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[Editor’s note: “Election Jihad” is a new report from the David Horowitz Freedom Center that exposes how Islamic political machines are transforming American legislatures state by state. And what we can do about it. ORDER IT: HERE.]
A New Generation of Islamist Political Power
The response in state legislatures to the Hamas Islamic terror attacks of Oct 7 showed how thoroughly Islamists have infiltrated our political system and the threat that they pose.
In Delaware, Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton, the first Muslim elected in Delaware, heckled Vice President Kamala Harris at a Christmas party, demanding that Israel stop attacking Hamas.
After Oct 7, Wilson-Anton posted, “I do not stand with Israel” and warned that, “so long as a government refuses to respect the existence of a people it should expect resistance.”
A new generation of Islamist state legislators like her showed its true colors after Oct 7.
In Ohio, Rep. Munira Abdullahi, newly elected, promoted claims that Israel is “the biggest child-killer in the world”.
In Texas, Rep. Salman Bhojani, the first Muslim elected to the State House, accused Israel of engaging in the “mass killing of Palestinian civilians” during its fight against Hamas and claimed that the Oct 7 Hamas massacres “did not occur in a vacuum”
In Illinois, Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid, the State House’s first Muslim ‘Palestinian’ elected official, accused Israel of “genocidal language” and signed a letter after Oct 7 claiming that “inequality” was at the “root cause of the violence”.
Michigan’s State House of Representatives did not condemn the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7 after opposition from House Majority Floor Leader Abraham Aiyash from Hamtramck, the first all-Muslim governed city in the country, who has accused Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid” and held a hunger strike to oppose Israel’s campaign against Hamas.
In Georgia, Rep. Ruwa Romman, a former communications director for CAIR, and the first Muslim ‘Palestinian’ in the George State House, described the Oct 7 attacks as an “escalation” caused by “settler violence and terror aimed at Palestinian business owners”
Rep. Romman argued that a resolution condemning the Hamas atrocities was creating “division” and claimed that Israel’s campaign was “not self defense” “not about hostages” and “not about Hamas”, but about “causing as much damage as possible.”
In the Georgia State Senate, Sen. Sheikh Rahman and Sen. Nabilah Islam, two newly elected members, abstained from a resolution condemning the Hamas atrocities. Sen. Islam had accused Israel of bombing “innocent Palestinians”.
In Minnesota, Sen. Omar Fateh responded to the Oct 7 attacks by accusing Israel of “horrifying acts of violence” while falsely claiming that it was engaged in a “genocidal war”. Sen. Zaynab Mohamed, a newly elected state senator and the first Muslim woman in the state senate, spread false claims that Israel had bombed a hospital and demanded an end to the attacks on Hamas.
A National Islamist Political Transformation
After the 2022 midterms, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding trial, boasted that a record number of Islamic candidates had taken power. Of the 153 who ran for office, a majority, 89, won their races.
In 2020, CAIR released a “Strategic Election Plan” for mobilizing 1 million Muslim voters that included “providing small grants to mosques planning to get out the vote” and that would “encourage and train 200 Muslim candidates to run for office”. The plan included town halls for Republican and Democrat candidates, a Muslim voter database and “boot camps” in 25 states.
These ambitious plans reflect the growing election presence of CAIR and other Islamist groups.
In Georgia, Muslims now have two members or 10% of the 22 member Georgia Senate Democrat delegation even though they represent only 1% of the state’s population.
This was due in part to the Georgia Muslim Voter Project which received $100,000 from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Other Islamist groups also continue to be active in electing candidates at every level.
Emgage claimed that its Million Muslim Votes campaign had led to 71% or over one million Muslim voters casting ballots. It boasted that it increased the number of Muslim votes by 27% in Michigan, 13% in Georgia, 5% in Texas and 4% in Virginia through “1.8 million calls, sending over 3.6 million text messages and over 400,000 mailers” and “knocking on over 20,000 doors”.
