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On Saturday, in the middle of the night, a truce was finally concluded between the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and Israel, under the White House tenant’s suffocating dome. Israel indeed succeeded in hammering up the Islamic Jihad, but was that the fundamental objective? Or, at least, was it as anticipated by all Israelis — mostly from the country’s southern area?
The real objective was to annihilate, to wipe it out without any possibility of remission because in the end, damaged or not, Islamic Jihad will perpetuate its harmful and murderous activities against Israel, assisted by all those who support it and enable it to return triumphantly to the scene of the so-called Palestinian conflict.
So, this morning, Israelis feel very uncomfortable. Some claim they have been fooled, others, with sad looks on their faces, uttered that this was predictable and that it was certainly not going to change even with the right-right government.
The majority raised the disturbing question: If Israel cannot dismember Islamic Jihad, an insignificant terrorist party compared to Hamas, will it be able to defeat the latter, which is much better prepared, organized, and equipped with a great arsenal and a large human contingent?
It is also true that the Israeli army, during this operation, proved to the entire world — friends and enemies alike — its organizational skills, the faith and loyalty of its citizens, the effectiveness of its advanced weapons, and its ability not to harm Palestinian civilians… unlike all the Western powers while facing military challenges of this caliber. And unlike the Palestinian terrorists of all stripes who shamelessly target Israeli civilians intending to kill them.
I still see before my very eyes the features of that Islamic Jihad monster, who in 2004 shot a pregnant woman and her four daughters in the back seat of their car at close range. None survived.
But let’s leave aside the compliments and the undeniable admiration we feel towards the Israeli army’s prowess, and make a concrete analysis of Israel’s calamitous retreat, without having achieved a glittering victory, without having defeated the enemy once and for all.
The bitter taste that results from this situation emerged from the fact that Israel avoids prolonged military excursions due to a fear of getting bogged down in a military ground confrontation that would cost a lot of human lives, especially soldiers. This aspect apparently forces Israel to make a hasty exit before an unforeseen accident changes the situation and throws her into the international arena — in this case, the United Nations and the United States.
And therefore, Israel will enjoy a temporary truce with a tenacious enemy that will certainly not fail to infiltrate its daily life both within Israel and in the so-called Palestinian territories, where there are nests of volunteers for a full-scale slaughter of Jews.
To see whether Islamic Jihad abides by the truce (which it has already broken), let us rendezvous in six months, a year, or even just a few days, when Israel celebrates its reconquest of Jerusalem with its provocative nationalist Flag March on Thursday.
Therese Zrihen-Dvir is an Israeli-Canadian citizen, born in Morocco, living in Israel since 1967. A columnist in French newspapers, she has published some 25 books in 3 languages: French, English, and Hebrew.
The majority raised the disturbing question:
The majority didn’t ask the right question: does Israel want to enter Gaza to do the job–which it can– or not? If it does it must fight Hamas toe-to-toe in warren of alleys surrounded by tall buildings and in many, many bunkers. The job cant be done from the air. Then what comes after?
The Islamist thugs hide behind their civilian population, a shield of woman and children.
that stays in place when the shooting starts. There will be no peace until Israel reclaims.
all of the land promised to Abraham, that is Israel and the true home of Jews. The present
American administration cannot be trusted. Pray that Donald Trump returns.
All those Muslims in power in that “mullah regime” of Iran with hates the Jewish people as well as the State of Israel and wants her to be destroyed and use their stooge jihad organizations ,Hamas and Hezbollah to attempt to weaken and then eliminated the Jewish State ,once and for all are in reality delusional.
Those ayatollahs and mullahs and others in control of that hostile Israel hating tyranny of Iran have no idea, at all, that they are fated to totally fated to fail in their Islamic quest to destroy Israel.
The reason that this is so is because God is for Israel and will not let her be destroyed no matter how hard those malice-filled Israel despising imams and other Muslims clerics and their President Raisi will strive against Israel , they are all greatly overruled by God.
For example, the Bible in Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special treasure.” [N.K.J.V.]
It needs to be made known that those jihadist’s terror/ murder organizations Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Islamic Jihad and of other Islamic terrorist’s entities, which are stooge jihad terror ,tools of Iran are fated to fail in their goal of destroying the Jewish State of Israel and replacing her with an Islamic “state.”
The reasons why is because those Muslim terror/murder organizations are all overruled by God This is so is because according to the Bible the Jews have all the land that now makes up the State of Israel ,including the West Bank by Divine Right. As found in Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105: 7-11. 135: 4.
As the Bible in Psalm 135:4 reads “For the Lord has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His special treasure.” [N.K.J.V.]
Furthermore, the Jews should have all this land by historic rights. As seen in First Kings 4; 20,21,24,25. 8:55, 56.
Israel simply has lost the plot since the 1967 war. The genocidal Arabs lost but they survived to kill civilians on another day. The dumbest part is not only did the enemy survive, but they hijacked an identity, fabricated a false history, and Israelis happily went along with this propaganda, which is roundly accepted by officialdom as fact. Israel should not be complaining if the western media keep bringing up the invented fiction of an Arab state of Palestine, because Israelis are calling them Palestinians as well. And to rub it in, the Israeli government continues to try to work with implacable terrorist organizations, Hamas, the PA, and now Islamic Jihad. Should anyone be shocked they broke the truce ? No moral, thinking person would even want to talk ceasefire with murderous killers who initiated the violence. There can only be one course of action to realize peace, and that is to eliminate all who are bent on destroying Israel, no matter what disguise and deceit they employ.
Hi Goh. Your comment is a bullseye. Who are you? Where are you from?
Truces don’t work with these people (the jihadists). They have publicly declared their commitment to annihilate Israel many times, they lie through their teeth repeatedly, and have turned down the many attempts by Israel to keep the peace. Why would anybody with a sane mind believe them now?
Goh Heung Yong states it well. Unfortunately he states the obvious, the obvious that is not evident to too many Israelis. In my observation, a majority of Jewish Israelis are delighted and relieved by the recent, yet again ceasefire. Most feel that something significant has been accomplished by knocking off some muslim leaders, bombing some of their weapons facilities and bowing to implied threats from the EU and Democrat Party. Most Israelis, including the effete general staff and the Members of Knesset, have embraced the “mowing the lawn” paradigm. Victory is not only not on the agenda; it is not even in the consciousness. Millions of civilians terrorized and traumatized by missile attacks and air raid sirens are deemed acceptable, as are deaths as long as there are not too many too often, as are mini-wars every year or two. The IDF operates under an entirely transformed, hesitant, limited, impotent military doctrine. This destructive outlook is longstanding and deeply embedded in the Israeli military leadership, elected leadership and population.