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Environmentalists claim that global warming caused by people driving to work and cooling their homes causes natural disasters. In reality, environmentalists cause natural disasters by blocking sensible policies like forestry management and dams, and then once a disaster, like fire or flooding is underway, they contrive to do what they can to block any kind of relief because they believe in worsening natural disasters to convince people of their cause and give them unlimited power to destroy our lives.
Here it is again in Maui. Environmentalists are blaming the fires on global warming. This isn’t global warming at work, it’s the climate cult hiding behind some ‘indigenous’ mumbo jumbo to defend their crimes.
With wildfires ravaging West Maui on Aug. 8, a state water official delayed the release of water that landowners wanted to help protect their property from fires. The water standoff played out over much of the day and the water didn’t come until too late.
Specifically, according to accounts of four people with knowledge of the situation, M. Kaleo Manuel, a Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner and DLNR’s deputy director for water resource management, initially balked at West Maui Land Co.’s requests for additional water to help prevent the fire from spreading to properties managed by the company.
According to the sources, Manuel wanted West Maui Land to get permission from a taro, or kalo, farm located downstream from the company’s property. Manuel eventually released water but not until after the fire had spread. It was not clear on Monday how much damage the fire did in the interim or whether homes were damaged.
However, Gov. Josh Green spoke candidly Monday during a press briefing about conflicts over water on Maui – although not the DLNR-West Maui Land Co. incident directly – and encouraged news media to explore the issue. The conflicts are rooted in the diversion of water by large plantations, which starved downstream users from a resource essential for Native Hawaiian agriculture, particularly the traditional practice of growing taro or kalo. ‘
But the governor said conflicts over water are being reshaped in an age of climate change and wildfires. Now the conflict includes opponents who do not want water to be used to fight fires, the governor said.
“One thing that people need to understand especially those from far away is that there’s been a great deal of water conflict on Maui for many years,” Green said. “It’s important that we’re honest about this. People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires. I’ll leave that to you to explore.”
Here’s more about Manuel.
Kaleo Manuel — 2019 Obama Asia Pacific Leaders program “Kaleo is the Deputy Director of the State of Hawaiʻi Commission on Water Resource Management. He believes that ancient wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge of native peoples will help save the Earth. Kaleo is passionate about elevating native and indigenous ways of knowing in all spheres of discourse and dialogue.”
Also, people dying in wildfires.
The cult meanwhile blames western forces and their evil technology.
News Release from Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Aug 10, 2023
The fires are in part due to the climate crisis, a history of colonialism in our islands, and the loss of our right to steward our ʻāina and wai. We have watched our precious cultural assets, our physical connection to our ancestors, our places of remembering – all go up in smoke. The same western forces that tried to erase us as a people now threaten our survival with their destructive practices.
Behind all this are the usual leftist ecofascists who believe humanity, especially civilized industrial humanity, is a plague on the planet.
“Environmentalists claim that global warming caused by people driving to work and cooling their homes causes natural disasters.”
Hawaii has volcanoes literally spewing molten lava. These leftist have totally disordered thinking and affections.
And those volcanoes spew years’ worth of our peak CFC usage into the sky everyday, but we had to stop using cheap CFCs to save the ozone layer. Who made all the money off of the far more expensive CFC replacement? Any bets?
As for the Deputy Director of the State of Hawaiʻi Commission on Water Resource Management, the people of Lahaina should take the guy down to the nearest river and drown him in his beloved water.
There is no man-made global warming. PERIOD. It’s a lie. The powers that be hope we’re all too short of memory to remember that CO2 was going to cause the next ice age back in the late 1970’s. But, some of us older folks survived COVID and we remember all too well.
Any actual warming the globe is experiencing is caused by that big yellow ball up in the sky and the cyclical wobbling of the earth on its axis. Look up precession online. I’m sure most people have never heard of it and the global warming cultist would never mention it. It’s the primary reason for hotter that usual summers and colder than usual winters. Every climatologist on the planet knows about it. The ones that have never mentioned it are all dishonest.
Those volcanoes are also spewing Sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. The US Geological Survey admits they can’t even measure the output of even small accessible volcanic vents.
Great article Daniel, many thanks!!!
Just the topic that is most critical locally also. Big conflict over water. Here they want to take down dams on the pretense of saving the fish, while radically reducing the water supply for humans.
Plus the pseudo environmentalist theory of wildfires, that if we just let the fires burn down all the houses everything will be wonderful. People here fortunately had enough of that when the wildfires of recent years burned down lots of their houses. But the leftist environmentalists in the media are stealthily putting out lots of stories promoting how wonderful aboriginal fire practices were, and how wildfires are caused by global warming. Or climate change.
Wildfires need to be spotted quickly and put out early before they spread and get out of control. That is why the network of local fire spotting cameras has been so useful. But that depends on local political pressure on the politicians to act, as higher levels of government won’t help otherwise. So areas without a network of fire spotting cameras have to learn the hard way.
Then there is the issue of downed power lines causing wildfires and what remedial measures are needed. Again, fortunately, things got so bad here during the wildfires of recent years that political pressure to get remedial measures taken reached critical mass and solutions were found.
I know conspiracy theorists don’t like the fact that downed power lines are the cause, that something so mundane could be the reason, but that is the fact. I fell for the conspiracy theories myself at first a few years ago.