Emgage CEO Wa’el Alzayat responded to the Hamas attacks of Oct 7 by promoting a claim blaming “Jewish supremacists”. He later wrote that “white supremacists” allegedly “waving Israeli flags were blocking the entrance to my daughter’s Islamic school today.”
Emgage has various state branches in New York, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Florida. Emgage Florida urged Muslims to use their votes to affect American policy toward Israel and Emgage PAC in Texas endorsed two dozen candidates in the state alone.
Funding for Emgage has come through, among others, the Pillars Fund. The Pillars Fund is a “national nonprofit” that “amplifies the leadership, narratives, and talents of Muslims” and has a board of directors that includes a chief of staff for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Pillars Fund’s institutional funders include George Soros’ Open Society Network.
The Pillars Fund provided funding for the Georgia Muslim Voter Project and MPower Change
MPower Change, which has accused Israel of “genocide” for attacking Hamas, was founded by Linda Sarsour, promotes voter registration, and has received funding from the Ford Foundation.
The rate of change can be rapid.
When Rep. Ilhan Omar won her first election to the Minnesota State House in 2016, she was the first Somali Muslim elected official in the state and the country. There are now five including two in the Minnesota State Senate and three more in the Minnesota State House.
In 2019, Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell became the first Muslim in Pennsylvania’s state House. While she resigned after stealing from a charity meant to help children, there are now three: Rep. Tarik Khan, Rep. Jason Dawkins and Rep. Carol Kazeem. Khan was backed by Emgage PAC.
Connecticut has a Muslim House member and a state senator who also serves as Deputy President Pro Tempore. In Maine, despite a Muslim population estimated at 16,000 or less than 0.5%. three Muslim women were elected to the state legislature.
The midterms showed that even states with small or limited Muslim populations can elect a surprising number of Islamic legislators when they benefit from effective national and state organizations, and backing from Democrats and leftist groups searching for diversity.
Exposing the Machine
Islamist networks in America have built a parallel political structure of nonprofits, action groups and PACs which tapped into funds from non-Muslim leftist and Democrat donors. This parallel Islamic election machine has solicited government grants and funds from foundations, but as the aftermath of Oct 7 shows, it has remained focused on its overriding goals.
And those goals are not only hostile to Israel, but to America and the free world.
The rise of Islamist political power was made possible by outside funding from federal and local governments, from Democrat and left-wing foundations. Muslim voter turnout initiatives at mosques feed into some of the billions flowing from Democratic Party allied organizations to boost minority voter turnout, and from local social welfare and health grants.
CAIR’s integration within the Democratic Party’s electoral machine has been so total that the Democratic operatives and donors of the Movement Voter Project are fundraising for it even though CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad was caught on video celebrating the Oct 7 attack..
Islamist political power is not an independent achievement, but a dependent one.
Cutting off public, political and private funding for the Election Jihad is crucial for national security and for reversing America’s drift away from resisting Islamic terrorism.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s “Election Jihad” report exposes the machine, shows how it’s funded and points the way to the defunding of the Election Jihad against America. ORDER IT: HERE.
The U.S. government kicked out anarchists after a few bombings in 1919. 1000s were rounded up; over 500 were deported.
It put a stop to their bombings.
Back then we met such terroristic activity with resolve.
Now when muslims show clearly that their allegiance to islam & against America, we grovel.
Back in the Bush43 administration the “6 flying imans” staged a brazen dry run on an airline. Instead of being beaten to a lifeless jelly, they were financially rewarded – courtesy of Sec. Mineta whom Bush43 left in as Trans Sec.
Back in jug-eared Barry’s administration, Muhammad Ahmed a.k.a. “bomb boy” staged a dry run at school.
Instead of that little prick and his activist family being deported, he was lavished with awards & a trip to the White House.
Several examples demonstrate that our response to 911, was capitulation to islam. That stage was set when Bush called it a “religion-of-peace”, and allowed Sec. Mineta to threaten any who “violated” any muslim’s “rights”.
Politicians took a look at the bullshit religion/ideology that attacked America, and thought “Let’s bring 1000s upon 1000s more of that to our shores!”
