Elizabeth Warren left the race bragging that she had destroyed Bloomberg. More accurately, Bloomberg’s entry had killed off her campaign, and she helped kill off his. But what really did it was the Dems uniting behind Biden to stop Bernie Sanders.
The Sanders campaign then tried to win her endorsement, but Warren and her people loathed them. And what would be the incentive in endorsing a dead end candidate anyway? Warren can do the math. Endorsing Bernie didn’t pay, but endorsing Biden this late in the game would pay limited dividends and squander her lefty credibility. So Warren didn’t endorse anyone. Which isn’t to say she won’t.
Her calculus is to wait until Biden all but has the nomination locked up, cut a deal, and get in before the Sanders endorsement.
And that’s probably the best deal she can get. Not that it matters.
Warren is 70. Unlike Sanders and Biden, she’s going to have another shot in 2024 from anyone stupid enough to toss money her way.
All she needs now is to get some of her people jobs so she has a network if Biden wins and some temporary paying gigs for them if he doesn’t.
That’s Warren. Always calculating.
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