Ironically I was exposed to the idea of burying power lines even in the 1950s, as my Mom was a big advocate of burying power lines, but in her case that was for aesthetic reasons 🙂
Anyway, nothing like a wildfire burning down your house and threatening to burn you alive to get your attention, and rouse political pressure against the do-nothing politicians 🙂
Who let the Fire spread and cause all the Deaths of Innocents?! Sierra Club NRDC, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace Etc. who want few people on the Earth anyway
So, a quasi-human sacrifice?
Moloch is smiling along with Dementia Joe.
Why were homes of the super wealthy spared, if thats true? do they have their own water and fire fighters?
If they’re smart they do. They can get it for free from their insurance company.
Answer is yes. Stupid proles are unnecessary in the new world order.
Brilliant analysis that could apply to any Lefty “project” …
… take the plan outlined by Greenfield …
Erase the details and create a “form” or “spreadsheet” …
… and title it …
… How to commit maximum evil prevent any response and blame your enemies …
and there ya go.
Then …
Rinse and repeat.
Practically explains every disaster big and small over the last 200+ years …
A fire spreading like this, and waiting to release needed water here should be considered criminal – with both the damages and the deaths.
Thanks, for sharing that this one about the water. But, why am I not surprised? This leftist movement is anti-human as it is also anti-natural. But, it is always for yet more power and even – benefits for friends of the firm (government). As I am sure we all can shortly see coming from this fire.
Kaleo Manuel should be charged for contributing to the numbers of deaths caused by this fire. Multiple counts of negligent homicide.
Depraved indifference would be the proper charge.
Most disasters today such as the Lahaina fire are indeed caused by brainwashed idiot Democrats by enforcing counterproductive policies and teaching lies and propaganda to our kids (which in turn is caused by brainwashed idiot propaganda believing parents sending their kids off to the shrieking harpie Democrat teachers union run schools) It has been getting progressively worse every year. There is no limit on the perversity embodied in the teachers union harpies. Hawaii is a beautiful place, but it is a Democrat fools paradise, ready to blow. and destroy everyone.
“ʻāina and wai”?
I’m not even going to look that racist shit up.
Polynesians are stupid, ugly and drains on American welfare.
āina means land
wai means water
I have a link to a translator that is sometimes good.
I guess that isn’t so bad. When I’m wrong, I’m wrong.
What translator do you use?
I think this is it. Part of the time it works, part of the time it’s useless.
Oh, yeah, I use that one too. But you know Google. Half the time it screws you.
Google Maps is good when you’re driving, though. It even records how fast you’re driving and reports accidents or traffic snarls ahead.
Maybe they can appease the angry gods by tossing Kaleo Manuel into a volcano. It’s worth a try…
Whoever down voted me takes pineapples up the ass.
Back some years a go four young Firefighters in the State on Washington lost their lives when they refused a quest for water Drop because they were afraid a Fish might get scooped up. Just think four young lives sacrificed over a worthless Fish Kind of what Pagans would do
I’m with the writers at ‘The American Thinker’ on this one. There are some things that are extremely suspect here. No warning sirens, water turned off and now the feds are buying up the land as fast as they can get their hands on it. While the environmental set tried to blame it on global warming (as they blame everything on), it turned out to be a GREEN disaster. While the local power company was busy setting up new green tech and NOT doing their actual job of trimming grasses from transmission lines, they created the fire through neglect. How very California liberal of you.
I would put that Water official idiot on the Fires then make them pay from their own pockets the cost of it all
Its just the opposite. Those who are allowing these kind of things to happen are not environmentalists, who care about the environment, they are quite the opposite and abuse mother earth. to further their agenda. These fires are used to push people out of the land and enhance the cause of Green global energy, get rid of affordable energy with fossil fuels, and push solar and wind, which CANNOT SUSTAIN THE PLANET.
Critisizing today’s green agenda does not make one anti-environment and in favor of dirty air and water! The recent climate conference in Egypt much of November 22, called COP 27 revealed the cultish agenda. The conference called for a new ten commandments for climate justice and repenting from climate sins. They called for a new covenant…a covenant between man and creation. They don’t understand that God plans a new heaven and a new earth, yet 120 nations were in attendance doing their cue due dilligence for the earth. The media downplayed the event, so only a few outlets gave it serious attention. We surely see the bizarre way the world thinks is normal now. STEWARDSHIP IMPLIES CARETAKING, NOT ABUSING.
Critisizing today’s green agenda makes one fag, fag.
But, the governor said. What did you have to say?
Pretty much nothing in the main.
As if we’re supposed to be supposed to be surprises by your never ending nothing.
Good luck with your fires morons. Many kinds of fires in all kinds of places much smarter than you. apparently.
I mean I would have sympathy if you weren’t so deliberately retarded.
When are you going to wake up? Most likely never.
Yes of course they blocked that fagstrom you call Global warming to fight Global Warming. Hypoctites!!!!!!!!
Just do something. I’m tired. Do you understand?!!!!!! Most likely you can do absolutely zero.
This is what we’re supposed to deal with, These people that have never been in nature. These people that have never risked anything. Telling us about something.
Yea, get your fires under control Maui as if we;re supposed to treat you like punching out someone’s teeth isn’t special.
I guess it all comes down to Climate Change.
Volcanoes are going to volcano. Climate Change is going to climate change.