any true Muslim to do so would require the sacrifice of the sacred tenants of Holy Koranic edicts, the eternal and irreversible truth. And the mythical “moderate” Muslims? Where were their voices after Oct 7, 2023 across the world, or in the US cities, towns and college campus? It is the radicals who fund and control fundamentalist Islam and the moderates are merely its passive enablers! …who will do what they’re told, or else!
Lack of moderates among Palestinian Islamo-Arabs [Sodom] – forced humane Israel into a dangerous hostage deal. This is about the agreement to a bad deal in principle, forced by the situation, though the pressed on a date [per US politics, optics on Jan/20 inauguration] probably made a bad deal, worse.
The truth behind media manipulation
nothing will change in the M.E. until the jewish nation and people recognise that jesus is their messiah . islam should be designated a terrorist organisation which is what it is . unfortunately no one has the b***s to do it . so israel and its enemies will remain in conflict until the halfway mark of the 7 year tribulation as laid out in the book of revelation . the 7 years wont be pretty , 2 thirds of the worlds population will die and israel will nearly be obliterated werent it for gods intervention . prepare for worse and then worse . islam will continue its murderous path until then and the west will be their enabler .