In her official defeat statement, Senator Elizabeth Warren, in a fit of vanity, falsely claimed that her campaign had “shown that a woman can stand up, hold her ground, and stay true to herself – no matter what.”
That woman is presumably her.
Not only did Warren not hold her ground, but she didn’t stay true to herself.
Indeed her statement congratulates herself on not taking money from ” corporate executives and billionaires”, but that selling point went by the wayside before Super Tuesday when a pro-Warren PAC, Persist PAC, dropped millions in advertising on her behalf.
Warren, a former PAC opponent, had nothing to say about that.
But Warren has never been true to herself. She got ahead academically by falsely claiming to be an American Indian and began her campaign trying to prop up that lie with a laughable DNA test. She’s a former Republican, who palled around with libertarians, when it served her career, before transforming into an uber-lefty when it served her career. She’s a former corporate lawyer who transformed into a fighter for the consumer when it served her interests. And she’s an overpaid academic denouncing everyone else for not making college more affordable.
Warren’s life and career are a nesting doll set of infinite hypocrisies. She’s never been true to herself. There is no “her”.
Warren is a politician who falsely claimed she was fired because she was pregnant. Who has lied about the most basic elements of her life and identity. Who either has no notion or no interest in truth.
“Together 1.25 million people gave more than $112m to support this campaign,” Warren writes.
Talk about wasted money.
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