Are environmentalists really starting to jump the shark even among lefties?
First there was the campaign against Michael Moore. Now against President Obrador of Mexico. Here’s a taste of the hysteria.
The Mexican government has cited the coronavirus pandemic as a justification for new rules that will reduce the role of renewable energies like solar and wind power, granting a reprieve to the government’s own ageing, fossil-fuel power plants.
The decree over the weekend has sparked outrage among Mexican and foreign investors who had been allowed to sell their power into the government-operated grid. Industry associations said it will affect 28 solar and wind projects that were ready to go online, and 16 more under construction, with a total of $6.4 billion in investments, much of it from foreign firms.
Maybe next time don’t invest in scams?
Green energy is a subsidized scam. It’s a pyramid scheme which can only work by defrauding governments, investors, and ultimately, taxpayers. And considering the crisis, maybe trying to maintain a patchwork system that pays people to run solar panels should be secondary to providing reliable power to everyone. Especially during lockdowns and disease outbreaks.
Not for enviros of course. And the media which acts as their corrupt mouthpiece.
The government defended the new rules, saying they “will allow the National Electrical System to ensure reliability in the face of a decrease in demand for electrical power due to the pandemic, and due to the fact that renewable energy projects are intermittent and produce oscillation in the electrical system and cause interruptions. Power feeds from these sources will have to be postponed during the pandemic.”
What the article completely ignores is that green energy is unreliable.
Mexico’s state-owned energy setup, like those in most socialist systems, is a train wreck. But injecting unreliable wind and solar into it just makes it worse. Not better.
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