Senator Elizabeth Warren frantically scurries from one place to another, like a socialist hamster, announcing more grand new plans than a Soviet commissar on three gallons of Vodka. There are plans for every area of life. Any day now there will be a five-year sock plan.
All these plans are purely fantasy because Warren will never even have the chance to run against President Trump.
Her campaign never took off and the only consistent message put out by Warren’s supporters are that her failure to catch fire is sexism’s fault. Someone tell that to Senator Kamala Harris, who seems to be doing just fine, despite being a woman and a minority. The only thing that the sexism whines do is remind everyone that Elizabeth Warren is just Hillary Clinton without the charm, the ethics or the racial diversity.
All of her eager lefty gimmicks have gone untouched. She’s polling poorly and burning through her money.
She raised about $6 million in the first quarter, despite her sweeping national profile and the fact that she had the full three months of the first quarter to fundraise, as opposed to others who jumped into the race mid-quarter.
But more ominous than her fundraising total is her campaign’s spending. Of the roughly $6 million she brought in, she spent $5.2 million. That’s a burn rate of more than 80 percent — among the highest of any candidate in the race.
The only major candidate performing worse than Warren is Senator Gillibrand.
Somewhere Iron Eyes Cody is shedding a tear.
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