I wrote about the sexual harassment in Bernie Sanders’ campaign last spring. I was the only who put together an article pulling together the different accounts into a comprehensive piece. The media kept the story under its black umbrella because it was fond of Bernie.
Now it’s pushing the stories as a dirty trick operation by one of Bernie’s 2020 opponents. (Feel free to guess which one) This is why the media’s posturing as journalists acting in the public interest is a despicable joke. There’s nothing new about these stories.
Instead the media continues reminding us that it’s the opposition research arm of certain Democrats and lefty politicians. And should always be treated as such.
Here’s part of my article from 2017.
The floodgates opened when it was revealed that six senior staffers from the Bernie campaign had complained about Carmona’s behavior. Instead of disciplining him, the Sanders campaign promoted their Latino Outreach man even higher in the campaign. The scandalous revelations soon dragged in Rich Pelletier, Bernie’s national field director, who was accused of covering up for Carmona.
Bernie’s national field director and deputy political director were in the middle of a political firestorm. Masha Mendieta, the California outreach director for the Sanders campaign, reported that in Chicago, “men and women were made to sleep together in open rooms on mattresses with no privacy or safety locks.”
“I remember feeling physically unsafe at that point. I sat on the stairs in that drab house being told I’d have to sleep in a room with three other men and felt nauseous,” she wrote.
But this was the campaign of a candidate who had once written, “A woman enjoys intercourse with her man as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”
This was the ugly underside of the Revolution. Bernie’s Latino Outreach female staffers were allegedly hired for their looks by Carmona. Erika Andiola, a prominent illegal alien activist who had served as Sanders’ Latino press secretary, complained of “a HUGE culture of sexism.”
While Bernie has bemoaned a gender wage gap, she noted that, “Every single man in the department made more than ALL the women. Most of the women were hired as interns.”
Giulianna Di Lauro, a national Bernie campaign strategist, discussed feeling “fearful of reprisal for ‘derailing’ a powerful man’s high profile political campaign” and fearful of “having my traumatic experiences dismissed.”
Now the media has decided to get on board in order to stop Bernie, in order to help one of his potential opponents.
More than two dozen women and men who worked on Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign are seeking a meeting with the senator and his top political advisers to “discuss the issue of sexual violence and harassment on the 2016 campaign, for the purpose of planning to mitigate the issue in the upcoming presidential cycle,” according to a copy of letter obtained by POLITICO.
“In recent weeks there has been an ongoing conversation on social media, in texts, and in person, about the untenable and dangerous dynamic that developed during our campaign,” they wrote.
Organizers of the effort said they did not intend for the letter to become public, but they confirmed that they sent it to senior Sanders officials on Sunday afternoon.
Of course they intended it to be public.
Letters that appear, in a PDF embed, in Politico, are meant to be public. And to do as much damage as possible.
The letter is understated. It’s a warning to Bernie. Don’t jump into the race or all the dirt will come out. We’ll see if Bernie lets the horse’s head in his bed keep him from running.
The curious question is who’s pushing this?
Lately there’s been some infighting with Beto’s people, but I don’t see them having the weight to pull this off yet. My bet is on Elizabeth Warren. They both have overlapping demographics and Bernie essentially took her place in the 2016 campaign.
Warren is getting desperate, she just announced, and this would be a perfect angle of attack for her on Bernie. They’re not too different otherwise. But this way, Warren can go after him on sexual harassment, playing the gender card, and delivering a body blow.
Warren will lose. But she is coming out fighting out of the gate.
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