Oct 7th showed what normal Americans already knew – islam is evil bullshit, and dumping it in our neighborhoods was, and still is a big mistake.
I am constantly disappointed by conservatives who seem ever ready to provide their opponents with weapon that will be turned against them.
If the government acquires the power to mistreat Muslims because of their religious beliefs, who do you think will be next on the list? Church of Scientology? No, it will be Jews.
Look at the incredibly biased court system that sentences Jan 6 rioters to years in jail, but gives sentences of a few months to BLM rioters. Damage on Jan 6 was a few million dollars. The BLM riots were responsible for dozens of deaths and several billion dollars in damage.
Jan 6 rioters are still being pursued yet nothing is done to the BLM grifters who bilked companies out of millions of dollars.
Every charge of preferring a foreign Islamic state to the American Republic could also be laid against Jews who support Israel. Unjust you say? Unfair you say? Yes, those are exactly the results that biased courts produce.
Do not provide more weapons to those that would destroy us.
I’m not advocating the ever bigger gov’t go after muslims (maybe stop importing them).
I’m advocating that a much smaller gov’t get out of our way when muslims inevitably pull their stunts& we need to take care of business.
But that’ll never happen. Shithead politicians dumped tons of trash on our streets & now we’re stuck with it.
Nonsense. If we do not stop Islam … we lose everything.
Conservatives need to figure out how to stop the Left-Islam alliance before we are forced to live like Copts in Egypt do …
Anna Eskamani, FL House Dist. 42, Jihadi.
Import Islamofascist colonists and this is the result. It has happened in France, Sweden, Germany, UK, Australia, etc.
The Islamofascist Empire already has 56 colonies. Time to rein them in and kick them out
Biased PBS pushing terrorist Hamas propaganda, again.
PBS News hour, Feb.29, 2024
Former Al Jazeera (Al jihadzeera) journalist, Nick Schifrin aired an Al Jazeera clip about the deaths of stampede as crowd storms aid trucks. Then a short clip of the IDF in which it clarifies it did not fire at people who were trying to get aid, but fired [at those] when facing a danger.
Yet, minutes latet, Geoff Bennett, had interviewed Jeremy Konyndyk, Jeff outright began in stating, as a matter of fact, that Israel (supposedly) “fired on the people” attempting to get aid.
He then quoted Amna Nawaz’s citing “Gaza health ministry” about the toll, Jeff stated that the “Gaza health ministry” as “widely reliable,” omitting that it is actually by Hamas, who, of course has always been using civilians. The only side in interest of maximizing fatalities.
1. The toll, if it is even accurate, includes terrorists, theiir hepers and civilians. Bibi Netanyahu said that it is 1 per 1.
2. Palestinian gunmen did open fire too today.
3. The IDF also replied to I. Tyab of CBS that it was only a small group who were fired upon, and after being warned not to approach them.
4. The IDF fire came AFTER the stampede began.
Proud to be “Islamophobic”…1400 years of never ending terror by Islam’s many factions and we,STILL DON’T GET IT???? Who is really stupid???
As of 2013, the combined GDP (nominal) of 60 Muslim majority countries was US$5.7 trillion.
Well, well, only 60 majority countries so far in 1400 years…now they want all of Europe, America, and if course, Israel… only 1400 years of terrorism and we still humor them in their phoney pity parties for Palestinian hostages that they USE in their “extortion-for-land” and big charity bucks $$$ games?
As of 2013, the combined
GDP (nominal) of 60
Muslim majority countries
was US$5.7 trillion.
Well, well, only 60 majority
countries so far in 1400 they want all
of Europe, America, and if
course, Israel…only 1400
years of terrorism and we
still humor them in their
phoney pity parties for
Palestinian hostages that
they USE in their
“extortion-for-land” and
big charity bucks $$$ games.
