Super Tuesday leaves two zombie candidates in the race, Bloomberg and Warren.
In theory, ruthless foes, in practice, fellow zombies with nowhere to go.
Bloomberg got into the race as a replacement for Biden. Warren was Plan A for the people who would eventually adopt Bernie as Plan B back in 2016. Both Bloomberg and Warren depended on the A candidates, Biden and Sanders, imploding.
Biden’s revival and Bloomberg’s collapse leaves his campaign in limbo. Sanders failed to seal the deal on Super Tuesday, but it’s unlikely that much of the bulk of the Sandernistas will join Warren.
She did have their chance already. Twice.
Warren’s whole selling point was being 70% of the Sanders proposals, but in a package that Democrats wouldn’t unite against the way that they did Sanders. It was a shrewd strategy, that was artificial and calculating. That in a nutshell was always Warren’s problem.
A belated sales pitch for Sanders’ agenda without the overt socialism is Warren’s only pitch. “I’m like Bernie,” she can say, “with control over my brain and vocal chords.”
But this is not an era where political calculation is a selling point.
That’s why Biden and Sanders, two candidates with terrible self-control, have emerged as being authentic, while the calculating candidates who had plans for everything, Bloomberg and Warren, are stuck with zombie campaigns.
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