The only consistent thing about Native American Libertarian/Republican Elizabeth Warren is her inconsistency.
Or rather her willingness to reinvent her identity on any terms that serve her career interests at any given moment. All politicians, yes, including Bernie Sanders, do that, but Warren stands out for the sheer cynicism of her flip-flopping.
In the thick of primary season, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden brawled over “Medicare for All”: He called her approach “angry,” “elitist,” “condescending”; she shot back, anyone who defends the health care status quo with industry talking points is “running in the wrong presidential primary.”
Six months later, with Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee and Warren in the running for VP, she is striking a more harmonious chord.
“I think right now people want to see improvements in our health care system, and that means strengthening the Affordable Care Act,” she told students at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics this week, while adding that she still wants to get to single payer eventually.
Clearly Warren was in the wrong primary. Or, rather, after Biden’s win, Warren wants to be his VP. Or get a cabinet position.
Flashback, though, in 2016, Warren was opposed to a government takeover and called for supporting ObamaCare. Then she flipped around, realizing that she’d be up against Bernie, so she decided to sign on to his signature policy. Like everything Warren did it was a clever bit of strategizing that flopped in the real world and took her out campaign.
Now she’s flipping back.
The one thing you can count on Warren doing is saying whatever serves her interests. In some ways she’s a perfect partner for Joe Biden. If only every single person didn’t hate her.
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