There I fixed that Reuters headline.
State lawyers arguing against Biden vaccine mandates test positive for COVID-19 – Reuters
This isn’t news. It’s not even the pretense of news. It’s clickbait coronavirus schadenfreude in which people whose politics you disagree with testing positive somehow proves that they’re bad people.
What about Senator Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, and a whole bunch of other Dems testing positive?
Sen. Chris Coons became the 10th member of Congress to test positive for COVID-19 this week as the omicron variant has let to a spike in cases in Washington, D.C. and across the country.
Schakowsky tweeted Wednesday night that her husband tested positive on Friday and after several negative tests the congresswoman tested positive Tuesday night. The couple is vaccinated and boosted.
Schakowsky’s tweets came shortly after Clyburn, the No. 3 Democrat and chair of the coronavirus select committee, said he tested positive for COVID – forcing him to miss his granddaughter’s wedding.
As an 81-year-old, I’m going to speculate that Clyburn is probably more at risk than 34-year-old Ohio solicitor general Benjamin Flowers.
Flowers is vaccinated and boosted and initially tested positive after Christmas, according to a statement from the Ohio attorney general’s office.
So what exactly is the point here? Beyond the nastiest kind of COVID culture war clickbait? But that’s the only point anymore. The media is a narrative engine catering to the prejudices of a particular kind of toxic lefty elite.
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