Why blaming Islamists. They are doing what everyone else does. Gaming the system for their own power grab. The ones who should be blamed are the Marxist commieKKKratrs. Such as Slick Willie who flooded MN with Somali Islamist. Or Bush who declare Islam religion of Peace and let in millions of Islamist. into America. I Don’t need to mention what Hussein O, and Crooked Joe have done.. The reality is the next holocaust is not going to be against The Jews but Christians. and so-called peace loving liberal atheist lefties. Oct 7 was a preview of what it is coming to Europe and America.. Buckle up is going to be a bumpy road ahead.
Leftists and their Islamist allies are both to blame.
1400 years of jihad against the west and Jews and were still stupidly not fighting back big time and stopping importation of Islam into North America . Religious freedom was meant for catholic and protestants only , Not every religion on the planet especially a religion that wants too kill nonbelievers.
As Biden continues to kill our country, I hope he remembers to turn out the lights when it’s over.. I have no words to describe the frustration that shadows my soul. Without the promises of Christ, I’d be fully dependent upon a politician….how sad would that be?
What they are hijacking is our body politic. History shows that when they approach ten percent of the population, they start throwing their weight around, and this is never a good thing for the nation that must endure this. Ask the Brits, the French, the Swedes, the Krauts . . .
In Denmark, an islamist duchebag just couldn’t resist . . . he smuggly told that islam would take over in a few generations.
What’s truly frustrating is that his point was valid. (Chickenshit politicians don’t dump these thugs in their gated palisades; they dump ’em in ours.)
Demands, threats, more demands, more threats …
Cut off all funding of these radical Islamic extremists trying to force us all to all be Islamic
I was thinking we need to cut something else off these islamic thugs.
If lawsuits were brought against these liars, it would curb their lies and misinformation.
It makes you wonder why on earth would ANYBODY vote for any Moose-lim to represent America??? You’d have to be some special kind of moron to think that these people have Americans’ best interests at heart.
Good point.
The problem is that our schools don’t teach critical thinking skills; they program gullible “skulls full of mush” only to respond in emotional knee-jeck fashion to all things that made America great.
Muslims are awarded “oppressed” status.
Rural white people are awarded “oppressor” status.
(“National Christianity” is now being marketed to help leftists turn MAGA into what Stalin did to “Kulaks” in the ’30s.)
FL House dist. 47, Anna Eskamani.
Correction: Dist. 42.
Libs are naive and ill-informed.
Pretty sure the machines don’t care who they vote for … if you catch my drift.
We need an American Administration in place. Then we need to make it clear centers of terrorism are not “a people”, and people within our borders who support such terrorists are the makeup of a watchlist and potential deportation schedule, if they are foreign born.
And who invited these maniacs here?
LeftTwats anti-freedom terrorists
Dubya didn’t stop them. BO brought in most.
Bush 41 dumped all Iraqi POWs in Dearborn, MI.
I’m sure they were grateful not to be returned to Saddam.
Problem is the next generation were schooled in public schools i.e. hate-America madrassas.
Now Dearborn has become an islamist shithole.
Just imagine if any other group would mobilize to get only members of that group elected.
For example, whites only, blacks only, Christians only, etc…
It’s way passed time to expose islam as a real fascistic and genocidal ideology. There is no shortage of evidence. Evils of islam must be revealed in the media, mandatory briefing in all government branches and all schools.
Forget the public schools.
What we’re seeing here… is the results of the Luciferian Globalists of America being behind 911…
Which created the Fake War on Terrorism… which led to the spreading of satanic worshiping muslims across this world… under the guise of persecution… through immigration.
Fake war on terrorism?
Where’s my previous comment? Which had several ‘Thumbs Up’?
Are we deleting comments now?
easy fix. kill three birds with one stone. put the homeless population in office. replace all u.s. elected representation with a homeless person, with the understanding that no new law. legislation or regulation be put in place. don’t bother showing up for work, we will provide wage, healthcare and retirement. every year a new homeless is put in place. the united states population is civil group, we are fully capable of self governing. the current representation is so corrupt, we would be better off with no representation. jihadi problem gone. its a win win win. retain only qualified battle hardened military generals to administer foreign affairs and protection of the citizens. continue as needed, until some semblance of reasonable represented leadership is acquired.
Back in the 90’s, Muslims gained political power in the borough where I lived. There was a municipally funded Eid party each year, and many of the tickets were reserved for the Manchester-based family of the Council Leader for this London borough. It got to the point where I split my vote between parties, because I did not want to vote in a Muslim Councillor, of whatever political stripe.
We don’t w ant their Sharia Laws forced upon us Period
There are about 3,000 mosques in America and more rapidly being built. We have to get the US Supreme Court to decide that Islam is not a religion, but a violent political movement intent on enslaving the world. Then we need to tear down every last one of those mosques.
The huge Cordoba mosque was a nice “fock you America” statement that an activist, lying muslim pushed to be built near ground zero.
It’svery name “Cordoba” is proof of the in-your-face stunt that imam was pulling. (Speaking of liars, Bloomberg said a veteran said he fought for the freedom of that bullshit mosque to be built. No vet ever said that.)
The ruin of of America won’t be due to islam spreading within like a cancer per se.
It will be entirely the fault of leftists (and softies like both Bushes) who deliberately injected them into our nation.
(These leftist fools feel secure in their gated & posh neighborhoods. They’ll eventually find out their palisades won’t be off limits forever.)
Not just Muslims, but virtually all Soros-beholden / antisemitic politicians, media, universities, and activist organizations are part if the problem.
muslims can see they are on a roll as I watch young Western girls march alongside young muslim boys screaming about killing the Jews while supporting the Hamas thugs that savagely slaughtered young girls just like them as they danced at a Music Festival in the Negev Desert and these same young Western girls then start denigrating the Israeli MEN that are hunting down these rapist savage barbarians…. WTF ??.
To see so many of today,s youth supporting a gang of rapist thugs that follow a Fascist Religious Cult that despises the very existence of this same youth like these young girls leads me to call them the Useful Idiot Generation.
Meanwhile muslims around the World are laughing in the faces of these Far Left morons and silly wee girls and soon such a group as these antifa or Queers for Palestine idiots will be wake up from their woke slumber when its too late.
Im glad Im 75 and not 25.
Why should Islamists be any different than any other Anti-American group? The Democratic Party has been hijacking our elections for a long time now.
Look at every left-leaning wimpy regime that welcomes camel/goat botherers in an immigrants and we see that massive trouble starts long before these degenerates have a political majority. Once they have a sizable minority civil society starts to degenerate into a “Muslim might makes right” hell. It’s the typical leftist approach: sacrifice the normal to the abnormal.
There is movement that is known as the “Stealth jihad.” The technique is practiced by Muslims who are also stealth jihadists to infiltrate and even influence the election system of the United States.
This Muslim scheme is one aspect for achieving their Islamic agenda is as, many times, as subtly effective as it is demonically clever. Furthermore, this Islamic gradualism, in some ways, is very similar to the instruction printed in the book entitled THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu. Which reads, “At first, then, exhibit the coyness of a maiden, until the enemy gives you an opening; afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to opposes you”
Those insidious stealth jihadists are even attempting to sabotage and subvert the US elections.
They sure have much gall, Islamic gall.
I(f my comments are going to be deleted… then let me know…
That way… I’ll drop my monthly contribution to FPM…
What if instead of Islamist candidates running for office and infiltrating every fiber of our Republic, it was remnants of the NAZI ideology or National Socialists. What would Homeland Security do ???
I want Islamists to be treated as a radical politically fascist entity unwelcome and dangerous to the Constitution of the United States.
In England, politicians of the Conservative sort are being life threatened when they voice their concern. That proves they are dangerous.
That group will not allow dissenting opinions without them threatening to take lives.
WTF, Who is ready to grow a pair and for right now NIP THIS IN THE BUD.
We cannot allow anything that will destroy our way of life and this is it. A group that is strongly in support of an ideology NOT the Constitution.
Conservatives must grow a pair and we must warn the American people everyday ofvthe danger of Islamization.
Come on !!!